Chapter 7: Survival

The steel door in Kalika's new prison cell opens, waking Kalika up from her sleep. She squints her eyes a little to find Rakon along with a demon woman wearing light armor with him. And just like him she has red skin but with violet eyes and black hair.

"Is she the girl?" The woman gave a harsh look at Kalika.

"Yes, now stop wasting any time."

"Tch!" The Woman was obviously not happy with the arrangement.

She grabbed Kalika holding her in both hands as if she was a child. Kalika was confused by this but didn't fight back since she was still tired. They made their way through the corridor into a small chamber with some weapons.

"What's going on?" Kalika was still trying to wake up.

"Your debut of course. You'll need to be equipped if you're going to participate."

"Huh?" Kalika still didn't fully understand. She was suddenly dropped on the floor, hard on her back. "Ow! Hey what was that for!!"

"I've done my part. I'm leaving" the woman starts to take her leave.

"What a bitch." Kalika was pissed by the woman's behavior.

"Where are we?" Kalika started to look around intently. It was weird since she was never really taken out of her cell before.

"We are in the castle's underground coliseum where our armies' men and generals come to unwind and enjoy the spectacles. From time to time the king and queen come to enjoy the show too."

"So, this is what he meant when he said debut yesterday…"

"I'm sure I don't need to explain any further. You are quite the smart human girl after all." Rakon started to look through the weapons.

"If you want me to fight, I refuse. I'm not taking part in your stupid games." Kalika got up immediately.

Rakon now picked up a great big sword from one of the racks. He starts to examine it thoroughly as he responds. "It doesn't quite matter whether you agree or not. As the official prisoner of the Demon King, are now under the rules of normal prisoners."

"W-what do you mean?" Kalika was taken aback.

"Did you really think you were under the same rules as a normal convict here? Heh. No. everyday it's killed or be killed." Rakon threw the great big sword on the floor, grabbing another smaller sword. "Sometimes it's prisoner versus beast. Other times it versus other prisoners and on very rare occasions the Demon King or the generals will participate as well. Depending on the event and occasion of course."

Kalika was surprised to hear about this since she never knew that prisoners they detained were used as a source of entertainment.

"Screw this. I don't want anything to do with this!"

A firm hand then grasped Kalika's shoulder. She looked back to find the same demon woman that escorted her.

"I thought you were leaving to join the other Generals, Azar." Rakon put away the sword finally.

"I came back because I wanted to see if the rumors were true."

"Yes. They are but I'm sure you'll be able to witness it from the seats above just fine."

Kalika was starting to shake; she could feel that this demon woman wanted to kill her. It was the same killing intent Lillian gaze off before when she'd torture her.

"Why wait when I can see for myself now." Azar squeezed down on Kalika's shoulder harder as if readying to do something.

"You're still as impatient as always Azar." This was Lillian's voice. She just came from the door dungeon corridor along with Rhonda whose head was down. Rhonda looks to be carrying something in a white cloth.

"Your… Majesty. What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come down to wish good luck to my little toy. After all this is her debut and I'd like her to understand how to play this game"

Azar retracted her hand from Kalika upon hearing this. "I see... May I be of assistance then."

"No need. You may leave now." Lillian was giving a menacing gaze at the general. General Azar was taken aback by this but simply excused herself and left.

"Heh. If you keep intimidating your allies like that, their loyalty will wane." Rakon was amused. He went on to continue searching through the sets of weapons. Lillian paid no mind to the demon she went on and approached Kalika with Rhonda by her side.

Lillian was feeling a little awkward and Kalika could notice. She finally decided to speak. "Going forward… you'll be living under some of the same rules as the normal convicts here. You're going to have to fight hard every day if you ever want the bare necessities."

"But why can't I refuse! I don't want to fight. I-I-I can't fight Lily!"

"And?" Lillian asked coldly.

