Exchanging Sincerity

Jiang Guo was incensed by Ji Yunchen's words. She clenched her teeth and stared at him. "Ji Yunchen, you are despicable and shameless. You always use the children to threaten me!"

Ji Yunchen replied with a casual smile, a hint of cunning in his expression. "The method may not be new, but as long as it works, it's effective."

Jiang Guo was at a loss for words. Although she was infuriated by Ji Yunchen's threats, his recent words had forced her to sit obediently in his car.

Seeing Jiang Guo's reaction, Ji Yunchen smiled with satisfaction and then shifted his gaze away. He drove towards the kindergarten.

When they arrived at their destination, it was time for the children to be released from school. The three siblings stood at the school gate, casually glancing at the passing vehicles. When they saw Ji Yunchen's car, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Daddy! Mommy!"

The three siblings jumped up and down, waving their little arms to get Jiang Guo and Ji Yunchen's attention.