Ji Yunchen's Thoughtfulness

Jiang Guo nodded gently in response. "Yes, I heard."

For some reason, Ji Yunchen felt a bit flustered. He took a step closer, opened his mouth to explain, "Listen to me, just now I..."

"Mr. Ji, there's no need to explain," Jiang Guo's expression remained calm, and she smiled lightly. She continued, "I understand the meaning behind your words. You said those things earlier just to prevent my dad from bothering me. I know your intentions, and I appreciate it."

Ji Yunchen raised his gaze to look at Jiang Guo, and her clear eyes made it obvious that she genuinely felt this way.

Ji Yunchen took a few more steps towards Jiang Guo, approaching her until he was by her side. He then lowered his head to look at her, his eyes carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Do you really think that way?"

"Of course!"

"And you're not angry at all?"