Jiang Yuan's Demands

"Tsk." Jiang Yuan clicked her tongue, clearly displeased. Then she said, "Jiang Guo, I'll give you a chance. As long as you agree to my demands, I'll immediately return Ji Ming to you. Of course, if you refuse or can't meet my conditions, I'll send Ji Ming's head to you directly!"

"You say it, I agree!" Jiang Guo was now in a state of panic. Upon hearing Jiang Yuan's voice, she quickly responded. With Jiang Yuan's statement, she would agree to her demands no matter what and even risk everything to fulfill them. All she wanted was to protect her child.

Hearing Jiang Guo's response, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but scoff lightly, her words laced with a hint of annoyance. She said coldly, "First, prepare one billion US dollars for me, and remember, I want it in cash. Second, provide me with two tickets to M country, as well as ensure our safe passage out of the country. After the plane takes off, we'll return the child to you."