
/- Lewis -/

As I sat in my office, the glow of the computer screen casting an eerie pallor over the room, I watched in silent horror as the CCTV footage played before me. The image was grainy, the figures distorted and indistinct, but there was no mistaking the scene unfolding before my eyes.

Dianne, my beloved girlfriend, stood over the lifeless body of one of my employees, Sarah. Her hands were stained crimson with blood, her eyes ablaze with a feral intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Dianne, the woman I had come to trust and love, was a killer, a predator lurking in the shadows, preying on the innocent. I was shocked but somehow I wasn't surprised.

Fury surged within me, hot and potent, as I stormed out of my office and into my hellcat. I had to confront Dianne, to demand answers, to uncover the truth behind this heinous act.