Chapter 2: New Life in a Dungeon

A girl with a completely destroyed purple dress flies through the window of a castle corridor, shattering the window and killing the girl instantly. Parts of this girl's body were riddled with glass shards as the blood now flows from her dead body. However, the body starts to recover itself; the glass and small shards push themselves out of the body as the blood slowly returns to the veins from whence it came. This young lady is Kalika Archelion.

This very castle was the very home destroyed during the demon invasion. blood marked the corridor and body parts of the casualties stayed loitered on the ground. Kalika could see some demons picking up leftover armor and weapons and looking for any valuable loot they could find. it was a sickening sight to witness monsters raid her once beloved home.

Lillian soon enters from the same broken window with demonic wings abroad. she quickly and cleanly put her wings back into her body, and practically skipped to see how Kalika is fairing. Lillian looks giddy as Kalika is trembling from the very recent pain of being slammed through a window. Lillian looked back up at the door in front of them and entered it. "So, this is my room!" Lillian was obviously very happy and proud of her new room. "I'm so glad the Demon King is letting us live here! Isn't this exciting Kalika!" Kalika refused to look up and into the room Lillian stood.

"This can't be happening to me." Kalika could only clutch her hands still not wanting to except this new reality she finds herself in.

Lillian skipped back to Kalika proceeding to pick Kalika up using her tail, hanging the now limp Kalika upside down. They both now entered the room. Lillian, using her free hands, moved Kalika's gaze to look at her bed, then her dresser and cabinet, even her own personal closet. The room looked suspiciously better than the rest of the castle. "What do you think?" Lillian seemed very excited.

Kalika is silent for a long time. Her mind was focused more on recovering from the pain she felt just moments ago. The waiting made Lillian more impatient as Kalika seemed unwilling to respond to her. Lillian tore off one of Kalika's arms making Kalika scream in pain. Wincing in pain Kalika after another couple seconds finally answered. "It looks great."

"I don't think I heard you." Lillian was much more serious. Lillian proceeded to break Kalika's other arm. Kalika screamed out again in pain.


"I know right!" Like a switch Lillian went back to being happy go lucky. All Kalika could do was weep and should continue to be held upside down by Lillian's tail.

Lillian Snapped Kalika's neck allowing her to be revived and healed. Lillian understood that no matter how damaged her sister's body was, it would simply return to normal. Lillian watched on as Kalika's limb that was torn off, reattached itself, as if some mysterious force was turning back time. Lillian dropped Kalika on the floor just before Kalika herself awakened. Kalika starts to sob on the floor curling herself into the fetal position.

The Demon king entered the bedroom housing the two sisters. He was now adorned with much fancier clothing. "I see you finally found your new room Lillian. I certainly hope you two had a fun time," The Demon King said. he looked at Kalika with his arms crossed.

"Yes. We had a lot of fun. Now didn't we Kal?"

Kalika still sobbing took a moment before nodding her head in agreement. Afraid any further retaliation from Lillian.

"I see." The Demon King then knelt down brushing Kalika's hair. "That's good. And Lillian, I think you'll also be happy to hear that Kalika's room should be ready down below." Lillian seemed to be pleasantly surprised by the Demon Kings news.

"Oh, that's great," Lillian exclaimed.

Kalika lifted her head finally. "R-room? What room?"

The Demon King gave a smile. "A room in the deepest part of the castle of course." He starts to get up. "It's not the coziest of places but it was handpicked by Lillian herself." Kalika suddenly grabbed the pants of the Demon King and started looking at him, clearly desperate.

"P-please. Not there. Anywhere but there." Kalika clutched the pants harder. "Please I-I'll do anything you want. Anything. E-e-e-even…." It was clear to both Lillian and the Demon King that Kalika was too embarrassed to finish.

The Demon King grabbed Kalika's arm that was clutching his pants. He started squeezing her arm hard enough to make her squeak out in pain. "Heh. That's a tempting Offer Kalika… However, I'll have to reject your offer." Lillian suddenly kicked Kalika's head, crushing it to pieces.

The Demon king threw the dead body on the ground. Kalika's head was now reforming from the pieces around the room. She awakened with her head was pounding so hard she couldn't help but scream from the pain.

The Demon King starts to leave the room. "Unfortunately for you I'm not an Incubus that wishes to pleasure himself. We're Lupeus, our kind simply derive pleasure from the suffering of others." The Demon King looked back at Lillian. "Oh. Lillian. Would you like a Fine selection of clothes for your sister by chance?"

Lillian stepped up and glanced at Kalika before answering with a sly smile "No need. I already have some apparel in mind."

