Profound Time Stone.

"Help me!" he cried, but it was too late. Logan's hand could be seen protruding from the front of the man's chest as he stood behind him like a hovering shadow of doom. Blood dripped from his fingers, staining the jade in his palm.

Everyone was stunned by what had just happened, but before they could react, Logan's figure had vanished once again like a ghost as he activated his "Fifth stage Essence of Vibration" a second time.

Another pained scream filled the air as the second person to speak was stabbed with a sword that pierced through his protective essence very easily. This young man looked down and was horrified to see his arm, which he used to hold his weapon, along with his weapon on the ground. He realized that his arm had been cleanly sliced off.

"Everyone, run in different directions!" shouted the leader, seeing the carnage.

But Logan spoke, "There's no need to run. I haven't killed them both. Carry them. I'll spare your lives for today."

The leader gratefully and warily thanked Logan as he picked up the bodies of the men, his hands and body still shaky from fear as he left along with the others.

Logan sheathed his sword as he continued on his way to the faction. His mind returned back to the jade as he wondered what secrets the jade had and how it would help his life.



A few minutes later, Logan arrived back at his room. He was greeted by the sight of Jason looking intently at him.

"Logan, you're back. You had me worried there, man," said Jason as he saw Logan approach.

"Yeah, I got caught up in something," replied Logan with an awkward smile, giving him a friendly handshake.

"Whoa, is that a profound time stone in your hand?" said Jason in shock as he caught sight of what Logan had in his hand.

"A profound time stone?" asked Logan. He had already wiped off the blood staining him and his properties to not arouse suspicion.

"Yeah, let me see it to be sure," said Jason.

"Okay," replied Logan as he handed him the old rusty jade he had in his hand.

"Yep, this is really a profound timestone," said Jason as he appraised it.

"A profound timestone is like a confined space where the flow of time is altered. It requires at least a rank 6 beast core to produce one of such high grade. The flow of time here is in the ratio of 1:20, meaning the time is slowed down by twenty times. One minute here in the real world is 20 minutes there, one hour is 20 hours, one day is 20 days, and so on. This must have cost a fortune. I don't think even I would be able to afford one of these. I had only seen it a few times and once read about it," said Jason, explaining the nature of the profound time stone.

As Logan heard the explanation of this old rusty jade that he bought with some minor beast cores, he was surprised. 'Isn't that absurd? A stone that changes the flow of time,' he thought. 'I can't believe how lucky I am.'

Logan took back the profound timestone from Jason. "How do I use it?" he asked.

"You just have to infuse your essence into it, to be enclosed in a time bubble. To turn it off, you just have to repeat the same process," said Jason.

"Thank you for the info. Catch you later," said Logan with a bright smile as he turned and entered his room.

Inside his room, he sat in a lotus position with the jade in his hand, unable to contain his excitement. 'With this, I'll be able to learn skills faster, this is really luck, I have my strange prickling sensation to thank.'

He infused his essence into the jade and felt a strange sensation all around him.

He felt like he was in a different world, where everything was slower and quieter.

He looked at the clock on his wall and saw that it was moving very slowly. He realized that he had entered the time bubble, that manipulated the flow of time.

He smiled and got up. He took out his sword and began to practice his moves. He wanted to improve his skills and learn new techniques as well as solidify his cultivation.

He looked through the sword jade slip that he had brought with him. He read them through once again, hoping to perfect his skills by tomorrow. He knew that he had a big challenge ahead of him, and he needed to be ready.

After a few hours of practicing, in which only minutes had passed in the real world, Logan sat down to meditate and connect with the essence of nature. He wanted to restore himself to peak condition because he was about to try and comprehend a little from this skill called "Sword intent".

He felt it would be a big help to him, as it was the ultimate goal of every swordsman.' perhaps I could finally use sword skills perfectly like in that anime!'

After restoring himself to peak condition, Logan read through the advanced skill "Sword intent" section of the jade slip once again. It was divided into three parts:

- Sword Aura: A dangerous aura that radiates from a person and their sword.

This aura is said to be able to alter the shape, size and length of the sword, as well as its weight, speed and power.

It is a manifestation of the user's will and personality, and it could intimidate or inspire others.

-Sword Energy: A unique essence power for the sword.

Sword energy is a type of (fictional) energy that could be mixed with other kinds of energies, like water, wind, ice, fire, lightning and so on, causing the power output of the said element to multiply a number of times.

It is a way of enhancing the sword's attributes and creating various effects, such as freezing, burning, shocking or exploding the enemy.