Logan being Logan...

"I'm just saying, I can't fully control my strength so if I mistakenly kill you, you should not blame me!" as Logan said this some deep red sparks of flame radiated on his sword, the took it and pointed at the man ready to strike at any moment.


Seeing this the others behind the man that challenged Logan stepped towards the side, they were scared of Logan's attack mistakenly hitting them. As for the man Logan's last words confirmed his suspicions that Logan was trying to get out of fighting so he was extremely confident that Logan had no essence reserves left.


The man took out his sword and said with disdain, "Let's fight!"


He attacked with his lightening element, electricity sparkled around his sword, he flashed forward as only little droplet of electricity could be seen where he was standing, he appeared in front of Logan and aimed his sword towards his head with ferocity.