King zevon palace
The king was in his chamber attending to the affairs of his people when the army commander ran to his chamber breathing heavily
Greetings your majesty
Greetings luke, to what do I owe this sudden visit
Your majesty the empire is under attack
What..... under attack by who
By the jopia army, they are besieging the empire, killing everyone
King zevon became reckless that he fell on his knees
Your majesty let's send word to King Arthur,he will help us
There's no way we can get to him on time,it is a two days journey to his palace
Just then a maid ran in
My Lord the princess just gave birth
Why doesn't this has to befall my people, am sorry I let you all down,i am a worthless King who couldn't save his people in distressed
It's not your fault my king, fate made it this way
What did she gave birth too
It a baby girl your majesty
The king hurryly rush to see his daughter,his wife was already there attending to her daughter
Greetings your majesty, they all greeted as soon as he entered
Greetings everyone
He went to his daughter and sat down beside her while she holds her child, feeling very weak
How are you my child?
Am fine father,i heard we are under attack, father please save my daughter,i don't want her to die, she too little and innocent please don't let them take away her life, she was crying while speaking
I won't let anything happens to you or my grand daughter, both of you will leave this place alive i promise
It's too late father,i don't think I will survive,am too weak to move, have her father, she handed the child to her father
Please make sure she is saved, saying that she died that that moment
King zevon wept bitterly over the death of his daughter and so is the Royal family
The steward came to announce to him that kind artaxerxes has entered the palace,he looks at the little child in his arm who was sleeping soundly
He gave to the commander and ordered him to take her to thone empire to King Arthur and explain things to him, the commander quickly ran away with the child as fast as he can through the secret passway inside the king's palace
King artaxerxes finally entered the throne room and met king zevon
You fool,did you think you can go against our agreement and go Free
Have mercy king xerxes,i am the one that wrong you, please spare my family
I have never showed mercy to anyone ever in my entire life but since you plead i will Grant your request, come closer
King zevon was excited that he agreed to spare his family and went to him
King artaxerxes hugged him petting him on the back before stabing him in his stomach
Did you ever think i will spare you worthless omegas, you are such a weakly and don't deserve to be among the vampires realms, your entire family with also die a miserable death
He stabbed him multiple times till he died, the queen ran to her death husband crying while king artaxerxes cut off her head
He killed the entire family and went away with some of the Omegas as a slave while he commanded their empire be burn to the ground
King Arthur palace
The commander successful reach the palace and went to King Arthur,he explained to him all that took place and gave him the child, the commander was fired with an arrow on his back while fleeding with the princess,he die before the king after Handing the child to him
King Arthur looks at the child with pity in his eyes
Poor child, you will be protected in my empire and no one will ever hurt you, the child as if she was hearing what he's saying held his hand so tight while staring at him, the king smile while looking at her
Your name shall be Morgana, princess Morgana