Chapter 1.2: Life

People start clamoring away for safety only for some to be whisked away into the sky while others get sliced, burnt, and killed. Guards step in to defend the civilians but it's no use as they are all being overwhelmed.

"ON GUARD MEN!!" Grimwald yelled at the troops.

Julian and Grimwald bear their arms to defend themselves and Kalika. Without warning Kalika is suddenly attacked by a winged demon that almost whisked her away. Fortunately for Kalika she is immediately saved by Julian. Kalika, in a panic, is quickly made to hide under the balcony table by her adopted father.

Julian turned his attention to Captain Leo. "Leo! Don't worry about us! Protect the civilians and aid the guards down below!" The captain Immediately agrees to the order, understanding his new mission.

 Without wasting time Captain Leo helps the guards on the ground by jumping from the balcony. He easily dispatched two demons with one swift move and moved to kill more demons. He even moves to protect as many civilians as possible. All the while, Julian and Grimwald are protecting Kalika who is still very panicked. 

However, despite fighting very hard, their ranks become overwhelmed by the number of invaders. It doesn't take long for the few remaining guards and civilians to be cornered or killed. With this, it marked the victory of the demon invaders.

The winged demons start perching themselves onto the roofs as if ordered too standby. While the demons on the ground have everyone including Captain Leo cornered, unable to make a move without getting slayed.

Luckily for Julian and Grimwald the demons on the ground are unable to enter the church. Despite this Julian and Grimwald remain on guard knowing that the winged demons can swoop down at any moment.

"Your lordship, what do we do?" Grimwald knew that they were in a precarious situation.

Julian is about to answer, that was until a much bigger mound, revealing a demon with cold blue skin, sleek black hair and bright golden eyes appeared. he had what looked to be a tail wrapped around his pants just beneath his well built body, and short horns that curved from the front of his head to the back.

He was cackled as he finished making his steps on the previously pristine pavement. The mysterious demons cackling soon turned to laughter before exhaling to finally speak.

"I would never have imagined that the Saintess would ever die. and here I thought I'd have to wait a lifetime to invade. " The demon looks at the podium where Lillian's dead body lies. The demon starts to smile wickedly, amused at the situation. "The poor girl didn't even see it coming either. And to think, not even her blood father didn't come running to help."

The demon turned back to Julian whose blood was starting to boiling. Grimwald was preparing for an attack at any point. all Kalika could do was watch from under the balcony table, Kalika was completely shell shocked.

"Demons! A-actual demons!!??" the revelations that demons actually existed felt unreal to Kalika, but it was something that she could no longer refute.

The demon then bows down to the ruler Julian. "As king of the demons, I have to offer my sincerest gratitude. Now that the Saintess is dead we can now invade these lands with all our strength and not only that, but the prophecy of destiny… is finally broken."

Julian couldn't take being insulted as he not only disowned his own blood daughter, but he also allowed her to be executed mere moments ago. "How dare you!"

Julian was moments away from charging down from the balcony to battle the amused Demon King. That was until the Head Priest came out from the church. A blast of fire magic came forth hitting the Demon King.

"Back you demon! Go back to whence you came!!" The Head Priest was starting the charge another magical attack. The demons on the ground were about to attack until the Demon King raised his hands to stop them.

The Head Priest ignored the other demons around him and only concentrating on the Demon King. "Your kind is but liars. You talk of the Saintess being dead when she is still with us right here!" The Head Priest yelled as he just about finished charging his fire magic.

"Is that so?" The Demon King looked a little amused.

The Head Priest wastes no further time and shoots a big fireball at the Demon King. The Demon king takes the hit directly with the spell causing him to completely catch fire. The Head Priest continues to barrage the Demon King with his magic fire spells unimpeded. Until it seemed that he was victorious.

"Ha. I guess the King of Demons was all bark." The Head Priest bragged.

Kalika was amazed by the power from the Head Priest and found herself coming out from the safety of the table. Even Julian and Grimwald found the display of magic to be extraordinary. The Head Priest looked at Kalika and Julian. "Your Lordship. Saintess Kalika. We may yet win this battle!"

Grimwald looked around, noticing that none of the demons moved whatsoever. Something wasn't right. They all looked too confident. Everyone's heart soon sank as they heard a familiar cackling followed by even louder laughter.

"SO, YOU BELIEVE HER TO BE THE SAINTESS??" It was clear by the tone of the Demon King, who was very amused. 

Even more concerned, the Head Priest turned his attention back to the burning Demon King and continued his barrage of fire magic on him. The fire gradually gathered from throughout the Demons King's body and into the palm of his hand. The fire gather was a small ball of fire the size of a marble.

"Impossible." The Head Priest was shocked by the Demon Kings immense strength.

The Demon King then released the ball of fire back at the Head Priest. The Head Priest tried blocking the incoming attack with a magic barrier, but it is no use as the tiny ball of fire completely breaks through the barrier and engulfed the Head Priest. The Head Priest could do nothing as he screamed at the top of his lungs from being burned alive, charring even his flesh. Eventually the Head Priest is no longer able to scream and is turned into a black charred husk.

The Demon King looked back at the balcony. "I presume the little "Saintess" in the dress to be Kalika." The Demon King was now smiling devilishly.

 "You stay away from her you fiend!" out of nowhere Captain Leo suddenly attacked the Demon King. The blade connects to the Demon King's face, but the sword is instantly shattered into pieces. The Demon King proceeds to grab Captain Leo, very annoyed by his presence.

"I'm not interested in you." The Demon King responded coldly before tossing Captain Leo into the guillotine and destroying the top half of it. With the captain out of the way, the Demon King turned his attention back to Kalika. He gradually levitates himself towards Kalika showing off his overpowering control of magic. 

"Care to show me some of your holy magic, girl?" The Demon King was very intimidating. Kalika was starting to panic. "I…. I.".

"I can't use magic!" Kalika didn't have any magical powers. Only very few people in the world were able to use magic. It was something that was always considered as a gift from God himself. "Kalika …!!" Julian yelled to break Kalika's trance.

Kalika instinctively took a step back. Without hesitation Grimwald placed himself in front of Kalika to keep her safe, Julian also followed suit. The gestures made by the two men were at this point a futile effort in more ways than one, even Kalika realized this.

The Demon King stopped pausing for a moment before starting to float himself towards the guillotine where Lillian's body still resided. "Hmmm… Fine. If you're not willing to show me, perhaps you'll be willing to show. your sister."

The Demon King picked up Lillian's head, which was still slightly drenched in tears. The Demon King squeezed his palm and poured his blood into her mouth. He then completely took off the top of the guillotine that held the neck in place. He held the head close to the main body. The head quickly latched itself onto the body practically stitching itself and healing like it's never been cut. "aha~" The Demon King was looking very proud of himself.

Julian, Grimwald and Kalika are shocked at what they are witnessing. Especially Kalika who is getting a very bad feeling. The Demon King turns back to three on the balcony and starts to explain something to them.

"My blood, unlike other demons, has a special property to bring back the dead. In most cases they're brought back as mindless zombies… but in rare cases like this… They're revived into a demon!"

Lillian's eyes start to open. The Demon King is now cackling to himself as Lillian gets up a little confused. Little by little Lillian starts to undergo a transformation. Her skin became bluer, similar to the Demon King and her hair even changed from brown to a white. She starts to grow curve horns from her head curving to point to the front, her teeth become sharp like fangs and her iris becomes red. She looks around curiously unsure what is going on, even cocking her head as she sees Kalika.