
/- Lewis -/

The night hung heavy around us, the moon casting its silvery glow over the world below. Dianne stood beside me, her silhouette outlined against the darkness, a beacon of strength and beauty in the night.

But beneath her serene exterior, I could sense the turmoil brewing within her. The events of the past few days weighed heavily on her shoulders, casting a shadow over our once idyllic relationship.

I reached out to her, my hand finding hers in the darkness, a silent gesture of support and understanding. She turned to me, her eyes reflecting the pain and guilt that threatened to consume her.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath in the wind.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone."

I pulled her into my arms, holding her close as she trembled against me. "I know, love," I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control."