The expert works

††††††††† Delores resident †††††††††††††

..... Lilah was woken by some noise from outside her room, she opened her eyes to the sight of the godlike creatures from last night, she gave a gently smile and planted a soft kiss on his lips, just then she heard the noise again, she inwardly cursed the person making such annoying noises, she slowly got up from the bed so as not to wake Sly up,she wrapped her naked self in her night wear and steadily walked outside,the moment she closed the door behind her she turned to a woman running towards her screaming " help ma'am" ,Lilah caught the lady and gently patted her back to calm her down " breath Vera breath, now who is chasing you and why are you crying?" Lilah inquired, " ma'am the new vampire,he..he killed Stella" Vera cried out, Lilah stood still for a while she looked like she was going to explode , " Xavier!!!!!!!!!!" Lilah called out, before she could call again Xavier and Zee were both Infront of her, Lilah pulled both of them by the ear down the stairs " ouch ouchhhh he broke the chain and got out" they both explained in pain, " call him here now!!" Lilah ordered but Xavier just stood still starring at her ,Lilah palmed her head in annoyance," reach out to him like you'd do to me when you need help, establish a connection between the two of you, now call that son-of-bitch before I lose it!!" Lilah roared as Xavier stood ready to go, he closed his eyes and called out to Simon,in a couple of seconds Simon was Infront of him with blood dripping from his mouth and hands with his body as cold as ice, he stood starring directly at Xavier,who was starring back, just then Mira, Rover, Leo, Tessy and Sly wrapped in their night wear ,were all downstairs searching for the cause of the commotion, Rover on realizing the cause of the noise,shook his head and walked away, " what in fuck name is going on here" Leo asked,but the moment Simon heard his voice he lost his cool as was about to pounce on Leo luckily Mira froze him on the spot,Lilah noticed Simon's eyes were red and she rolled her eyes and turned to Xavier and Zee " what blood type did you give him?" Lilah questioned , Xavier in return turned to Zee who shrugged his shoulder expressing his ignorance to the question, Lilah shook her head in annoyance " put him down, both of you chain him up, vera I need two bags of O blood type now!" Lilah said and everyone rushed into action.

Lilah drank the blood that was given to her by Vera, then she walked up to Simon was chained,she bit her wrist and blood gushed out she placed her wrist which she had bitten Infront of Simon's lips, he looked at her and then her eyes but like a werewolf Infront of his alpha ,he lowered his head in surrender he licked the blood before driving his fang into her wrist,he sucked and sucked till he was satisfied, his eyes turned light gold, and he became less aggressive, "take the chains off ,get him into a warm bath and let him have a nice nap, we have a birthday party to plan" Lilah said as everyone dispersed but before Xavier and Zee could run away Lilah caught them by the ear " I gave an instruction right?" Lilah questioned, Xavier and Zee looked around searching for vera but she had long ran off .

†††† Lilah room††††††††

Lilah walked into the room to find Sly in bed , she hoped on the bed by his side as he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead,she placed her head on his broad hard chest as she let her fingers stroll around his body, Lilah looked up at him like she just recalled something " you still haven't answered my question Sly?" Lilah said but he kept mute, Lilah attempted to lift her head up from his chest but Sly pulled her back " your question is one that has a very complicated explanation" " and you think I can't handle complicated answers?" " No ... That's not what I'm trying to say..." " Then talk to me please, I mourned you Sly, you can't imagine how much I wanted you, how many nights I stayed up craving your touch, so I need a very convincing explanation or I won't just rip your head off your body I'll bury it in different part of the world....".

†††††††† A very complicated explanation Later †††††††††

Lilah sat on the bed silent and her silence tormented Sly, he was really anxious and hoping she doesn't explode in his face, he was about to say something when Lilah planted a gentle kiss on his lips as she laid down beside him , Sly froze for a couple of seconds then he laid down beside her ," I'll answer whatever question you have for me I promise" he planted a gentle kiss her forehead.

In a large room, which was reserved for Simon, Zee and Xavier watched silently as Simon smiled to everything " are you okay?" Zee asked concerned, Simon looked at him but keep on smiling, Zee informed Xavier that he had already prepared the bath for Simon, " go get some sleep I'll take care of...." Before Xavier could end Zee already ran out screaming for joy, Xavier turned to Simon with an irritated expression " can you stop that you look stupid" Xavier said and just like that Simon snapped out of it, " why do I feel this way?" Simon asked " well you're a vampire now so I guess that's how you feel when you turn" Xavier replied "so I'm like you now?" " No I'm a pure blood and half human you're a normal vampire" Xavier said causally, but Simon just stared at him confused , Xavier inhale some air as he readily explained " think of it like a virgin and a non virgin, I'm a virgin you're not" Xavier explained " how do you know that, did you touch me...." " Shut up , alright, you're a vampire sired by me " " so you're like my personal Dracula ?" Simon asked and Xavier just stared in awe " why exactly aren't you pissed off about this?" Xavier asked with raised brows " well I've never felt this good before plus now I can be with Leo " Simon said with a smile on his face," so you're happy with being a freaking walking corpse because of a guy that doesn't like you or even think of you, what about your mom your friends aren't you afraid you may hurt them or even kill them " Xavier inquired, "Incase you haven't noticed I don't have much friend or any friends,plus my mom is drug dealer who only realizes that I'm alive when she needs a teenage shield, plus you're wrong about Leo he only broke up with me because he didn't want to hurt me now he doesn't have to bother about hurting me " Simon explain with dreamy eyes, Xavier was in Ater disbelief " WHAT THE FUCK!!!...."