Back at SNFX'S room during the interval, the team went over their tactics one last time. Ye Muchen sat there in the corner, when suddenly he got a notification.

500,000 has been transferred to your account by usergamer12345.

"Yang Mingze." Ye Muchen called out. "This was not our deal. I won't say I don't need it but it's too much."

Mingze smiled at him and went back to listening to the tactics that Li Huan was explaining. The others wondered about the "deal" their ex-captain was talking about.

"Does anyone have a doubt? If you do, now is your last chance." Asked Li Huan. The team shook their heads and stood up their seats. "Anyone wants my chips? I don't like them, they taste weird." Asked Ye Muchen.

Wei Mu Chen rose his hand up proudly and took the chips from Muchen's hand. Ye Muchen scoffed at the new player's manners.

The interval was over and was time for the team match. Both teams entered the arena and took their seats.

"Finally, the break seemed to last forever. The team match is a great way to score points. As we can see, Team Blue Shine is one point away from SNFX." Said the commenter.

She continued, "Each kill of one team is gathered at the end of the round and 3 kills will make one point. If an even number, it can be easily divided into sections of three each but if an odd number, it will be counted with the multiples of 3, see if it goes or not. For example, 12 kills is 4 points. 11 kills is 3½ points."

The round started off by both the team's selecting their character. Li Xiang chose Anubis, Li Huan chose Flora, Wei Mu Chen chose Siren, Li Wei chose Athena and Jun Hao chose Mochizuki.

After the selection of characters ended, they waited 11 seconds at their base and started moving. Jun Hao went into the jungles, Li Xiang and Wei Mu Chen went in the bottom lane, Li Huan in the middle and Li Wei on the top.

"It seems they have changed their tactics. Will they win and make even more history, getting four consecutive wins? Let's find out."

Mochizuki immediately killed all of the monsters in the jungle, giving the team a temporary buff for a while.

Siren and Anubis met with the enemy in the bottom lane but did not attack each other. Instead, they kept farming the minions. Blue Shine was so confused.

"Captain, Li Xiang and Master Ye Mucheng's copy are not attacking us. What plan is this?" Asked one of the Blue Shine members. Their captain was so stunned, even he could not answer. "Just play the game. Farm the minions and level up if they are not attacking."

Siren, was fighting the minions with minimum power, incase he needed the other attacks for a strong player. Eventually, the enemy approached him and attacked him but missed. "Hah, such poor judgement. You can't even make instant noodles with that judgement." Spoke Li Wei.

Li Huan was having the battle of her life, achieving First Kill and four other kills. She destroyed two turrets and was way ahead then the League itself.

In the bottom lane, after 7 minutes, Li Xiang and Wei Mu Chen finally attacked the enemy very suddenly. Their plan was to keep them distracted long enough so that they could level up fast and kill them with a few hits.

An enemy has been slain

Killed by Anubis, assisted by Siren

Your team has destroyed a turret (Flora)

An enemy had been slain (Athena)

All these messages came every 10 seconds or so. Mochizuki killed the emerald dragon and Serpant and assisted Flora in taking down the turrets.

"All turrets in the middle lane have been destroyed. Gather up and attack!" Commanded Li Xiang. Everyone did the same and the crystal was destroyed in a matter of seconds.


SNFX'S fans cheered on the loudest ever for their victory and team's hard work. Meanwhile, Blue Shine's fans sat there looking at the scoreboard where Blue Shine did not get a single kill. Seven points behind SNFX, did not even need any counting.

Ye Muchen always felt happy whenever SNFX won...but this time, it was different. He wanted to be out there in those seats and play along with the team. He quietly and sadly walked out of the tournament qithout informing anyone, with his hands in his pocket.

He entered the Internet Cafè and went straight in his room. He threw himself on his bed and lied still on his stomach, with his pillow squishing his face. He stayed that way for about half an hour or so and let out a loud sigh. Maybe, he felt lonely and not a part of the fun anymore.


Came a sound from his phone. He turned over and took his phone out of the pocket.

Li Hu: Hey, where are you? I can't find you anywhere.

Muchen: I came back to the internet cafè. I was bored.

Li Hu: Oh okay, do you want to get some pizza? We can even eat in your room if you want.

Muchen: Nah, I'm fine. I just need some time alone. I'm going now, bye.

Li Hu: Okie, byee.

Ye Muchen really wanted to play Legend of Ace and go into those rooms and sit on the chairs. His dream was to become a professional player and be known worldwide. After seeing the reactions of the people in the retirement ceremony, he felt sad himself, as if his role model was retiring.

He got up from his bed after staring into space and took his towel and clothes. He put his phone for charging and he had a nice, cold bath, where he took atleast twenty minutes to come out.

While in the bathroom, he started singing random songs and danced to it with his facewash bottle in his hand. He even almost slipped.

He came out and sat on his bed, thinking about how sad he felt during his retirement ceremony and how some even cried.
