Statue please...

Logan rapidly drew back from the box. As he reached a safe distance he realized that the statue was no longer in its position, rather it seemed to have moved at an unprecedented speed. 

He realized that the sword in its hand had appeared right where he was standing and could not help but feel a cold chill run down his spine like jolts of electricity when he saw the deep crater caused by the attack from the statue, if he had been late by just a second, he would have lost his head, he had to thank the mysterious feeling because without it he would have died about three times now and more

'What the hell man! You've got to be kidding me right now!' Logan thought, recalling all the trouble he had to go through just to come here and now realizing that he had to defeat the statue to get his rewards. 

He felt a chilling sensation as though he was healing himself as all the injuries from the previous attack were rapidly healing.