Mark's fight!

The arena was a colossal dome, with a raised platform in the center where the contestants would fight.

The platform was surrounded by a transparent barrier that prevented anyone from falling off or interfering with the matches.

There were seats for the spectators all around the arena and a large screen that showed the names and ranks of the contestants, as well as their vital signs and energy levels.

Some judges and referees would oversee the matches and ensure fair play.

The rules of the competition were simple: each match would last for 10 minutes, and the winner would be decided by either knocking out the opponent, making them surrender, or having more points at the end of the time limit. Points were awarded based on the damage inflicted, the skill displayed, and the style of fighting.

The contestants could use any weapons or abilities they had, as long as they did not violate the rules of the competition or harm the spectators.

The contestants were divided into two groups, A and B, and each group would have a round-robin tournament, where everyone would fight everyone else once. The top five from each group would advance to the final round, where they would fight in a single-elimination bracket until only one remained.

The winner would be crowned as the champion and would receive a large amount of resources and fame. The top 10 would also get to explore the ancient ruin that was discovered recently, where they could find rare and valuable treasures.

An announcement was made for the group A participants to get into the ring. Mark and Elizabeth were among the eight fighters who entered the stage.

Mark stood tall, with his gaze ice cold, he wielded a spear that seemed like it could crush anything in its path, he focused deeply on the match before him.

Elizabeth walked slender and gracefully to the ring, she held a whip that could slash through anything with ease, and she did not dare underestimate her opponent.

Lots of fans were cheering for them because they were both top-ranked fighters.

"Match start!" the referee announced.

Everyone picked an opponent almost simultaneously as the match began.

A young man clothed in a black cloak and a mask approached Mark, holding a staff that emitted a dark aura.

Mark could manipulate space and light elements to a great extent so he was unafraid of his opponent, he stood with his spear point pointing towards the ground.

He faced the young man clothed in a black cloak and a mask, holding a staff, this young man possessed the earth and darkness elements.

Logan looked on from the side, when he heard that Mark who was the first-ranked fighter was his roommate he was truly shocked 'To think I was living with a monster in human form.'

He was eager to see the true strength of Mark and he hoped his opponent could at least bring out a percent of it.

Mark grinned, eager to test his strength against this unknown challenger.

He thrust his spear at the cloaked man, who raised a wall of earth to block it.


The spear pierced through the wall of earth.

A portal was quickly created behind Mark and he moved back slightly stepping into it.

He emerged behind the cloaked man and swung his spear at his head.

'So you could create portals with the space element?  Mark sure is something, I wonder which is stronger between the space and sound element.' Logan commented.

The cloaked man sensed the attack sent out by Mark and ducked bending down as he turned in a rotating motion.

He then swung his staff, sending a wave of darkness at Mark. Mark dodged the wave flipping to the side, and activated his light element "Sun Beam" attack.

This was an attack that condensed light into a beam of light, It could pierce through most defences due to the great speed it possessed.

He shot the beam of light at the cloaked man, who shielded himself with his staff creating a thick wall of darkness in front of him.

The beam and the wall of darkness clashed, creating a burst of light and dark before they both cancelled out each other. The battle was on.

The two fighters continued to exchange blows, using their weapons and elements to their advantage.

Mark used his space elements to create portals and warp distances, making it hard for the cloaked man to predict his movements.

He also used his light element offensively to blind his enemy and launch beams of light that could pierce through almost anything.

The cloaked man used his earth element to summon rocks and create fissures, trying to trap and crush Mark, but Mark was like a slippery serpent always dodging and escaping through a portal.

He also tried using his darkness element to send waves of darkness that could drain Mark's energy due to the corrosive nature of the darkness element but Mark countered his every move.

The spectators watched with awe and excitement as flashes of black and white collided showcased at one part of the stage.

The screen showing the scores and the time remaining showed that the time left was less than three minutes.

The scores were close, with Mark having a slight edge over the cloaked man. The cloaked man noticed this and decided to use his trump card.

He muttered in a low voice that was barely audible "Earth Dragon", his staff glowed with a dark light.

He slammed his staff on the ground, and a huge crack appeared on the platform. From the crack, a massive creature emerged, resembling a dragon made of earth.

It roared and flew towards Mark, who was stunned by the sight.

Mark smiled and activated his spear's full power. "I was getting tired of playing around," he muttered.

"Time to use one of my. Unique skills,"

"Light Space Spear."

'Light space spear? What sort of an attack is that? '

He threw his spear at the earth dragon, and it transformed into a beam of light that could warp space due to its extreme speed.

The beam and the dragon collided, creating a huge explosion that engulfed that area of the platform.

The barrier that surrounded the platform there vibrated and was almost shattered, and the dust and debris flew everywhere. The battle was over.