Come On

In the blink of an eye, Johnny's fist surged forward, catching the big man off guard before he could even muster a reaction. The impact landed square on the bridge of the man's nose, a forceful blow weighing as heavy as hundreds of kilograms, sending him sprawling.

The laughter of the Saka warriors echoed abruptly, replaced by wide-eyed shock as they witnessed their comrade writhing in agony, blood staining his visage, transforming him into a fearsome sight.

Johnny's restraint spared the big man from further devastation; otherwise, his formidable strength could have easily warped steel.

The big man's cries pierced the air, his shattered nose oozing blood and tears, agony etched deep into his features.

"How dare you! I'll gut you!" Despite the blood pooling at his feet, the big man's fury knew no bounds, his voice a primal roar.

"Finish him! Wretched scum!" His command reverberated through the ranks, each warrior bristling with hostility, their energy weapons poised to strike.

Amidst the mounting tension, Johnny remained unruffled, his demeanor composed, no hint of aggression in his stance.

"Allow me to remind you, I'm a contender in the Champions Battle. By Saka Star's laws, attacking a fighter carries... consequences," Johnny interjected calmly, his words casting a pall of uncertainty over the gathered warriors.

Caught off guard by Johnny's assertion, the Saka warriors hesitated, their resolve faltering in the face of potential repercussions.

As the standoff ensued, Johnny breathed a sigh of relief, his gamble paying off. Grandmaster's shadow loomed large, dissuading any rash actions against him.

"Captain, he's one of the contenders in the Battle of Champions. If we off him, Master Grandmaster..."

The words hung heavy in the air as a Saka warrior addressed the fallen behemoth.

At the mention of Grand Master Grandmaster, the enraged man's demeanor shifted. He fixated on Johnny with a venomous glare, akin to a predator eyeing its prey.

Initially, when he crossed paths with Johnny, the man merely saw him as the bottom rung of Sakaar's scavengers. Scavengers were considered even lower than the street beggars back on Earth. As captain of a fleet directly under Grandmaster's command on Sakaar, he could dispatch a dozen of them without batting an eyelash.

This ingrained sense of superiority led the man to unleash a torrent of scorn and mockery upon Johnny. But now, with a broken nose and bloodied visage, he was forced to rein in his fury by the ironclad laws of Grand Master Grandmaster, the true ruler of Saka Star.

"Kid, you've got guts! You aiming to meet the Grand Master, huh? Fine, I'll take you there," the man ground out through clenched teeth, his gaze devoid of any hidden malice.

Johnny, unfazed by the man's newfound compliance, relaxed. Thanks to Grandmaster's edicts, he knew these lackeys wouldn't lay a finger on him until he faced the Grand Master.

"It seems you've finally grasped who you're dealing with and made the wise choice. Consider yourself lucky; it'll buy you some extra time. Remember my name, it's Johnny," he declared, meeting the man's gaze with a steely resolve that sent a shiver down the man's spine, inexplicably filling him with dread.

Little did the man know, the specter of death lurked silently behind him. Any attempt to defy Johnny's path would trigger its wrath.

And so...

Johnny wasted no time lingering among Saka's fleet.

After the earlier encounter, no one dared to challenge Johnny again. Not only because of Grandmaster's decree safeguarding championship contenders but also due to Johnny's aura.

Though Johnny's aura was still nascent, a mere hint of what he might become in the vast expanse of the universe, it was enough to command respect from the ordinary Saka warriors.

The fleet's speed far outstripped the scavenger ship, swiftly carrying Johnny into Grandmaster's domain—a grand and opulent structure adorned with towering statues exuding the essence of fighters.

As Johnny disembarked, a woman in austere armor scrutinized him with a cold gaze, questioning the Saka warrior accompanying him.

"Yes, he's the challenger," the warrior confirmed, bowing deferentially to the woman.

"Very well. Come with me; I'll take you to meet Grandmaster," she commanded, wasting no time as she led Johnny through the ornate corridors.

As they traversed the lavish halls, malevolent eyes trailed Johnny's every move, lingering until he vanished from sight.

Grandmaster's domain was a testament to opulence, overwhelming Johnny with its grandeur as they progressed.

Finally, they reached a majestic hall where two teams of armored warriors formed a passage, leading to a towering throne where Grandmaster sat resplendent in golden robes.

"This is our new contender, Master Grandmaster," the woman announced with reverence, bowing before him.

"Lower your gaze, fighter!" she chastised Johnny sharply, her anger palpable.

Johnny's countenance hardened at her rebuke.

"Topaz, ease up. We don't want to frighten our esteemed challenger," Grandmaster interjected, his eyes alight with an unusual gleam as he regarded Johnny.

It was a look akin to a child beholding a cherished toy.


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