Secrets in the Shadows

/- Darius -/

With a frustrated growl, I paced back and forth in the training grounds, my gaze piercing through the gammas in training.

"Too weak," I spat out, my voice laced with disappointment as I passed by some who were lacking on the training grounds."

How can you not tap into your core and be one with your wolf?" My words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the urgency of our situation.

As the gammas exchanged uneasy glances, I clenched my fists, determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

"I refuse to charge in with unprepared warriors again, we all have to remember the sacrifices of those who died for us to live." I declared, my jaw set with determination.

"This time, we will have the upper hand against Dianne." The mere thought of her sent a surge of anger coursing through my veins.

"She has caused me too much pain to let her slip away so easily," I vowed silently, my resolve hardening with each passing moment.