"If you refuse now, how do you expect to eat? How do you expect to sleep? This is your new reality, Kalika. For the next fifteen years you're going to have to fight for yourself." Kalika was upset hearing these words. She clutched her hands in frustration, not wanting to believe a word from Lillian's mouth. Kalika's thoughts were interrupted when she started to hear the clanging of blades from behind.

Kalika turned around to find Rakon walking back to her and Lillian with several sets of swords. "I have a few weapons that might help you in your fights." Rakon presented one of his favorite looking ones which looked like it had blood dripping upwards to the tip of the blade. "Might I suggest this one."

"No need for those." Lillian gestured to Rhonda to come up, which she obliged. Rhonda then opened up the cloth revealing a curved dagger with a red stained blade and a black hilted handle. The Dagger also had some green and purple gemstone incorporated into the hilt and handle.

Kalika got closer to the blade, appreciating its design. She literally forgot about everyone around her and picked the blade with both hands from the white cloth Rhonda was still holding. The dagger started to glow a little before Kalika started to feel much more drained.

"Pity, it looks like you've just contracted your weapon of choice." Rakon was slightly disappointed.

"Huh. Wait, what do you mean?" Kalika was confused by the sudden reaction from the demon.

He started to put away the swords before explaining. "All of these weapons are blood blades or what your kin have been calling 'Demon blades'. Once you've made a contract with one of these weapons, you'll be unable to attack other people with anything else other than the contracted weapon. And vice versa."

Kalika was slightly amazed by this since this was something she never would have thought possible. She then turned her attention back to the blade, looking at it more curiously.

"I had it specially made for you. It was meant to be a gift once the war was over."

The Reminder about the ongoing invasion left a bitter taste in Kalika's mouth. Although she had no power to do anything. Rakon pulled Kalika, taking her out of her thoughts. "Your match will be ready soon, And Lillian you might want to get seated."

"Well said. Good luck Kalika." Lillian started to take her leave. Rhonda, still looking upset, gave a bow before taking her leave as well. Kalika noticed that this entire time Rhonda had refused to look at her. But she herself didn't care much about it, after all she isn't entitled to be liked by the girl.

Other guards soon joined them as Kalika continued to hold onto this new dagger in hand.

"Don't get any bright ideas now," Rakon whispered.

"I know. I'm not stupid."

"It's truly a pity I was hoping to speak with you much more in private, but it seems that it'll have to wait." Rakon was slipping the mask off a little. He went back into character. "Alright. It'll be just this way."

Kalika followed behind, still unsure how to feel about having to now fight in a deathmatch.


Elsewhere in the underground coliseum there are many demons of assorted colors of blue and red. They're settled along some of the rough stone seats, they seem to be conversing about the rumored immortal girl. At the far-off side of the coliseum there's a perched balcony where four of the five generals are sitting in wait.

Among the demon generals waiting is Bjorn who is taking up much of the space along with 3 other demons two of which have blue skin. And another red skinned demon who is keeping his distance from the others. Not too far is the Demon King Lucius who is pondering to himself.

The two blue demon generals were twin brothers. One of which had white hair while the other had black hair. They were placing bets and wagers on the outcome of the debut match. Both of them fit with the only armor on them, loosely hanging on their waist and shoulder. The demon with black hair started to raise his voice. "Forget about it Ek! Even if she can't die, it doesn't mean she can lose this."

"Come on Kel! You're telling me that she's gonna win!? In your dreams!"

"Just shut it already you two!" The demon from the far side was getting annoyed by the bickering. This Demon was well built as well. He also had snow white hair and blue eyes.

"C'mon Jala, you're telling us you're not the least bit interested in the girl!?" The demon general Kel was getting annoyed.

"That's right. Even if the girl can't die, she's still a useless human. She's probably only good for entertainment."

Bjorn decided to join the conversation. "I have to agree with Jala. I've met the girl myself, she's quite the fragile thing unlike the queen herself. Honestly, I could understand why she was locked away in the dungeon."

