Memories that bring back Memories

Dianne descended from the rooftop, her newly ignited hybrid power thrumming beneath her skin. Each step she took felt lighter, stronger. She moved back into the building, the familiar hallways now seeming strangely ominous. The darkness seemed to part for her, her eyes glowing faintly in the dim light.

As she entered the main hall, she sensed a presence, ancient and powerful. An elder vampire stood waiting, his tall, imposing figure draped in dark robes. His eyes, a deep crimson, fixed on her with a knowing gaze.

"Ah, Dianne," the elder said, his voice smooth and cold. "I see you've unlocked something special within you. But it won't be enough."

Dianne squared her shoulders, the golden light in her eyes flickering defiantly. "Who are you?"

"I am Elder Alistair," he replied, a cruel smile curling his lips. "And I bring news of Lewis."