Crimson and Ivory

Dianne lingered in the doorway, casting one last glance over her shoulder at Lewis. The vampire lay sprawled across the couch, his hair tousled and his eyes half-closed in a look of utter contentment. The warmth of their recent embrace still clung to her skin, a delicate blend of intimacy and yearning.

"You sure you'll be okay without me for a few minutes?" she teased, her voice a soft, melodic whisper that belied the strength within her.

Lewis's lips curled into a lazy smile, revealing just the hint of his fangs. "I think I can manage. Go on, enjoy your bath. I'll be here when you get back."

Dianne's heart fluttered at his words. Despite the centuries that separated their lives, moments like these felt timeless. She turned away and padded softly across the wooden floor, her bare feet making scarcely a sound. The door to the bathroom creaked slightly as she opened it, a familiar, comforting noise in the otherwise silent apartment.