Powerhouses fight!

Just like the shaman, Zeres stood unarmed, a palpable tension in the air as a thick crimson aura surged from his body. His muscles writhed beneath his skin, his face contorted with an almost feral intensity. As he grimaced, ebony horns erupted from his forehead, exuding a sinister aura of death.

A grotesque sound of tearing flesh echoed behind him as a blood-red tail burst forth from his spine. Another soon followed, then another, until five jet-black tails that looked like serpentine tentacles, writhed menacingly around him.

"A five-tailed fiend," Harold observed icily, his eyes narrowing at the unsettling transformation.

"I thought you were a four-tailed fiend?" his companions asked. Zeres was known for being a four-tailed fiend but it would seem he had been hiding his strength deeply.