Who is Indra? The evil god?

Who was the golden haired man? Logan didn't know the answer this question, all he knew was that he and the man seemed to share some sort of connection. Logan thought for a moment, first of all he didn't want to appear too curious about this man, his master seemed to have suspicion that he was connected to the golden haired man in some sort of way, being overly curious would just confirm her suspicions.


He pretended to be in deep thoughts for a moment before answering, "in my path to become the strongest, I would come to face all sort of challenges, it is only right I know of someone that seems to bear the title of the previous strongest."


Debby nodded quietly, "none of them knew of where his powers came from, there are rumors that he possessed all the elements.


F**k we really have a connection, that man actually be true.