Ease dropping ...

Lilah stood there waiting for a reply as Xavier and Mira sat with their eyes widen starring at her,Xavier stood up "I'll go check on them" he said as he tried to walk out but Lilah caught him by the arm and he froze " how was it ?" "Huh?" Xavier asked with a confused expression " how was your first sire bonding,were you scared ,was it easy,was it fun ?" Lilah asked with a smile on her face, Xavier looked at Lilah with a surprised and confused expression " it was great, I've got to get to Zee before Simon eats him " Xavier said and ran off before Lilah could grab him again," ha ha ha" Lilah chuckled as she watched Xavier run away like a girl who got complimented by her crush,she then turned to Mira who had a calm smile on her face "say it ,I know you heard us so say what's on your mind" Lilah sat besides Mira as her expression changed " you shouldn't have told him " Lilah said ," someone has to tell him how much you love him or you'll never do it" Mira said "I can , and I will tell him everything about me ,but at the right time, when I'm sure he'll understand everything..." " You of all people should know that there's no such thing as the right time,Lilah if you keep on waiting for a right time you'll have to wait for eternity and considering a 165yrs old vampire eternity is a very long time ..." " But I..." " Enough with the buts Lilah,I know you, you've got to stop thinking that keeping things away from him means you're protecting him cause it doesn't, sincerely speaking Lilah he is turning 19 in three days time you've got to learn to let him make some mistake so he can learn,he is trying to be like you so bad Lilah all he needs is your support and assistance not your interference and discouragements " Mira paused as she stole a glance of Lilah " but I can't watch learn the hard way ,he can't become like me " " what's so bad about being like you? Because if you ask me you're one hell of a perfect mistake " " ha ha,yeah enjoy while it lasts " "all I'm trying to say is , pls give your self a chance not for your sake but he's, cause you never know he might just give you a reason to stop looking for ways to die " Mira ended as stood up " I'll be staying at your mansion for the time being , Tessy just got her mark I was thinking to let her be around people who are like family to her" " wow that's great what's her mark ?" Lilah asked " what do you think... She's got snake's eyes..." " It seems you can't erase genes I'm proud of her,but does she know ?" Lilah questioned " no but I'll tell her " " I was thinking of throwing a party for Xavier's 19th birthday we can make it a double celebration,I also need a front for a meeting of every single member of the circle, something strange is happening and I need to be sure it's got nothing to do with anyone from the circle " Lilah said with a serious expression," what happened?" " The zombie wasn't just a zombie he wasn't just made out half breed vampire venom , Ton examined it and he found out that magic was used, but he also said that whichever magic was used to make it was ancient and forbidden" Lilah ended with creased brows " I don't think there's any warlock capable of practicing forbidden magic, neither witches and there are only 4 Dark Faires left even they are incapable of dark forbidden magic " Mira ended " I've got to asked Sly he's a Faire he's got to know something or someone plus Lucius did say he was given permission for an experiment lab on a government property" " Sly isn't a Faire anymore Lilah , he's just a Phoenix now, and even if he has a shred of Faire blood in him it's very much dormant" Mira said with concern " ho.. how do you know that?" Lilah asked in confusion but Mira look directly into her eyes emotionlessly " there are relevant reasons why people walk out of your life Lilah,all you have to do is ask" she ended and walked away, Lilah looked drained.

†††††††††† Delores resident †††††††††††††

Lilah tied her hair into her usual ponytail,as walked into her room,she took of her leather jacket and she was left with her black singlet and leather pants she took off her boots and was about to lay down when she heard a knock on the door, " come in " she said as she laid on her bed , " can we talk" a very familiar voice was heard and she immediately got up.

Lilah and Sylvester were now seated opposite each other with serious expression, " we haven't gotten the opportunity to talk about us " " there's nothing to talk about " Lilah as she got up but stopped,she remembered what Mira had said (" there are relevant reasons why people walk out of your life Lilah,all you have to do is ask") Lilah slowly turned to Sly ,"why did you leave when I needed you the most? " Lilah asked in a calm but pained tone , Sly stood up and moved closer to her ,he slowly wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her into his warm embrace,Lilah wanted to push him away but she missed him to much to do that,she let him have his way as she took in his scent ,Sly tightened his grip on Lilah's waist as their hug became less of a conciliation and more of an intimate hug , you could tell how much Sly wanted Lilah just through their tensed body firmly on each other.