wounds re-opened 1

†††††††††† Lilah's office in the house †††††††

" You really don't have much of a pleasant look on my arrival Miss Dolores" the man said plainly as Lilah offered him a seat " Mr Quinn nothing pleasant ever comes from you presence" " please call me Sebastian, when you call me 'Mr Quinn ' you make me feel like a stranger..." " I can't possibly tell how we're both related 'Mr Quinn '!!" " Well after Vivee I can't say we aren't related" his last statement clearly took a number on her , Lilah started boiling in rage ,she lost her cool and hooked him by the neck in seconds, Lilah squeezed his neck in anger , she was ready to strangle him ,her door swung open and his men ran in pointing their guns at her ,Lilah didn't flinch not even a bit " I've warned you Bastian not to mention her name again,you should be lucky I let you live after what you did" " Lilah ... ca..lm....dow..n ,I sw...ea..r I ha..d ..no...thi..ng.....,lil. ..ah I can't...ta...lk.." Lilah looked at him in disgust as she tossed him to the floor,one of his men shot at her directly aiming at her eye but missed, Lilah moved her head slightly, the bullet hit the wall , Lilah looked at the wall and looked at the man ,she walked to him starring directly into his eyes he wanted to move but he couldn't,he couldn't even look away from her eyes, Lilah got to him and she looked at him even deeper she bent his head to the side at the same time she opened her mouth just then her canine teeth grew into fangs her left palm was on his face while her right was on his waist , Lilah's fangs sank into his neck directly piecing his veins, blood gushed out of the spot and she withdrew her fangs she licked the blood but later spat it out "abomination, really Bastian if you want capable people how about you find someone with clean blood" " Lilah his gonna bleed to death" " so? ,He was gonna blind me but you didn't say a thing" " all of you out now!!" Bastian commanded as he got himself to his feet,he looked back and the man who happens to be his head bodyguard was still bleeding from his neck with his head still bent ,he turned to Lilah who was wiping the blood off her mouth and hands with a napkin had a straight look, Bastian could tell that his bodyguard screwed up his plan," Lilah his gonna bleed to death ,I didn't come here for this" " obviously you didn't" Lilah lashed back sarcastically "Lilah your little playtime last night cause a lot trouble for me and my people,I'm should already conclude that you know who the new chief is?" Bastian asked still trying hard not to engage her by pissing her off " and how did I cause trouble for you " " Lilah you were out draining Phenix around my district of blood, your either trying to expose us or just trying to start a war Lilah " he said, this time he was obviously losing his cool , Lilah's expression became serious she was trying hard to remember what happened after Sylvester revealed himself but she couldn't ,the only thing that made sense to her was obvious ,she had an episode again " I'll fix it, no matter who the chief is I wouldn't put our secret in danger, he's obviously a mere human nothing but confused species " Bastian was stunned to hear Lilah speak so emotionlessly with no form of sympathy for humans , from all he knew Lilah was the only one among them who had ever spoken for humans,he stood there in both fear and confusion but he was brought out of it when he heard a body drop ,he turned around and found his head bodyguard lifeless and drained of blood ," so I'm guessing that's your special move ,you don't drink the blood then why waste it ?" Bastian asked still very scared but calm "I don't drink Phenix blood it yucky and disgusting but it a more painful way to die, don't worry it doesn't work on pure blood Phenix,I get why pure blood vampires turn humans who want to be half breed vampires to vampire but I don't see why you Phenix do it " Lilah said as she tossed the napkin she was holding away," the same reason Vivee isn't with us uncontrollable insecurities" he ended as he turned to leave ,Lilah was already about to attack when Rover walked in " I should warn all of you especially you and Lilah, you're the only pure blood of kind still in existence,be very wary of the new chief his's got Van Helsing blood in his veins and he also has a record of killing monsters,a meeting with be held for further precautions.....for all of us"Rover said as he gestured Bastian to leave.

At the exit of Bastian, Leo walked in with a knowing expression," so whose Vivee?" Leo asked plainly as he sat on a chair behind Lilah who stood facing the door"she's... Xavier's mother " Leo froze as he felt a very cold chilling vibe running down his spine"what!!!!!" Leo said as his mouth dropped open

††††††††††††† Flashback††††††††††††††

" Get off me ,Mr Quinn I'm only here to entertain not have sex with you ,there are other girls for that" a light skinned girl brown long hair,long black lashes, beautiful brown eyes, pink small lips,she was in Bastian's arms as she struggles to free her self " I paid for a full service, your to offer a full service,I'll report your rude behavior to the owner..." " Talk to me what's going on here 'Mr Quinn' "Lilah appeared from nowhere"if you wanted to take a girl home Mr Quinn I would've personally prepared one,but this one is mine "Lilah stated as pulled the lady to herself,Lilah wrapped her hand around her waist, in an attempt to make her point Lilah kissed the lady on the neck and sucked so hard that she created a hickey,she bent her head and turned to Bastian "next time you might just forgot but I'm sure you'll remember now cause I've left a marked on her " Lilah said bluntly leaving Bastian and his acquaintance stunned .

"Thank you Miss Lilah but..." "You really should stop serving men like him I've told you before but you never listen " Lilah scolded " Miss Lilah it's okay I'm here to work plus I choose a job at this strip club so I've got to do my job I'm just sorry I keep making trouble for ,yet you have done so much for me " " I'm your boss right so I'll tell you what you job is" " if you keep this up then people would think that I'm ..... going out with you " she said as she played with her fingers, Lilah's mouth curved up into a seductive smirk,"it's not like it's a lie ,why are you shy about going out with me aren't i cute enough for you Vivee " Lilah said itching closer to Vivee's face which was already all flush,"Miss Lilah?"Vivee called out"hmmm" Lilah responded still very close to Vivee's face "well if you're hungry I can go wait in your personal cubicle, I've been eating lots of good veg...." " Really!!!" Lilah roared at her and she almost ran away, Lilah remembering how timid Vivee is so calmly pulled her by the hand " why do you always think I just want your blood, everytime we talk or I help you,you always try to pay me back with your blood,stop it I'm not gonna hurt you" "Miss Lilah I promise you aren't hurting me ,I....I...I just wanna be like you, you helped me,you helped my family even after my mother's death you still help me out " " and you think it's normal to go around offering your blood to people who help you?" Lilah questioned angrily,she was about to walk away but Vivee hurriedly wrapped her hands around Lilah's waist , preventing her from moving,Lilah turned around with a cute smile "get going ok it's late" Lilah ordered vivee,"well I'll go home with you tonight,I still haven't thanked you very well for today" Vivee said with a smile " tempting but not today Doll I've got important work to handle, alright ?"Lilah said with a serious expression as she gently pinched Vivee's cheek which made her flushed.

††††††††† Three weeks later †††††††††

Lilah was seated in her office at the strip club with Vance standing next to her she was looking through some files "send Vivee to me" she ordered with her head still buried in the files,"ma'am Vivee hasn't been in for the past two weeks" he said with a slight bow,Lilah froze,she looked up at Vance who couldn't tell what she was thinking,"what do you mean 'two weeks'" Lilah questioned angrily "well I thought you gave some days off because of her condition ma'am" "what condition?" Lilah asked getting even more enraged,"Vivee's pregnant ma'am" "she's what ?" Lilah roared and Vance iced on the spot.