I Won't Allow You to Distance Yourself from Me

Jiang Guo stared in disbelief at the shredded document and glared at Ji Yunchen in anger. "Ji Yunchen, are you out of your mind? If you're not satisfied with something, we can still discuss it. Why did you tear up the agreement?"

Ji Yunchen didn't respond immediately. He looked down at Jiang Guo with a cold, icy expression, which made her feel a bit uneasy. "Ji... Ji Yunchen, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" Ji Yunchen sneered. "Shouldn't that be the question you're asking yourself? No matter what happens, you should've repaid my favor first. Jiang Guo, I can't help but wonder, why are you so reluctant to owe me anything?"

Jiang Guo bit her lip and explained in a low voice, "I just don't want to owe you anything, especially when it comes to close family. We... we're a couple, even closer than siblings. Everything we have will be shared in the future, so helping you is the least I can do."