Underground dungeon!

The white strands were continually flowing towards the Zach. Logan frowned for a moment but didn't make it too visible. Soon the man stood up and sent a punch towards Logan's ace.


Logan was surprised and besides the punch was quite fast but he was able to react in time, the white strands that were previously flowing toward Zach's neck changed direction and curled around his arm that was moving forward, towards Logan's face.


Logan knew what to do because this was not the first time he would be encountering those white strands, he followed the direction of the white strands and sent out a punch towards his opponent's chest, his hand seemingly curled like the white strands and followed the direction forwards.


This all happened in an instant and in the next moment Zach took multiple steps back while his fist that sent Logan a punch seemed to miss by a hair's breadth causing Logan's hair to flutter slightly due to the force.