Morgana ran to her room and shut the door, she cry so much, she was hurt and heartbroken, the king words hurts her so, she never expected him to do such.
The queen was shock as well, she has always thought he loves Morgana but never knew he doesn't.
"What is the meaning of this son,how can you embarrassed this family by bringing in another woman knowing fully well Morgana was betrothed to you.
"Mother i made it clear to you that I don't love her, she is too weak to become the queen of this empire, she is an Omega mother.
"So because she is an Omega she can't be loved, what has come over you,if your father were to be alive, he will be so ashamed of you.
"Am sorry mother but I have made my choice, please respect my decision.
"You are the king, do as you please i won't stop you, but i will not accept her (pointing at Ashley)as the queen of this empire or as my daughter-in-law.
"My queen please accept me,i promise you will love me.
"You should be ashamed of yourself,how can you be having an affair with a man whom you know has a betrothed, you can enjoy it for now but I promise you it's won't last.
The queen Walk out and headed towards Morgana chamber, she kept bagging the door but Morgana won't opened the door.
"Morgana please open the door, mother wants to talk to you.
"I want to be left alone, please go away mother.
"I will find a way to fixed this, you can't continue locking yourself all day long, opened the door Morgana.
"Please just let me be mother,i wish to be left alone.
Queen Vivian understand how hurt she was, she was scared Morgana might hurt herself, she quickly send for chain since he always knows a way of claming her down.
Chain arrived as fast as he can after receiving the news,he met the queen at Morgana door still begging her to open the door.
"My queen", chain greeted the queen bowing his head.
"Chain you are here, please talk to her she always listen to you, she might hurt herself.
"Don't worry my queen she will be fine.
Chain move closer to the door while the queen move aside given him space.
'My lady it's chain, please opened the door.
"Go away chain,i don't want to speak with anyone.
"My lady you need to come out, it's night already, the queen is worried.
"Am not coming out, you all should let me be.
"Fine we will let you be if that's all you wanted,i just want to let you know that the queen has left in anger to her chamber, she is really angry at you for keeping her standing here all day long,i will also be going on a long journey and you won't see me again,i won't be coming back.
"Good Bye my lady, the army are waiting for me,i need to go.
Inside her chamber Morgana heartbeat increase hearing that chain won't be coming back, the last time he went, it's took him years before he came back and now he's leaving again.
Outside the chamber chain ordered everyone to to remain silent Knowing fully well she will come out if she didn't hear anyone's voice.
"Mother is also angry at me, she left me all alone,i can't let chain leave me also, I must stop him.
"Chain....". she stood up and ran to the door, she opened it and found chain standing at the door.
"Chain", she quickly hugged him crying.
"You can't go, you can't leave me all alone,i need you chain please don't go.
Chain hugged her back, the queen watched the affection between those two, she smiled watching the two of them
"Why will I leave my lady, am always here with you,i only want you to come out that why i said that, you made the queen so worried.
Morgana saw the queen watching them, she ran to her and hug her.
"Am sorry mother,i was just heartbroken, he never loved me mom, she chose someone else over me.
"It's ok child,he will come back to his senses.
"What did i do to deserve this?I love him so much.
"Let's go inside.
They went inside, the queen ordered the maids to get her something to eat, her meal was brought to her but she refused to eat, the queen has to force her to eat, she later slept off after crying so much.
The queen and chain left her chamber
"What do we do now chain.
"I need to talk to the king.
"Please do so maybe he will come to his senses,he can't embarrassed this family like this.
"Don't worry my queen,i will take care of it.
"Thank you so much chain, even though you love her you still want the best for her.
"Her happiness mean Alot to me,let me go see the king.
Chain bow and left the queen, he went to the king chamber and found him with his so call queen to be.
"You,(he said pointing at Ashley),get out i need to speak with the king.
Ashley quickly ran out, just like everyone she is also afraid of chain.
"Have you also come to talk about Morgana, don't even bother i have made up my mind and I won't change it..
"Can you just hear yourself speak, you are going to leave Morgana for that thing you called a mate.
"Don't you dare call her a thing, she is my mate, you have to respect her .
Chain laugh at the king's word
"Did you just say I should respect that thing??, Why should I?, she is no match compair to Morgana, she is classless.
"She is the daughter of one of the elders.
"I see, then her father needs to be punished for sending his harlot of a daughter into seducing the king.
The king was angry at his words,he held the collar of his shirt.
"You are crossing your limit chain,i have made a decision and I espect you to respect my decision.
"I have always respect all your decision but this one i won't, Morgana is really hurt, that girl really loves you.
"She can be my concubine if she wants,i wants a strong queen, the one that can stand on her own and also satisfy me.
"And you think that b**tch can do all of that.
"Watch what you say, you loved Morgana don't you or you think i don't know,i see the way you looks at her and the attention you gave to her.
"My love for her has nothing to do with our discussion.
"Since you love her why don't you have her and let me be with the woman I love.
"I see now, you love Ashley because she satisfied your sexual desire not knowing who she really is, some day when you realize her true colors it's will be too late, you want me to have Morgana I will do just that, it's will be an honor having a goddess as my mate and woman,i will make her the envy of all women.i will let you know that an Omega can be the best woman you can ever have,both in bed and in comfort.
"Wish you luck then,in two days time i will crown Ashley as my queen
"Suit yourself, but just know that I won't be attending the coronation,i have got a heart to win.
The king smirked at chain as he went out.
"He is such a fool, the almighty general chain falling for an Omega,i think something is wrong with him, let's see who will regret his actions,i bet she can even last for five minutes on bed not to talk of an hour.
Chain went out and met Ashley by the door way,he looks at her with disgusts.
"I know your plans with those pathetic old fools of a elders, but let me tell you the same way you entered this palace you shall be Chase out that same way, enjoy the moment but it's won't last long, and thanks to you i can have what I have always desired.
He walked away smiling, Ashley wondered what he meant by he has got what he has always wanted, she cared less and went in to see the king
"Your majesty is everything ok.
"Everything is fine Ashley, get ready in two days time you will be crown as queen.
Ashley hugged him and kissed him smiling devishly.
"I love you my king.
"I love you more Ashley.
He carried her to his bed, she smiled knowing what he wanted at that moment.