Chapter 40: Undeserved Recognition


The clanking of the Prison cells echo throughout the dungeon prisoner.

"Weapons here," A demon Guard says pointing to a wooden Barrel.

A plethora Prisoners have their weapons confiscated from them throughout the entire dungeon prison. Some let go while others attempt to hide their smaller blades in vain.


"C'mon." one of the prisoners whined. "We couldn't have kept these for at least another day?"

A group of four prisoners were eating some of the meat porridge and conversing. "If you wanted to kill someone earlier you should've done that yesterday."

The third prisoner agreed with the second's opinion. "Oh hey! Did you hear? Apparently a group of guys tried to kill Maverick last night!"

"Really! Is he dead???"

"Of course not dumbass! But the other guys I heard that their skulls got crushed. You'd have to be really dumb to try to mess with him."

"You don't say… Why'd you think they did it?"

The fourth joined the conversation. "Ain't it obvious. They obviously wanted to ensure their own victory in this demon game. The Maverick by far killed the Immortal Maiden the most out of everyone here. And that's a fact! Honestly, I'd be surprised if he came in second…"

"Really now. How many times do you suppose he killed the Immortal Maiden." the second reached for a sip of water.

"I heard the man was a captain from the northern country of Gurlov and was imprisoned with around forty-five hundred of his men."

"Yea but what does that have to do with anything?" The second asked.

"Well from what I heard the Immortal maid basically killed everyone of those poor bastards over the span of four, five years. The Mavericks apparently only joined the game to avenge his comrades. But the craziest part is that, that mad bastard almost did it!"

The second prisoner now spat out food in shock. He now found himself choking on his food. "T-that's absurd!"

"And from what I heard from some of his followers, he was just two-hundred shy too."

"Like hell that's true, Do you have any Idea how hard it was to catch that bitch."

"Did you forget about his little posse he had with him?" A third question. "In case you haven't been paying attention he literally had guys posted just to find the Immortal Maiden."

"O-oh yeah…"

"I wonder how he convinced them to help him?" the first inmate questioned.

"Like the hell I know. And to be honest I could care less about them." The third ate a spoonful of the meat porridge. "I'm sure those guys feel proud of themselves."

"Do you think they did it for revenge?" The second asked.

"Like I said, I don't know. But if that is the case then they're just cowards. If they were a real man they would've done it themselves instead of relying on the Maverick." The third inmate tossed aside his empty bowl.

The third continued. Smiling amused. "If the 'Imperial Wall' was around perhaps we would've seen a closer neck to neck with master and pupil. Man~ I would've killed to see something like that."

"Since when were the Maverick and the Imperial wall master and student???" The fourth man questioned.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't know, would you." The first inmate set aside his bowl. "You see, over ten or so years ago the Imperial wall would help us normal guys train up, just cause those damn demons would always bring some weird monsters! But after he fought with the Imperial Maiden he changed. He became a lot more selective with his so-called pupils."

"Yeah. It just happened that Maverick was the second person he took up after the Immortal Maiden started to trick other guys to escape with her." The second started to scowl. "I'll never forgive that evil bitch."

"Hey, wasn't that Celestine soldier guy taken under his wing too?"

"Oh yeah. I think he was now that you've mentioned it. Last I heard, That guy was rushed to some ward along with a bunch of other guys that got poisoned."

The doors of the mess hall suddenly opened up revealing the demon Ladies. They stood by as some nearby guards made an announcement. "Everyone here and in the prison are required to report to the Arena immediately.

"It's finally time, eh… What a waste of time."

Prisoner's arose including the group. They all moved as one, to now hear the winner of the game. But most importantly, what Maverick would wish for from the current reigning demon, Rakon.


Meanwhile back at Kalika's cells. she's still eating some meat porridge that was hand delivered. Outside her cell five demon guards lingered, watching as two freshly killed prisoner's were carried off.

Kalika finished emptying her bowl with the only remains being the vegetables. She looked up seeing Rakon still watching her. "Creep." She thought as she set the bowl aside.

"All done?" He asked.

Kalika gazed down, disappointed. "Of course I am."

"I'm glad you were able to finally decipher your opponent's identity. It took you longer than I thought, but I knew you were a smart girl."

"Shut up...," She said.

"Why the long face Kalika?"

"N-Nothing! I Just want to get all this over with." Her gaze shifted closer and closer to the ground below her bed. "So when will I receive this prize of yours anyways?"

"In due time, I'm sure it's something you'll appreciate. but for now, lets get you to your special event." Rakon opened the cell door, urging Kalika to follow. She follows his lead heading now traveling though the Prisoner corridor along with the escort of guards.

"Are these guards even necessary?" Kalika asked.

"Not at all. But this is a special day so I made an exception for you."


The continued through the corridors and hall until they eventually reached the arena balcony 


Prisoner stood row by row once more, but much smaller than before. Guards did the same waiting for the announcement. Rakon soon stepped forth along with the wardens, Daji, Valam and Florin.

Kalika, seeing the women, is reluctant at first, but is urged once more for her to come up. She slowly makes her way to the balcony and by Rakon's side. 

She now stood by Rakon awkwardly as he made his announcement. "I hope everyone here had a fun time enjoying the spectacle these last two months. It was a rare opportunity I hope everyone got to enjoy."

