The Fall

"Impenetrable Frost!"

Johnny's voice sliced through the air, sharp and cold, as he uttered the chilling command.

Instantly, the swirling azure energy surrounding the Titan erupted, casting an eerie glow that sent shivers down the spine of every spectator. A frigid miasma billowed forth, engulfing the arena in an icy haze.

This azure energy, the epitome of unforgiving cold, had remained dormant until this moment, under Johnny's masterful control.

Throughout the prolonged confrontation with the Titan, Johnny had been subtly infiltrating his opponent's defenses with this potent chill, biding his time for the perfect moment to unleash its full force.

Now, as the glacial energy surged forth, the Titan's mighty form stiffened, encased in an icy prison that began from the surface and penetrated deep within.

While previous attempts at freezing had merely slowed the Titan, this surge of azure cold was unparalleled in its intensity and scope.

In the blink of an eye, the Titan was rendered immobile, his features frozen in a mask of disbelief as the frost enveloped him entirely.

In the hushed silence of the auditorium, the sight of the once-undefeated Titan now trapped in ice elicited gasps of astonishment from the crowd, their disbelief palpable as they struggled to comprehend the swift reversal of fortunes unfolding before their eyes.

Observing the Titan, whose form now bore the telltale hues of blue-purple energy, Johnny's eyes sparked with a resplendent brilliance. With deft movements, the ice blade in his grip twirled, each step purposeful as he closed in on the incapacitated Titan.

This spectacle held the audience rapt, their breaths suspended as all eyes fixated on Johnny's decisive approach.

"The talents of the Eternals may be formidable, but alas, you are simply too feeble! Allow me to demonstrate a true display of power."

Johnny's voice, measured and deliberate, resonated amidst the tense atmosphere. Considering the prowess exhibited by the Titan moments prior, there was a glint of determination in Johnny's gaze, tinged with a hint of anticipation.

Raising the azure ice blade aloft, Johnny bathed it in the brilliant sunlight, casting a menacing glow upon its tip.

In an instant, with a decisive thrust, the ice blade cleaved through the Titan's chest with scarcely a hindrance, its tip emerging through the Titan's back.

This lethal strike pierced the Titan's heart in its entirety, the frigid air of the ice blade surging forth and detonating within the Titan's core.

Despite the Titan's formidable physique, such an assault proved insurmountable. As the extreme cold engulfed him, his heart froze and shattered under the onslaught.

With Johnny's decisive blow, the once-terrifying aura of the Titan faded into oblivion, his life force rapidly dwindling. Within mere breaths, the Titan lay before Johnny, transformed into a lifeless ice sculpture.

Sensing the Titan's life force dissipate entirely, Johnny's own aura gradually stabilized.

Unbound by Johnny's control, the frigid blue energy enveloping the Titan dispersed, spreading swiftly throughout the arena from its epicenter. The ground became encased in a thick layer of ice, the temperature plummeting, while the Titan's inert form sprawled upon the frosted terrain.

"The Devourer emerges victorious! He has vanquished the Titan!"

"Remarkable! How did he achieve such a feat?"

"I always knew the Devourer would prevail! All hail the Devourer!"

As the cheers erupted upon the Titan's defeat, Johnny's gaze grew distant, the unseen psionic energy around him coalescing into an ethereal Specter.

"Dinner is served," he murmured, releasing the Spectre.

As the undead Spectre appeared, Johnny felt a surge of desire for the Titan's body, his expression calm as he made a decisive choice.

With a cheer, the Spectre eagerly descended upon the fallen Titan, beginning its feast without hesitation.

"In a thrilling match, the victor of the first challenge in the Battle of Champions has emerged. He is none other than... the Devourer! Let's give him a round of applause!"

Grandmaster's announcement filled the arena with thunderous cheers and applause, the excitement reaching a fever pitch.

As the crowd roared, a notification echoed in Johnny's mind, offering him the rewards for his victory: the Titan Body Level 5, Cosmic Energy Control Level 5, and 500 Soul Points.

While the uproar of the audience was familiar to Johnny, the notification brought a surge of heat to his eyes.

"I choose to gain the abilities," Johnny declared firmly, his decision made without hesitation.

The influx of strange heat surged through Johnny's body, igniting profound changes within him. Every cell seemed to awaken, infused with newfound vitality and strength.

Memories flooded his mind, recalling a moment when he absorbed a mysterious energy in an unknown space, dormant within his cells until now. With the heat coursing through him, this latent energy surged to life, merging with the strengthening process.

Information inundated Johnny's consciousness, detailing the abilities he had acquired through his Devouring.

Titan Body: Endowing him with the resilience and power, rendering him immune to fatigue, disease, and extreme environments. Ordinary weapons posed no threat, and even the destruction of stars could not harm him at his peak.

Cosmic Energy Control: Empowering him to perceive and manipulate cosmic energy, channeling it into his own boundless power. He could project cosmic energy through his eyes and hands, or form protective force fields.

As the heat dissipated, Johnny's eyes, once closed, opened to reveal a terrifying glint that gradually subsided.

"One step closer to completing the system's mission," Johnny murmured, his voice barely audible amidst the clamor of the crowd.

With a steady pace, Johnny departed from the arena, leaving behind a legacy of victory and power.


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