Master, I don't feel any discomfort.


 Logan was feeling extremely shocked, was it Indra? He knew Indra could be the person the sword god was searching, but he found it a little unbelievable. He had always thought of that dream as just any other one and didn't mind it too much, and now he was hearing that the characters of that dream were actually real humans. It felt unbelievable.


He tried his best to hide the shocked expression on his face but his master was quick to spot the minuscule changes. What the heck? Could he perhaps have a connection with the golden haired man? Thinking about it, it's quite possible, after all he too has golden hair. It's the first time I'm seeing someone with golden hair, besides I've never seen someone that regenerates their hair. Logan what's your secret?


"Master those people must be pretty strong for them to call themselves gods." Logan commented.