The Figure in Flames!

As the dust cleared all the man could see was a figure in flames. "An elemental beast?" he wondered.

The figure in flames turned slightly as it gazed at Jason behind him.

'Not dead! But dude you look like crap! He'll probably die at this rate' Logan thought with regret from within the creature in flames as he slowly turned back to face the man.

Logan was still being controlled but he could feel everything that was happening. He watched his visage slowly lift his hand as a petal slowly condensed 'It's that attack that the senior used before but how could I know it I mean I have never even picked up cultivation jade not to talk of learning a cultivation skill."

Seeing the attack, the man coated in black asked "Who are you?"

At this moment Logan created a scenario in his head due to early being too many marvels. As the flower fully condensed from the essence of flames around him, an orange flower with three petals made of the essence of flames as they were burning fiercely could be seen in his hand, as he realised he was going to throw the flower he screamed in his mind "My name is Logan, and I am inevitable, haha" after saying that he subconsciously snapped his finger and a smirk threatened to escape his lips but due to the fire burning all over him, it could not be seen.

As the attack was sent out similar to the previous time the petals slowly split as each one of the three seemed to contain a similar amount of terrifying might.

"Boom!" a loud sound echoed through the dark forest as the first attack connected, the man in black created a wall of darkness wanting to use its corrosive properties as some sort of defence but the rate at which the fire burned off the darkness far exceeded the rate at which the corrosive properties of the darkness element consumed the flames.

"Shit! How could its flames consume my darkness, that rarely happens except it's a higher-class elemental beast." the dark floated man thought as he rapidly flipped backwards to dodge the flames that threatened to consume him whole.

"Hehe, look how terrifying my flames feel! It's truly inevitable! I love this, " Logan thought gratefully as he saw the way the masked man rapidly flipped backwards.

He could not help but recall the little girl that brought him from his boring world and could only feel elated 'By now I'd have been probably watching a fantasy movie but now I'm currently living the fantasy lifestyle!'

'But could I only possess the fire element? I know I previously thought it would be okay just to have even one element but I feel I should have a bit more' Logan thought with a sigh as he resigned to his fate.

As though his flaming figure heard his inner thought it suddenly raised its right palm and looked at it. Logan looked at his palm and wondered 'What am I doing? Could I... '

He was about to continue talking when he saw ice slowly forming on his hand, the cyan light flashed on his hand abruptly before slowly condensing into five long ice shards that were so sharp Logan thought if they were to slightly touch him he'd probably be injured.

"That's nice, right? I knew I had a thing for water, so I possess two elements. But whatever is controlling me better be careful! I don't want to mistakenly injure myself.

He pointed his right hand as the ice shards flew out at high speed towards the man In black.

"Shit!" the man cursed as he tried to dodge the ice shards but they were just too fast and sharp as they rapidly approached threatening to damage him.



The ice shards stabbed the black-clothed man and they seemed to have ignored his defence as they struck him in his rib and his arm.

The man crash-landed as blood oozed out of the holes in him. He struggled to get up but without the support of his hand and with a hole in his arm he was completely vulnerable. He could only crawl slightly as he struggled to get away from this monster that threatened his life.

Logan saw the man and was surprised that with just two attacks he could make him so miserable. Although the man had tried to kill them both Logan felt pity for him because he had never thought that he would be faced with the decision of killing someone one day in his life.

He saw his figure approach and he could not help but scream in his mind. 'No! Don't kill him!'

The flames around him slowly began to recede as a deep purple darkness slowly surfaced seeming like an aura. He tried to look away but since he was doing it himself he couldn't.

Slowly the deep illusory purple darkness circulating his visage started to spread to the man. The man screamed and soon passed out from the pain.

After some time Logan left the man.

He could feel his hand vibrating as he continued to mutter in his mind "I've killed someone! I've killed someone! I'm a murderer"

His figure slowly approached the half-dead Jason 'Am I also going to kill Jason too? Leave no evidence?'

He reached where Jason was as he stretched his hand towards Jason's withered hand, a white light radiated on it as the withered particles of Jason's body that has fallen off to the surrounding started gathering around Jason's arm as they formed his lost arm.

After a while of the white light flashing Logan realised that Jason's arm and every other place that had withered was as good as new.

"Light element? So am a tri-elementalist? Damn! This goes against the laws of nature, for someone that was almost dead to suddenly come back to life! And with full health at that!

Is this why it is called the essence of nature? Because through it we can bend the laws of nature according to our will, wait bend!? Humans here bend elements and those elements are the essence of nature! I've read some books in my world about the forces of Nature both good and evil forces... Could it... be... " Logan suddenly felt light-headed 'What's happening to me?'

'Boom' the sound of someone falling resounded in the Azure Forest as Logan fainted and his figure fell flat on the ground.