Seek Daddy for a Solution

Following Jiang Guo's request, Lan Ming investigated everyone who had contact with Jiang Yuan during this period. He then compared this information with Ms. Chen's records, but there was no significant overlap. While there was no progress on Jiang Yuan's side, there were substantial findings related to Ms. Chen. Lan Ming discovered that six years ago, after leaving Jiang Yuan's side, Ms. Chen had received a considerable severance package from her.

At first, Ms. Chen and her family used this money to purchase a large residence, even improving their living standards. However, their good fortune was short-lived. Ms. Chen's husband developed a gambling addiction and had to sell their house to raise gambling funds. He even resorted to borrowing money at high-interest rates. Debt collectors came to Ms. Chen's home, but the details of their negotiation were unknown. Eventually, the high-interest loan sharks left.