Love and Duty

/- Lewis -/

Waking up, my head ached and pounded against my skull as if my brain was about to pop out.

"Damn you Austin" I cursed as I got out of bed and prepared to go to the office. It's not like I do not drink, but when I go out drinking with Austin, he makes me drink a little too much, more than I can handle.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall beside the elegant wine bar in my spacious room, I suddenly noticed the time. It was already past 9 a.m., and I had an important task awaiting me at my company. In the past, back when I was tied to a traditional 9-to-5 job, this realization would have sent me into a frenzy of hurried preparations and panicked rushes to get out the door. But now, after taking the leap into the world of digital marketing and establishing my own company, things were different.

I was no longer bound by the constraints of a rigid schedule or the demands of a corporate hierarchy. Instead, I was the master of my own destiny, the architect of my success. With a sense of calm confidence, I prepared to tackle the day ahead, knowing that every moment was an opportunity to further build this company I had created. As a result of my entrepreneurial endeavors, I had transcended the limitations of my former life and ascended to the ranks of the elite....a billionaire in charge of my own destiny.

As I headed out of my room into the kitchen to get breakfast I had some thoughts poke my mind. I should pay Dianne a surprise visit, it's been a while since I last saw her, I need to know how she's doing. She hadn't called since we last met so I think it's just right if I hit her up or was she ignoring me on purpose?

"No negative thoughts you dumbass" I said to myself, Shaking my head slightly.

It was fun to live all by myself but sometimes in this spacious mansion I owned, I craved closure. Whenever I get horny, I just beat my meat and be done with it. I think it's time I ask Dianne to move in with me. I've tried before and she would turn me down saying she has her own things to do.

"I can't don't want you to be bothered all the time at your place boo, I'm a busy lady and sweetheart you know I work late" she'd say, anytime I asked her to move in with me or at least pay me visits after work.

Leaving the kitchen with a plate of cereal, I sat down at my dining table and concluded "you know what, f*ck everything, I'll make her allow me stay over at her place then or at least grant me access to the place."

I lived in a reality where my girlfriend, even though she was an adult, lived far from me and refused to let me see her or get very intimate with her whenever we met. It was crazy but that was what I've been stuck with for 6 months.

I found myself in a reality where despite both being adults, my girlfriend and I resided miles apart. Strangely, whenever we managed to meet, she built invisible barriers, blocking any attempts at sexual intimacy. This confounding situation persisted for an agonizing six months since I asked her to be my girlfriend, leaving me grappling with a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions.

After emptying the plate of cereal, I washed the plate and left it on the rack. I decided to push going to the office forward and decided to hit Dianne's house before I got to my company.

/- Dianne -/

After what felt like eternity, the sun crawled its way out of its abode and graced the sky with its presence. Sarah was still sound asleep on the couch as she was badly wounded by Darius and needed to sleep to conserve energy and let her wounds heal. As I walked out of the room towards my kitchen, I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror. I was putting on a big shirt that covered me slightly to my ass length. You could see my nipples protruding from the shirt.

I looked into the mirror staring deep into my eyes still thinking about the event of that night. I almost got Sarah killed. I didn't expect Darius to have gotten so strong so fast and it was news to me that his father died. Why would his father ask him to come after me knowing that I might kill him?. He felt so tenacious, almost as If he held some kind of grudge against me. What could have been his true motive? Or does Alpha Desmond not know about this attack?

"I think it's high time we go say hi to an old friend, oh sweet Desmond, how old you might look now" I said as I sniffed the fabric I tore from Darius when he attacked.

As I pondered on that my belly rumbled and I knew almost immediately that that was my call to get something to eat. As I turned away from the mirror I experienced a sudden, inexplicable craving for blood that seemed to engulf me entirely. It was as if an overwhelming urge had seized control of my senses, flooding my mind with a primal hunger that pulsed through my veins for a fleeting moment. And then, just as swiftly as it had come, the desire faded away, leaving behind only a lingering echo, like the gentle breeze that precedes the onset of rainfall.

"F*ck, not now.....been a long time I had blood but why would this urge come now?" I murmured softly to myself as I swung open the door of my refrigerator, the cool air enveloping me as I reached for the carefully stored pint of blood that I always kept on hand for moments just like this.

After consuming six pints of blood, the insatiable hunger still lingered at my insides, leaving me feeling hollow and unfulfilled. Though the urge had momentarily subsided, a lingering emptiness persisted, haunting my every thought and action. I retreated to the solitude of the shower, hoping to drown out the stress and urge I felt with the soothing rush of water. As I bathed, I made a conscious effort to keep my movements silent, mindful of the potential for my usual singing that fed the flames of my delusion of being a part of some grand orchestral performance.

As I got ready to leave, I bent over to kiss Sarah, making sure a handful of my saliva got into her mouth. As I stared at her laying helpless on the couch, I said "You'll be fine now sugar" I said. As I left the living room, I took a moment to lower some of the window blinds, allowing just the right amount of filtered sunlight to gently enter the living room.

Just as I stepped out of the house, a familiar scent was in the air. A man with a strong rose perfume.

"Lewis...wrong timing." I said as I closed the door behind me.