"Heh. So be it." The Demon king left the two sisters. With the Demon King gone Lillian went on to grab Kalika by the neck with her tail. she lifted her in the air starting to get to change Kalika into the outfit of her choice.

"Now. Let's go get you fitted." Kalika was forced and soon fitted to Lillian's desired apparel.


After some time, Kalika found herself now entering a long wet cold stony corridor. wearing a fresh and clean pair of prisoner clothes. she was being escorted by Lillian and another strange looking demon clad in armor. They passed by a few rooms with devices specifically made for torture. Seeing those rooms made her feel uneasy and much more fearful of what her new life would have in store for her.

Eventually they all reach the new supposed home for Kalika. It was the very same cell Lillian was housed in before she was executed. Kalika could only stand in shock as it was a complete and utter mess of a cell.

Aside from the stone and concrete, the prison cell had no light, the bars of the cell were rusted and piles of dirty hay scattered throughout the floor. It smelled of a horses stable. There were some sets of iron chain that hanged loosely on the rough wall, likely used to hold other, more deranged prisoners.

Kalika was simply in a daze seeing this prison cell right before her. "Welcome to your new home Kalika." Lillian gave a slightly mischievous tone.

After a little while Kalika broke out of her trance; she then slowly and reluctantly entered her new supposed home like a dog. Lillian followed behind and It wasn't long before Kalika got herself cuffed on the the hanging chains by her sister. Kalika is surprised by this, starts to become frightened.

"W-what?" Kalika immediately starts to pull at he chains.

"Aw, you look so cute in this Kalika. Reminds me a little of when I was locked up too."

"L-let me out of this!" Kalika started to freak out trying to break free of the chains.

Lillian didn't like it, so using her hands stabs Kalika through the stomach as punishment. Kalika screamed out in pain falling to her knees. Thanks to the chains on the wall, Kalika's arms are barely able to reach past her own head. Shortly after, Lillian pulled her hand from Kalika's penetrated torso. "No. This is your punishment for the day."

"F-f-f-for what?" Kalika started to bleed out with the new hole in the prisoner's outfit. She was panting really hard from the pain trying to bear with it. Lillian, using a single finger, lifted Kalika's head to look at her.

"There's a few reasons. but let's make this because you had me killed and work our way down from there." Lillian said with a more satisfied look.

 Lillian is about to do something else when some Demon Guards came in and informed Lillian that the Demon King wanted to speak with her. Lillian was disappointed with this but obliged as Kalika continued to suffer with a life-threatening injury.

Lillian got up and started to walk out of the cell. She paused for a moment and then started to talk. "Don't worry Kalika I'll be back; I'll even have some games ready for us to play like the good ole days."

Lillian finally left leaving Kalika alone, hanging in the cell by her hands. Desperate and not wanting to feel the unbearable pain Kalika made a plead. "L-Lillian! Lillian!! Please! Don't leave me like this!!" Kalika's words fell on deaf ears as Lillian simply left without batting an eye. "P-please…" The feeling of despair crept into her heart, it was almost soul crushing.

All she could do was continue to hang by her arms on the wall and bleed out. Slowly but surely, Kalika bled out until eventually all she could do was sleep with the pain eventually subsiding.

"Oh... Am I dying again…?" It became hard for Kalika to tell whether or not she was actually dying. all she understood was that the embrace of darkness was just around the corner. just like those other times.

Kalika wakes up to find her demonic sister Lillian, standing and waiting for her. It seems that she was watching Kalika sleep for a while. "Ah~. It looks like you're finally awake. Are you ready for some fun?"

Lillian had her gaze on Kalika, excitement palpable . Kalika, watching Lillian swirled some fire magic in her hands understood clearly that from this day on, she would suffer through immense pain.

There were no if, and or buts about it. She belonged to her demonic sister to be punished and played with every single day. all purely for her own entertainment. 

From that point on, Lillian would come by in her own spare time and killed Kalika as she pleased. And from time to time Lillian would make her own creative little games to make Kalika suffer even further. Breaking, cutting, burning even drowning; Kalika was not safe from her sister's instinctual desires.

Day's turned into weeks, weeks into months and so on and so forth. It all started to become a blur as the tortures that were once physically and mentally taxing started to lose their edge. nothing surprised Kalika anymore, in fact her own body would instinctually prepare itself for the pain to come.

Despite being able to better coup with the pain, she still absolutely despised it. The pain was only a reminder of how she was still alive and that her freedom no longer existed. This left a longing in Kalika's heart, a longing to escape from this nightmare she found herself in.

She didn't want to lose hope. The hope that one day she might escape this hell. but with each passing day, the thought of it was becoming less and less likely. after all what would hope do for her?