"Just get it over with already…"

"A small few done well for themselves but there was one among all everyone else. "Rakon presented the The winner that now entered the arena below. "A man named Ivan or what most know him as… The Maverick."

Maverick is seen walking down the aisle with two other guards. They walked between the guards and other prisoners, approaching the balcony where Rakon and Kalika stood. Kalika watching this, looked back up to Rakon to find him smiling in anticipation as Maverick now stood before him.

"Congratulations. And as promise Tell me what you desire And I'll give it. As long as its within my power of course."

"I wish…"

There was a deafening silence as everyone curious what this man would wish for.

"to be freed from this prison, and to be given the means to travel back home."

Kalika stood dumbfounded by his wish.

"It shall be granted."

Kalika could only seethe in anger looking at Maverick.

"That man…"


Kalika looked over her shoulder, shocked to find Rakon's cloned bending to her height. He gave a very amused grin.

"S-shut it." She looked back over the balcony. She could hear him chuckling behind her.

"This man! First he wants to avenge all his friends and now he wants to leave!?? At least I'll never see that stupid face of his ever again."

Kalika watched as some braces were removed from Maverick. Indistinctive chatter is heard among the prisoners and guards alike.

The ground started to suddenly shake from behind. Kalika quickly turned, finding Bjorn towering over them. Seeing him made her shudder.

 Looking upon Bjorn, Kalika could see that he gained many new scars throughout his body with the only signs of recovery being with his horns re-growing.

Bjorn gave a quick glare at Kalika before turning his attention to Rakon. "You needed me?"

"Yes. escort this man to the castle walls with some tools and food for survival."

"Understood." With that one word, Bjorn left. And not too long after Maverick also started to leave, accompanied by the guards. He gave a serious glance back at Kalika as though giving an unspoken promise. He turns away, passing by the Black knight as he left the arena.

"I would say it's been nice knowing you, but I'd be lying."

The Black Knight ignores this passing comment, entering the Arena.

"No last words? Fine. A man can only be quiet for so long." With those last few words, Maverick marches forth towards his freedom.

Back at the arena the Black knight stood at the center of the Arena. Everyone was dumbfounded and curious of the identity of this man before them. Rumors and speculation flowed through all the prisoners. However the guards seeing the man become much more pensive and talkative than ever. The conversations are being lost in translation.

Rakon chuckled to himself, seeing everyone's reaction. Kalika seeing the guards reaction however becomes curious on the true importance of the Black Knight before them.

"This man you see before you, stormed the City capital and the castle over fifteen years ago. He devastated the remainder of the city outside this castle killing our kin. It wasn't until my Brother Lucius arrived that this man was subjugated."

"H-he's that strong…??"

"Ever since we've had him locked down here. A very strong human and not someone to underestimate." Rakon finished.

Rakon turned his attention back to the crowd. "Clear up!"

Guard moved their way into the further part of the Arena. The prisoners soon followed the same after some clearer instructions from the guards below. Soon some guards encircle a barely visible line, conjuring up a huge cage similar to the one Kalika fought in before.

Seeing such a feat being performed awestruck Kalika, giving a strong reminder of how fascinating Magic truly is. Even if they were performed from Demons.

Rakon suddenly grabbed her from the hips.

"W-w-what are you doing~-!"

He jumped from the Balcony with Kalika bringing her to the cage door.

"I-I could've done that myself!" She quickly distanced herself.

He took no heed to her words, instead focusing on opening the door for her. Realizing this she clicked her tongue, annoyed. She enters into the caged arena.

"Before I forget, there is a caveat to this particular fight."

"Caveat?" Kalika turned back around, seeing Rakon closed the door. "What caveat?"

Rakon held out his hand. "You must kill your opponent before he kills you five times. If you die the fifth time, the victory will go to him"

"Huh!?? Why are you telling me this now!" Kalika grabbed the bars of the cage infuriated.

"It slipped my mind. It was part of our contractual agreement I made with him."

"Contractual agreement? What about our agreement!???"

Don't worry, our agreement still stands, as long as you kill them we'll continue our agreement like normal, of course if you fail to do so, you'll be penalized equivalent to forfeiting your contract."

"You bastard." Kalika is now seething in anger once again. 

"Don't be so livid, I'm confident you'll kill him with little issues. You have beaten him plenty of times before in the past." Rakon shrugged as he left, not seeing an issue.

"H-hey! What about my Weapon??

"Conjure it. It's close by so it should be easy for you especially since you've done it plenty of time before."

Kalika growled under her breath, slowly turned to face the Black Knight who already had his huge black butcher blade, the size of her entire body. The man lifted the sword, resting the back of the blade on the top of his shoulder.

"That sword is ridiculously huge!!" Kalika took a deep breath. "Alright, Calm down Kalika…"

She reached out her hand in preparation. "All I have to do is call out its name…" 


With just the mere thought of her weapon her Blood blood dagger once again manifest in her hand. She grabs it, Readying it shakily. She took another deep breath. "Okay I have five chances to kill him… "

Rakon flew back to the balcony making and announcement. "Before everyone is The Immortal Maiden and the Black Knight! She is given five lives to defeat the man before her! Should she fail…she'll become my personal slave. Enjoy the show." Rakon smiled, contently.