I Want to Protect You

Jie Yunzhen cleared his throat and continued, "You heard what Lu Ming said just now, right? Someone claimed to have seen Jiang Yuan in the residential area where Chen Xiufen lived. So, as you mentioned, the woman who killed Chen Xiufen is likely Jiang Yuan, and her motive..."

As Jie Yunzhen spoke, he glanced at the USB drive on the table and continued, "The fact that she destroyed all of Chen Xiufen's electronic devices means she knew that Chen Xiufen had this video. If that's the case, it's only a matter of time before Jiang Yuan finds out about Chen Jiao."

Jiang Guo nodded and said, "I know that which is why I messaged her to be cautious."

"It's not just her who should be cautious!" Jie Yunzhen looked at Jiang Guo with a serious expression. "Since Jiang Yuan dared to attack you once, there may be a second time. So, I hope you will also be careful for your safety."