Kel was getting frustrated and was being outnumbered in opinion. "Really now. You guys have no imagination."

Kel then sees Azar entering the gallery, he starts to get excited. "Azar Honey! You made it!"

"Quiet welp!" Azar wasn't up for any conversation, likely frustrated from being interrupted by the queen earlier. Kel couldn't help but to be very disappointed.

Ek, his brother and Lucius are chuckling at this exchange. Their own little source of entertainment.

"We've been securing the border for three years and that's what you give me." Kel was starting to complain to Azar. "It's not like doing that stuff is easy you know; a good hello goes a long way!"

"Just ignore my brother Az. still as lovesick as always." Ek put his brother in a chokehold.

"S-Shut up Ek!" Kel was getting annoyed.

Azar simply looked at them with a harsh gaze before responding herself. "How far have you two gotten with securing the border anyways?" she seemed to have ignored the last part.

"If I'm not mistaken, the borders were almost secured." Lucius joined the conversation to the surprise of the generals.

"Y-yes. We just have some land in the west we need to finish fortifying." Kel seemed a little nervous.

"That's good to hear. The sooner the borders are locked down the sooner we can begin our invasion to the west. Isn't that right, your highness." Azar keeps looking forward to the coliseum.

"Yes… It took longer than I anticipated, but it is still only a matter of time before they all fall. Then this country will be ours."

"That's a day I look forward to." Bjorn added.

"What did I miss?" Lillian seems to have finally arrived.

"Ah Lillian. You didn't miss a thing. We were actually talking about the war." Lucius seems to become much happier seeing Lillian.

"I see." Lillian took her seat by Lucius.

Lucius soon signaled to the guard with his hand that they were ready for the action. The guard then passed the message to start the match.

"So, who is she fighting for her debut?' Lillian Asked.

"Oh. Didn't Rakon Tell you? She's fighting one of those bandits we caught a few years back. A real scum of a man really… I'm sure Kalika will be appreciative." Lucius gave a smile as they waited for Kalika and the bandit to get into the ring.

Kalika stood alone at the entrance of the coliseum ring trembling in fear. She remembers back to a few moments ago as Rakon told her who the opponent was.


Kalika was still walking with Rakon who was standing shoulder to shoulder with her as guards walked behind them. Kalika was nervous and it was visible to everyone there.

"Would you like to know who your opponent is?"

Kalika took a moment to herself before responding. "Y-yeah. Who's my opponent?"

"Well, if you think it's one of Kin you're mistaken. You won't even have to fight against some of our beasts."

"So, it's another one of your prisoners?"

"You're quite the smart girl." Rakon almost gave a mocking tone. He then got closer to Kalika's ear to whisper something in her ear, he even used his hands to keep the guards from reading his lips. Kalika's eyes widened in absolute shock and started trembling from fear.

Rakon simply gave a smile.

"O-ho. is that a crack I'm seeing." Rakon was starting to taunt Kalika. Kalika, seeing this tried to hide her own fear to deny this demon his satisfaction.


Kalika was watching as the caged door opened with the guard on the other side. Kalika tried to muster up whatever courage she could, trying to control her trembling hands.

"There's no way what that demon said was true!"

An image of Rakon's satisfied expression runs through Kalika's head.

Kalika with her Dagger along with a man dressed in prisoner's clothes carrying a broadsword enters the arena. Kalika shuddered a little as she looked at the body and face of the man. The man had gray-stained black hair and a huge scar across his face. His body was also riddled with scars and cuts throughout his body.

According to Rakon, Kalika's first opponent is a murderer who's stalked the street to kill and violate women. The man was looking very excited as he was looking down at Kalika.

Kalika held her new red dagger with both hands posing it to be used. For the first time in Kalika's life, she has to take the life of a man with her own hands. And all for the pure enjoyment of the demons watching them.