Natasha's Assassination

After enjoying Emma's service, Johnny was about to leave and head to Morgan Biotech.

Since taking control of Morgan Biotech, Johnny had visited only a handful of times. Now that he had some free time, he planned to check it out.

However, just as Johnny was about to leave the core area of the club's official residence, he sensed something odd. Though he lacked psychic abilities, his perception was far beyond ordinary. As soon as he stepped outside, he felt a hidden gaze filled with murderous intent.

The other person tried hard to conceal it, but Johnny noticed. Yet, he didn't break his stride or show any signs of alarm, which made the hidden Natasha, watching from the shadows, narrow her eyes with interest.

In the club, top celebrities and politicians came and went, and the security was tight, making any crisis unlikely. However, with Natasha's skills, sneaking in quietly wasn't too difficult.

In front of Natasha lay a black sniper rifle, a special weapon far more powerful than a regular sniper rifle, capable of piercing steel plates from several meters away. The bullets were extremely expensive, and Natasha was confident that, with a sudden attack, she could kill even a strong target with one shot.

For this opportunity, Natasha had been in the U.S. for three months after receiving her order. During this time, she focused solely on investigating Johnny.

As a top agent, Natasha knew she needed to gather all information about her target to make a foolproof plan. She didn't set up the final ambush at Johnny's villa but in the Hellfire Club, planning meticulously and choosing a moment when Johnny was most relaxed.

Now, she was hidden in a deep passage Johnny had to pass through, waiting for the perfect moment.

Johnny, seemingly unaware of the impending danger, walked slowly and casually.

The moment Johnny stepped into the passage, Natasha's eyes lit up, and she pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A slight sound came from the darkness as the powerful bullet flew toward Johnny.

Johnny's face showed an intriguing smile, and he activated his rapid ability instantly. The world seemed to freeze in Johnny's eyes, including the bullet.

He could feel the bullet's massive kinetic energy as it nearly tore through the air. Inside the small, exquisite bullet, there was a lot of energy, indicating a powerful explosion.

With a slight smile, Johnny simply turned his head, completely avoiding the bullet's path.

The bullet whistled past his ear and struck the ground behind him, penetrating the thick marble floor and exploding beneath, causing a dull sound and a slight shake.

As the ground trembled, Natasha's eyes filled with disbelief and horror. She had spent three months preparing this assassination plan meticulously, and it had failed!

Johnny didn't rush to act. His eyes burned as he spotted Natasha in the dark. Seeing her devilish figure and sexy features, his interest piqued.

As a transmigrator, Johnny knew this killer in the shadows well. However, Natasha looked much younger and more innocent than the experienced agent he remembered.

This innocence made her charming features even more attractive, and Johnny momentarily lost his focus.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In that brief moment of distraction, three more gunshots rang out as Natasha launched another attack.

Three bullets were fired, all of which were ordinary pistol rounds.

Natasha had only prepared one sniper rifle and bullet earlier, confident she wouldn't miss.

This time, seeing three bullets coming at him, Johnny simply waved his hand. Like a magic trick, the bullets disappeared without a trace.

"Since you want to play, I'll play with you!" Johnny said, seeing the surprise in Natasha's eyes.

He opened his palm, revealing three twisted and deformed bullets, which he then tossed to the ground.

Johnny had caught the bullets barehanded, and there wasn't even a red mark on his skin.

Seeing this, Natasha felt a strong sense of danger, her pupils contracting sharply.

She thought she had prepared well, but now it was clear she was in big trouble. Johnny's strength was unfathomable.

Despite the smile on Johnny's face, Natasha didn't stop. She halted her forward movement and fired her pistol at him, hoping to distract Johnny and create an opportunity.

But soon, Natasha realized her plan had failed.

The bullets posed no threat to Johnny at all.

This time, Johnny didn't even bother to catch the bullets. Instead, he let them hit his body.

A thin, translucent layer of cosmic energy, almost like a delicate foam, covered Johnny's skin.

However, when Natasha's bullets struck this energy barrier, they made a metallic sound and turned into misshapen scrap metal, falling to the ground with a clatter.

Johnny's playful expression didn't change as he slowly approached the tense Natasha.

All the bullets had landed on Johnny, but his clothes were completely unscathed.

Facing Johnny, who was pressing in on her, Natasha grew more tense. She discarded her empty pistol, drew a cold, gleaming dagger, and held it defensively in front of her. She crouched slightly, ready for whatever came next.

"Are you a mutant? Or a cyborg?" Natasha asked, her low voice solemn and uniquely hoarse with a magnetic quality.

"I'm someone you shouldn't mess with. Do you want to surrender or continue playing with me? Don't worry, I have plenty of time."


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