King artaxerxes was sitting on his throne listening to the elders in council when his men bagged in
Your majesty
How dear you interupt my meeting
Forgive me your majesty, there is a problem
What is it
News arrived to us that the some of our men where killed at the border
How did that happens,i thought they were fully armed
Yes your majesty,we heard that they challenge the thone general and he killed them all
Do you mean general Ru-chain
Yes your majesty
Are you saying that one man killed a thousand of army
That was what I was told
The king stood up from his throne and came to him,
Rise,he commanded and he stood up immediately
U dear stand before my present and tell that one man killed my thousand army and you expect me to believe such nonsense
But your majesty, before he could finished speaking The king drew out his sword and killed him,
Take his miserable body out of my site, the guards took his body away immediately
What do we do your majesty, one of the elders asked,he is becoming more powerful by the day
That general is testing my patience,i offered him an opportunity to join my army but he refused now he is dearing me
My king he can't be killed so easily, he has the sword of death with him
I will look for a way to get him on my side at all costs, with him as my general,we will become even more powerful
Chain and Morgana where playing hide and seek in his castle, Morgana insists they both play hide and seek, even though he finds it childish he still has to do it for her sake
He could hear her heartbeat so loud that it was easy to trace her location,he eventually caught her
Seriously are all omegas this weak or you are the wrost of them all
Am not weak ok
Your heartbeat is so loud, there is no way you can survive on your own, you are such a weakling
Morgana got offended at his words
Am not a weakling, the fact that you are an alpha doesn't make you the best,i thought you are different but you are just like the king always criticising others,i need to leave
She was about leaving when chain hold her hand
Am sorry my lady,i didn't mean to hurt your feelings, please don't get mad at me
You all makes it looks like it's a crime to be born as an Omega, it's really hurt when ever am being called a weakling, she said while crying
Chain felt bad watching her cry,he never intend to hurt,he was only joking with her
It won't happen again my lady, don't get mad at me am sorry
I need to go, mother might be looking for me
She left him and went away
Chain what have you done,now she is angry at you
Morgana was passing by when she saw the king in his study room,he seems to be finding a particular work hard to solve
Greetings my king
Am busy Morgana,he said without taking a glance at her
I know my king,i thought maybe you need help
The king chuckled before facing her
Tell me Morgana, what help do i need from an Omega
His words really hurt her but she pretend as if it didn't, holding back her tears
I no am not strong like you but am trying my best to be prefect,i only came to help you out but since you don't need my help i will take my leave,she was leaving when he called her back
Wait Morgana
Let's see what you can do, come here
She came over and sat down besides him looking at what he's trying to do
Are you trying to solve the puzzles
Yes i was but this one is quite difficult
It's not that hard my king
The king looks at her surprisely, really do you know how long i have been trying to fixed it
Watch and see, she began solveing it, the king was amazed at her, he never taught she was this intelligent
"Wow you solve it so quick," how did you do it?
I grew up learning stuff like this,so it's not hard to solve
This particular puzzles is the war map that was distroyed years ago,noone has been able to fixed it but you did in a some few minutes
So this is the war map, it's rear,how do you use such in war
It's not something am Omega need to know, you won't understand anyway
You are right,we can never understand anything that has to do with alphas,i need to go my king
Bye Morgana
Bye... she left in an argry mood, she got to her room and shut the door, she sat down on the floor and rested her back on the door,the tears she has been holding began flowing down her cheeks
What makes them so special by the way, it's not as if they are better than me, someday he will acknowledge my Worth
It's been days and chain hasn't seen Morgana or heard from her,he was worried, he decided to come see her in the palace,he was heading towards her chamber when he saw her coming, she saw his and was retrieving back when he hastened his speed and caught up with her
Please wait my lady
I don't want to talk to you
At least just hear me out
What for, so you can remind me of how weak i am
I will never do that my lady,i missed you so much, am sorry I called you s weakling
Morgana smirked, are you really sorry
Yes i am,it hurt to see you angry at me
I miss you too but don't you ever called me a weakling
I won't dear my lady
Where are you heading to
To see you,i missed your company
Me too, she hugged him not knowing that the queen is watching them from afar
Tell chain to see me in my chamber now,she ordered a guard standing by before walking away
The queen sat down on a golden chair waiting for him,he came and bow down to her
You send for me my queen
Have a sit chain,he sat down facing her
It's been a while we chatted chain, how have you been
I have always been good my queen, do you have anything to tell me
I guess you know the reason i called you
It's about Morgana right
Look chain am not against you two being friends but you and i both know that you don't see her as a friend
How do you mean
I Know you love her and that isn't right, she is betrothed to your cousin the king, you can love your king woman you Know that
Am trying to get this over with but I just can't,i can't stop myself from loving her
You must stop or else you will never see her again,i will make sure of that
Please don't separate me from her,i will do as you said as long as i can be friends with her am ok with that
The queen can see the love in his eyes but there is nothing she can do about it
Look chain am sorry you have to go through this but you know the late king made the decree before his departure
I understand you my queen, don't worry my queen i will adhere to your instruction
He stood and was leaving but stop at a spot
What is it chain
Can I asked you a question my queen
Go ahead
What if the king doesn't want her as his queen, will you still consider me??
Why do you ask such a question,off course the king loves her
Just answer me, what if he doesn't
Then you can have her,i won't stop you
Thank you my queen for your response
Chain left her present, the queen wondered why he asked such a question
Off course the king loves her, you have to let go chain for the sake of the empire