Surprise Attack.

Jake executed a Silence Distortion attack, a wave of silent sound enveloped the late-staged rank three grizzard that was approaching...


The grizzard's aggressive movements suddenly ceased as its mind was affected by the tranquil and peaceful state induced by the attack. It stood motionless, seemingly lost in its thoughts.

Seizing the opportunity, Jake swiftly moved forward, his sword gleaming with a golden sword light.

He aimed for a vulnerable spot on the grizzard's body, where the previous scratches had weakened the scales.

With a precise and powerful strike, he swung his sword, unleashing the focused and concentrated sword light towards the weakened area.


The destructive sword light pierced through the grizzard's scales, this time causing more significant damage.

The grizzard let out a roar of pain and fury, snapping out of its trance-like state. It retaliated by lunging at Jake with its sharp claws, but Jake was prepared.

Drawing upon his earth element once again, he summoned an "earth shield" to protect himself.

The shield formed a formidable barrier, successfully blocking the grizzard's counter-attack. the battle continued on and throughout the battle the late staged rank three beast was being suppressed by Jake...

Whenever the beast attacks Jake, he blocks it with an earth shield and counterattacks with both the silence distortion and the sound distortion making the beast to roar all the more in fury and pain, the attacks of the beast soon began to become frenzied but Jake was calm and collected and still showing signs of faintly suppressing the beast...

"Jason, can you fight like that?" Logan asked from the side as he took a deep breath, the battle that he just watched and is currently watching is to much for him, not that he hadn't read action novels or watched animes, it just that he never thought he would actually be present when such was going on.

"Dude, I'm just in the elementary realm! Didn't you see four stars on him? He's probably at the master or grandmaster realm." Jason said with a sigh recalling his low cultivation level.

The battle continued...

Realizing that pure physical attacks may not be enough to defeat the resilient and frenzied grizzard, Jake decided to utilize his elemental abilities further.

He channelled his energy and unleashed a combination of earth and fire elements, creating a powerful attack known as "Inferno Quake."

As the ground beneath the grizzard trembled, flames erupted, engulfing the creature in a blazing inferno. The combination of earth and fire elements intensified the attack, causing the grizzard to writhe in agony.

Taking advantage of the grizzard's weakened state, Jake launched a series of swift and precise sword strikes.

Each strike found its mark, exploiting the grizzard's vulnerable spots.

The creature fought back fiercely, but its strength gradually waned under the onslaught of Jake's relentless assault.

Jake landed a critical strike as he shot out a compressed flame arrow.

As the compressed flame arrow struck the grizzard's neck, the resulting explosion rocked the battlefield. The force of the blast sent the grizzard flying through the air, its body engulfed in flames. The combination of the explosive power and the vulnerability of its neck resulted in a fatal blow.

Just as Jake was prepared to deliver the final blow, an unexpected threat emerged—an early-stage rank four grizzard.

"Watch out seniors!" both Logan and Jason screamed in unison seeing the larger creature emitting a more terrifying aura.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the late-stage rank four grizzard launched a fierce attack, lashing out with poisonous strikes aimed at Jake. The situation became dire in an instant.

"Nooo" Jason said thinking the senior was about to lose his life.

But then, a voice resonated through the air, muttering the words "Spatial constriction." At that moment, everything seemed to slow down as the fabric of space around the fourth-stage grizzard began to constrict rapidly, almost as if reality itself was folding in on it.

The grizzard let out horrifying screams of agony, but the relentless constriction continued unabated.

Within seconds, the space had compressed to such an extent that the grizzard and all traces of its existence vanished completely. Not even a drop of blood remained as if it had been erased from existence itself. The battlefield fell silent once again as if the encounter had never taken place.

"What the f""k just happened? He was about to be eaten then suddenly the creature disappeared.... Logan tell me I'm not seeing things!" Jason said in a ramble as he could not believe what just happened.

"I think that was done by the instructor" logan muttered.

"Instructor, instructor! "Jason was still in a state of shock.

Jake stood there, stunned by the sudden turn of events. He looked around, trying to make sense of what had just happened. He took a moment to collect himself and assess the situation.

His attention turned towards the instructor that came with Logan and Jason, his eyes slowly closing as he had a smirk on his face.

Jake's eyes met his, filled with deep gratitude. He approached him and expressed his heartfelt appreciation.

"Instructor, thank you. Without your intervention I would have certainly died," Jake said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude and respect.

"Students that always want to show off! Come show off when you have enough strength! Humph," the instructor said seemingly displeased.

Jake could only scratch his head awkwardly as he turned his eyes to the rank three beast anger welling up in his eyes due to almost losing his life.

He unleashed a series of ferocious attacks.

Jared, observing Jake's uncontrollable rage, stepped forward and shouted, "Jake, that's enough! It's already dead!" His voice bringing Jake back to his senses.

Jake paused, his breathing heavy. He realized that he had allowed his anger to consume him.

A sense of embarrassment washed over him, and he sheepishly smiled at Jared, acknowledging his friend's intervention.

He sheathed his sword as he turned around to leave along with jared once again thanking the instructor who just shrugged them.


Two boys could be seen beside a little fire. The fragrance of juicy meat filled the atmosphere around them as it emanated from the slab of meat that was being roasted on the fire.

Listening in on what they were saying one could hear...

"Damn I still can't imagine how someone could be so strong," Jason said to Logan after Jake and Jared had left.

"I still find it difficult to believe too!" Logan said from his side.

"Humph, it's those weaklings you're calling strong? Didn't you see the skill I used? That's what true strength is!" the instructor said boastingly from the side.

"But Mr instructor, it was said that the weakest instructor would be taking us out on this excursion so why would you be calling yourself strong?!" Jason asked mockingly.


"Tsk, children these days, you really know nothing!" The instructor said as he turned around to leave embarrassingly.