Five years as gone by in an instant, although it was hard for Kalika to tell since a year felt like a century. With all the torment and punishment Lillian has been putting her through, everything seemed to go on forever.

Kalika sat leaning against the cell wall sitting on a small stack of the dirty hay gathered. her body hasn't seem to have moved much throughout the years as her body was starting to look much more fragile. Her face looked more deteriorated, and her hair was unkept and much shorter than it was before. Kalika could only stare into space waiting for the next event to unfold.

Kalika can hear heavy footsteps. A demon guard approached her cell with a tray of food and water. The tray simply had a loaf of bread, a piece of undercooked meat and a cup of water. The guard simply placed it by the front of the cell door taking his leave. Kalika simply gave a glare at the Demon Guard as it left.

"Is that guard new or something? Doesn't it know who I am?" Kalika thought to herself. Kalika had deep disdain for demons. She could barely stand the sight of them.

Kalika got on her knees and hands, practically crawling over to the tray of food. The floor was cold to the touch and grainy. she pulled the tray to herself and retreated back to her makeshift bed of dirty hay.

Kalika took the loaf of the bread, finally biting into it. And as much as she didn't want to eat the meat, she had to bear with it. Kalika placed the piece of meat between two of the ripped off pieces of her bread to make the meal a little more palatable. She refrained from drinking the water until the very end of the meal.

Kalika then notices a little bit of blood on her arm as she finished eating her meal. Kalika paid it little mind to it however, simply wiping it from her arm and continued to her favorite part which was the water.

To Kalika the water was the only good part of the meal that she could enjoy even if it looked a little diluted. She finished drinking half of the water; she saved the other half right next to her to guard it. This was a habit Kalika made when living in the dungeon since she could only afford one meal and a simple drink during a given day.

Throughout the five years Kalika spent in the dungeon throughout the poor living conditions and painful retributions, Kalika's hatred towards demon race were the only thing to keep her sane. Her hatred of the guards, of the Demon King and even her sister that's a demon. she hated them with all her heart. Even being her sister's personal trophy was something Kalika hated.

Kalika sighed looking at the prison ceiling. she then looked into the corridor filled with endless dark.

The longing for freedom arose once more. Kalika looked at her poorly kept legs. She already struggled crawling, but to stand felt like it would take much more effort. Kalika had to remind herself of the pointless nature to hope. She had no strength, no plan and no friends she only had herself and this gloomy dirty prison.

She leaned herself back into her favorite cozy spot, soon becoming lost in thought. Slowly she started leaning herself in the corner of the cell listening to deafening silence for any abnormalities like a rat or drops of water. It was the only way Kalika knew how to spend her own time when there was nothing much else to do.

She couldn't even move her body around much even if she wanted to. Since every time after Lillian played with her, her entire body would feel absolutely exhausted. Kalika's body suddenly started to tense up as she felt the presence of someone familiar.

"Huh? Why is she here?" Kalika looked over to the cell bars.

The pattering of feet starts to become audible. It's coming closer and closer. Kalika could tell there was another person too. as expected, Lillian finally showed up.

Lillian was dressed down with a black long sleeve shirt along with a red full body corset that tight held her bosom paired with an open skirt. she's also wearing legs stocking that was complimented by some short heels. This is the first that Kalika is seeing Lillian like this. It looked casual and new.

"What's with the dress?" Kalika was a little curious.

"Oh, you like it. it was made personally." Lillian twirled a little showing a little of her demon tail through what seems to be a custom-made hole.

Kalika could tell Lillian was in a very good mood today since this is the bubbliest, she's been in a while. Kalika turned her attention to what seems to be a little human girl hiding behind Lillian back. The girl had black hair and pink eyes and she looked no older than 12 and was dressed in a maid's outfit.

It was strange for Kalika to see a human girl, especially one with pink eyes. Kalika gave a glance at Lillian before looking away. "So... What do you want?" Kalika didn't seem to be in the mood for conversing.

"I'm here to give you a present…. Since you've been such a good girl lately."

Kalika started to hug her legs. "Is that so... well... I don't want it. so, you can take it back..." Kalika didn't seem interested as she kept looking away from Lillian.

"Are you sure? I picked her out just for you," Lillian said.

Kalika looked back a little surprised.

"Her name is Rhonda. She'll be your personal maid."

The little maid girl looked very shy, but just gave a simple smile. Trying to save face it was obvious that the girl was very nervous. She then tugged at Lillian's skirt, Lillian bent down and brought her ear up front. the girl wasted little time whispering something in her ear. Lillian gave a simple nod to her. The girl immediately went back to being shy after looking at Lillian's answer.

"Why is she giving me a maid...?" Kalika Dumbfounded by Lillian's sudden gesture of kindness.