Shadows and Blades

The trio continued their trek through the forest, the light of dawn slowly piercing through the dense canopy above. As they reached a secluded point, where the trees grew closer together and the air felt thicker, Dianne felt a sudden, inexplicable tension.

She halted, her senses on high alert. "Something's not right," she murmured, scanning the surroundings. Aaron and Lila tensed beside her, their eyes darting around the shadowy underbrush.

Before they could react, dark figures emerged from the foliage, moving with lethal precision. Dianne's eyes widened as she recognized the familiar style of their movements—more assassins, sent to stop them.

"Ambush!" she shouted, drawing her blade just in time to deflect a dagger aimed at her heart. Lila and Aaron sprang into action, engaging the attackers with a mixture of fear and determination.