Three days had passed since Horris died. The daughter lost her life the night before while the father lost his the night after. People found the story to be quite intriguing, and sad at the same time.

Stephan and Francis were deemed innocent since there was insufficient evidence to proof that they were guilty. Happy were the many, but sad were the few. The many were the guilty, and the few were the innocent.

. . .

Damon's eyes suddenly opened. He quickly scanned his surroundings only to discover that he was in his home basement. He signed heavily, but panicked again when he saw that he was tied to a chair.

He tried to remember how he ended up here, but no memory came to mind. All of a sudden, he remembered Vanessa.

That's right! I was with Vanessa!

"You're finally awake?" A voice sounded from the dark corner of the stairs.

"Dad?" Damon was surprised. "What am I doing here?"

"Well, it's a long story," Damon's father replied.

Damon closed his eyes and opened them a few seconds later, "Yes! It was Stephan! I think he drugged me! Vanessa! She's in danger!"

"Damon..." Darius wore a sad face, "The girl is dead."

There was a moment of silence in the room before Damon spoke, "What?"

"She's dead... She fell off the bridge."

Damon chuckled, "You're joking, right?"

"She's dead."

"If she's dead, then that means someone killed her! You don't just fall off the bridge!" Damon reasoned. "Let me out of this place!"

"If I let you out, promise me you won't go out looking for trouble," Darius retorted.

"What the hell are you saying?"

"You're right... Stephan and Francis killed the girl, but I couldn't... I couldn't let them get arrested. They could be sentenced to life imprisonment!" Darius replied.

"What did you do?"

"I got rid of all the evidence that might be used against them. I—"

"Dad!" Damon roared out. "How could you? They killed someone!"

"Someone insignificant! C'mon Damon, don't tell me you'd value a girl you just met more than your childhood friends?"

"Stephan and Francis were never my friends and you know that! Vanessa was different! She was the first girl I actually liked!"

"I don't care about you love life! I had to do this! Betty was my highschool friend, I couldn't sit idly by while her son gets sent to jail!"

"That's not even an excuse! You know what you did was wrong! Don't try acting righteous with me!" Said Damon. He couldn't believe that his own father would do something like this.

"Why are you acting like this?" Darius scowled at his son. "It's just one girl! Did she cast a spell on you? I knew something was wrong with her family after I watched her father kill himself!"

"Vanessa's father killed himself?"

"He did; in front of everyone! And in a disturbing way..."

"What do you mean by disturbing?"

"He stained a weird looking book with his blood and then slit his throat... Then, all of a sudden, he's on fire!" Darius answered.

"Doombringer..." Damon muttered loud enough for Darius to hear.

"You know about the book?" Darius asked in shock.

"You used to tell me stories about it when I was younger," Damon answered.

"I know I did, I just didn't think you'd remember - you were quite young back then."

"Let me out of this chair!" Damon growled as he angrily tried to free himself.

"Promise me!"

"I can't promise you that! Because the first thing I'll do when I get out of this chair is to kill those two criminals!"

"Damon! If you keep acting like this, I cannot guarantee your freedom!" Darius warned.

"F*ck freedom! I just want them dead!" Damon answered as he tried to free himself.

"Damon!" Darius shouted.

Damon stopped what he was doing and started laughing evilly, "I don't need to leave this room."

"What?" Darius asked. He didn't seem to understand what Damon meant.

"You said her father killed himself in a disturbing way using the Doombringer... If he did that, then there is a curse. Everyone responsible for Vanessa's death, they'll all die!"

Darius chuckled, "Don't tell me you believe that crap."

"You believe it too," said Damon. "If you don't, then explain to me why every other member of our family is dead?"

Since Darius couldn't answer Damon's question, he decided to leave the basement. He was also scared that the curse might actually happen, but he didn't really think too much about it. Damon kept on shouting as he tried to get himself out of the chair.

. . .

"Dad, I'm sorry, please forgive me," Stephan could be seen kneeling by his father's side, desperately begging for forgiveness.

"You murdered someone! A girl for that matter! If Darius hadn't been there to help us out, you'd have been sent to jail to rot forever," said Stephan's father.

"I promise it won't happen again," Stephan assured.

"I hope it doesn't," He turned to leave then stopped all of a sudden. "I heard something from Darius... Something about the girl being raped..."

Stephan's eyes widened in fear. He had absolutely no idea what his father would do to him if he found out what he and Francis did to Vanessa.

"Did you do that?" His father asked.

"I don't seem... I... I don't understand what you're saying," Stephan replied with shaky hands.

"You raped her, didn't you?"

Stephan remained silent, but nodded slowly.

"Not bad," he complimented, "at least you had your fun with her before she died."

. . .

"I don't wanna die! Dad please!" Francis shouted at the top of his voice as he ran all over the living room.

"Come back here, you bastard!" His father ran after him with a large metal bat in his hand. "I'll bury you along with that b*tch you f*cked!"

"Dad! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Francis cried.

"In my house there is nothing like forgiveness! It's either you pay with your life or you pay with your life!"

"What's that even supposed to mean?" Francis asked still running.

"It means you die either way!" He answered.

. . .

Night came sooner than later. The moon was strangely bright today, but only those who paid close attention would notice. Stephan walked into the shower after noticing that he was smelling weird. He showered again and again, but he still couldn't get the smell off his skin. It was like the smell had glued itself to him.

"You will not live to see your parents die. Every night, as you sleep, maggots will crawl out of your flesh, your eyes and your ears. You will begin to rot from within slowly and slowly until you die painfully. Your screams would be heard from the seventh heavens as your parents weep tears of blood watching you die in agony!"

Remembering Horris' words, fear gripped him tightly. He looked into the mirror and stumbled backwards. What he saw in the mirror was exactly what Horris had said would happen.