This Is What He Owes You

Jiang Guo sighed. "Of course, I've thought about it. But you know, I don't understand economics, so I don't know where to start."

"And, most importantly, Jiang Corporation's stock is plummeting right now. Even if I don't know the specific methods to rescue it, I do know that this situation requires a significant amount of capital. But I have very little funds at the moment. I can't even make a ripple in the stock market."

"Oh, don't be so inflexible. This is the perfect opportunity. If you don't seize it now, it'll be even more challenging to deal with Jiang Yuan after she gets through this difficult period."

At this point, Yi Yao paused and then continued, her voice carrying a hint of temptation. "Moreover, you may not have the capability, but there's someone around you who does."

"Ask for his help and offer him certain benefits, and this matter will be resolved, won't it?"