A Boring Day

Back in Ye Muchen's room, he relieved a call by Yang Mingze. There were two possibilities. One, he is calling to make fun of Ye Muchen. Two, he somehow figured out that Muchen wants to make his own team and will give him money.

"Hello." Ye Muchen answered the call.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Cut to the chase, I know you want something." Said Ye Muchen sternly.

"Fine, I want you to come for the LOACT 2019. You are the team's lucky charm and since you can't play with ur anymore, atleast give us your presence."

Ye Muchen did not want to go to the LOACT 2019, but he thought of something better.

"One condition."

"Anything. You want an apartment? I'll give it to you."

"Give me 500,000 Yuan and I'll come early to check in on all of you."

"500,000? Are you crazy?"

Ye Muchen smirked behind the screen and used Yang Mingze's words against him smartly.

"You said you would do anything. An apartment would cost a million but you can't give me 500,000. Are you bankrupt?"

Flabbergasted, Yang Mingze had no choice but to give the 500,000 Yuan to Muchen.

"Fine, I'll send you the money on the day of the tournament when you enter and take a seat."

"Deal, I'm hanging up now unless you have anything else to say."

He cut the call and sat on his bed blankly staring at a wall for a few seconds. Then, he started laughing like a maniac. "Easy money. I can support Li Hu and get money at the same time."

LOACT was in two days and so, after two days, he would be rich and be able to buy equipment for the non- existing team.

He got up, put his phone in the pocket and went up to the last floor where his future team members would practice, hold meetings, and so on. "I'll paint the walls white and the logo would be here in the front."

It was like he had an image of the floor plan in his brain, implanted more clearly than his life. "I can ask Mei na to get some paint and I can call some of my friends."

Just then Mei na came from behind and said with a grinning smile, "You think I'm gonna believe you?" Confused, Ye Muchen asked, "What?"

"That you have friends. You know, lying is bad." Said Mei na, jokingly. Muchen said sarcastically,"Haha, so funny. I think my heart will drop to my knee, hahahaha."

"I can call the Yang Painting Company to paint the walls. As for for the logo, well, you need a name for your team." Said Mei na.

Ye Muchem thought hard for a minute before saying the team's name. "Team Happy Herb." He said.

"Herb? Choose another one."

"SPARK!" Said Muchen excitedly. He continued, "Synergy, persistence, ambition, resilience, knowledge."

"Hey, that's actually smart. Let's keep it SPARK. What about the main colour of SPARK?" Asked Mei na.

"White and Green. White for purity and Green for growth, harmony and health."

Ye Muchen wanted his team name and colour to be meaningful unlike other teams. His old team, SNFX, does not have any meaning and was just random letters jumbled up to make a name.

Meanwhile, Mei na kept wondering how Muchen came up with these names and how he knew their meanings. "How will you find people who are good at the game?" Asked Mei na.

How was Ye Muchen supposed to reply, but nobody said you can not train people to be good at a game. "I'll call in Huang Ming tomorrow. One more thing, does your sister want to be a part of my team?" He asked, honestly.

"Oh, I think she does. She plays Legend of Ace a lot to get better but her skills are horrible even after watching fifty videos of people giving her a hundred different strategies."

Ye Muchen stated, "Never trust the internet, they say. Those strategies aren't even real. They cut their videos and make it look like they won."

Mei na nodded her head. They both went downstairs and stood in front of Wang Xiaohua, Mei na's sister.

Xiaohua, who was playing, slowly looked up at the two and asked, "What?", in an irritated manner. "Do you want to be a professional LOA player? Like the other teams?" Asked Mei na. She continued, "The team hasn't been made yet, but soon will be. You will get some training to improve your skills and you can compete with other teams."

"Really? Who's the captain? Is the team yours? Who will train me? Will there be others?" And the questions went on until Ye Muchen told her to shut her mouth for a minute and let him answer.

"I am making the team. It's gonna be called SPARK. If you join the team right now, you will be my second team member." Explained Ye Muchen.

"I'll think about it. Will I get paid?"

"Yes, every month."

"Who's the first member?"

"Huang Ming. You don't know him but when all the members are there we will hold an event to get to know each other."

"I'll see."

Ye Muchen went back to his room and just then his phone vibrated. Li Huan messaged him,

Li Hu: I heard you are coming to the LOACT this year as the audience. Can you get me one chocolate bar on your way here? 16:36

He clicked on Kakao Talk and replied, in the driest way a man could. A thumbs up... so dry.

Ye Muchen started playing Legend of Ace after replying to Li Huan. LOA is a mobile and PC game so he could play on his phone. He put in his user and password and clicked on Match.

He wanted to be the Top. He selected Flora as she had her own minions(the plants) which attacked. He played atleast ten games for two hours and eventually the day was over and he drifted back to sleep.

Till he realised, he couldn't sleep anymore because he did nothing the whole day.