Strange Little Girl

"Hah, finally, I found him, so he had been hidden in the human world all this while," a figure said, this figure was clad in a white long dress she held something similar to a jade crystal at the tip of her hand.

Looking at her surroundings there was no one in sight, it seemed she was muttering to herself.

But looking at the light emanating from the crystal jade in her right hand one could see the projection of a young man who looked to be around the age of sixteen.

The young man had been talking to a lady who looked quite older than him.

"Logan, take the money from the counter and go and get us something to eat" the young lady called Madeline said.

She had long dark hair, a striking contrast to Logan's golden hair. She was clad in a lemon green dress, she had an oval face and deep brown eyes, a striking contrast to Logan's golden eyes bringing forth the question of who this woman was.

"Okay Mom," Logan replied as he slowly stood up from the couch to take up the money on the counter.

Picking up the money Logan strode to his room putting on blue leather pants and a thick black hoodie. He liked wearing a hoodie while going out because his golden hair always attracted unwanted stares and attention.

He also wore some dark shades to cover his enchanting golden eyes.

He left for the supermarket to get the things he had been asked to buy by his mother.

Logan had just finished buying some snacks when a girl approached him telling him she needed his help.

"Excuse me mister can you help me with something?" a little girl said in a childish voice, she had a playful air around her that made one call her cute.

"And why would I help a stranger?" he asked, he wasn't really in a haste but he just thought it unnecessary to help a little girl.

I mean what could she possibly want that I have?

But the little girl pleaded with him "I promise I would take much of your time mister" She said seeming like she was already tearing up.

He thought for a moment and said, "Fine, let's go."

She smiled at him happily and jogged as she led the way.

He was slightly surprised when she took him into a dark alley, but he didn't let it bother him.

"What could an innocent-looking girl do?" he thought to himself.

When they reached a dead end, Logan was about to say something when he saw the little girl approach the wall.

He quietened as he watched curiously what she was trying to do.


Logan could hear the little girl whispering to the wall, he was about to approach her to ask what sort of a joke this was he noticed the wall started glowing.

The middle spiralled as it slowly started spinning till it became a pure whitish circle forming something similar to a portal he had seen in movies.

Logan's mouth hung agape as he watched on. Soon he felt a boundless and ancient aura gush forth from the portal. He felt a tingling sensation in his body as he felt a pull towards this portal.

He tried to resist the feeling.

What the hell is happening to me? and wait where's the little girl?

Logan turned back as he realised the little girl was nowhere near the portal anymore. Looking back he saw the little girl grinning from ear to ear childishly at him.

"Who are you? What are you trying to do to me? " he asked in a panicked voice.

"Oh me? I am no one that you need to know for now" the little girl said with multiple giggles flowing each sentence.

"Farewell Logan, come find me in the future, till we meet again" the little girl said With a giggle as she blew Logan a kiss.

But what she blew wasn't as ordinary as it seemed due to the pinkish particles that followed the air she blew, Logan didn't see these little particles because they were too tiny.

But as they touched him, as though struck by a boulder he flew at a great speed into the portal as it rapidly shut almost immediately leaving nothing but the Dark old grey wall which was previously there.

"So, the adventure of Logan begins, I'd like to see how his life turns out, I hope he doesn't die too soon, hahahahaha" the little girl muttered to herself, her appearance changing to that of the lady seen previously clad in white.