You Can Never Take My Things Away

Jiang Guo raised her gaze and looked at the woman. A week ago, she had instructed Jiang Xingchang to announce her identity within the company. Since her arrival at the company, no one had tried to stop her. This indicated that Jiang Xingchang's message had been received by everyone in the company. Unless... it was intentional.

Jiang Guo raised her gaze once again to look at the woman. She could tell from the woman's sly expression that her guess was correct. In this company, there was only one person she knew who would try to seize the CEO's position and challenge her as the heir, and that person was Jiang Yuan. Therefore, the woman in front of her was undoubtedly one of Jiang Yuan's trusted aides.

With this realization, Jiang Guo let out a disdainful snort. She crossed her arms and looked coldly at the woman, countering, "Since you know this is the CEO's office, who gave you permission to come up here without my approval?"