The Light of truth or deception.

The quiet of the house was interrupted only by the soft breathing of Sarah asleep on the couch. Dianne's heart ached for her friend, but she knew she had to act quickly. Every second that passed could bring more danger.

Determined, she climbed the stairs to her room, her movements swift and purposeful. Her fingers brushed against the banister, the wood cool and familiar under her touch. She reached the door and pushed it open, stepping into the dimly lit space. In the far corner, nestled among her most prized possessions, was the orb.

The orb was a family heirloom of the banshees, passed down through generations but was given I her by Sarah's grandmother as a token of appreciation for saving their village once. It was small, fitting comfortably in the palm of her hand, and glowed faintly with a bluish hue. Made of crystal and imbued with ancient magic, it had the power to reveal hidden truths and provide protection. Tonight, she would need both.