Chapter 10

*** TWO YEARS later ***

The spring breeze swept through the sky, and the warm sun cast its radiant glow, illuminating the bustling streets below.

It was a beautiful day.

At the entrance of the Uchiha compound, a majestic red torii gate adorned with the clan emblem stood tall. Along the rectangular stone-paved street, numerous ninjas clad in Konoha police uniforms made their way through the bustling city, maintaining order.

Amidst the bustling activity, shoppers and strollers wandered in and out of shops. Some returned laden with bags, while others left empty-handed, their search continuing for the next item on their list. The air was alive with the pulse of everyday life.

In the distance, a troupe of young Uchiha clan members approached in small groups, their expressions carefree as they chattered animatedly while carrying bags filled to the brim with their purchases.

Among them, Toshiro stood out due to his larger height. Dressed in a black high-necked long-sleeved shirt. A striking red and white fan adorned his back, along with matching trousers of the same hue. A ninja bag was secured around his waist, with white bandages encasing his calves. In his hand, he wielded a two-foot-long knife.

At the age of six, Toshiro was already half a head taller than his peers. Regular physical activity and a balanced diet had propelled his height to over 120 cm and his weight to 30 kg. With a robust physique reminiscent of that of a young horse, he stood out among his peers.

After bidding farewell to the warmly welcoming elders and the two Uchiha ninjas stationed at the torii gate, Toshiro stepped out onto the street. Lined with evergreen trees that retained their lush foliage even in the winter months, the path led southwest through the bustling heart of Konoha.

Half an hour later, they reached their destination – a picturesque river valley. Blanketed with vast swathes of multicolored wildflowers cascading down the slopes, the valley was a riot of hues, with pink camellias and vibrant purples interspersed among the vibrant blooms.

Amidst this natural splendor, a waterfall along with frothy white snow surged forth from the hill, carrying with it melted ice and debris. Its thunderous roar echoed through the valley as it wound its way downstream. The flat riverside valley served as the perfect spot for their outing.

This was none other than the Naka River, the primary water source for Konoha Village. While tap water had gradually supplanted its use to ensure safety against enemy ninja plots, the river remained a vital resource for the village.

In the foreseeable future, this neighborhood will transform into the new Uchiha compound. It would be the site where Uchiha Shisui, renowned for his potent genjutsu and shunshin, would tragically end his own life by plunging into the river's depths. With his demise, Uchiha Itachi would carry the weight of Konoha's pressure on the clan, and under the ultimatum given by Danzo, he would carry out the extermination of the clan. The massacre would haunt Itachi for the rest of his days.

Upon reaching their destination, they selected a lush patch of green grass for their camping spot. Nearly twenty children congregated in groups of three or five, some armed with fishing rods and traps, as they made their way towards the river. Meanwhile, girls roamed in pairs or trios, darting towards blooming wildflowers to pluck their favorites, their laughter filling the air.

Finding a spot on higher ground, Toshiro settled down to bask in the warm spring sunlight. His gaze drifted towards a nearby group engaged in card games. No longer limited to werewolf hunts, they now indulged in activities like poker and Texas Hold'em. Toshiro eagerly shared gaming tips, earning him the additional moniker of "Prince of Poker."

As the pleasant hours slipped away, Toshiro couldn't help but lament the fleeting nature of such warm and joyous moments. 'Such precious times always seem to pass by in the blink of an eye' he thought silently to himself.

After a while, leisurely Toshiro rose from his spot, brushing the dust off his trousers.

"Who's up for a trek into the woods?" Toshiro called out, brandishing a small sword as he glanced at his friends, engrossed in their games.



"Count me in!"

With a small gathering, they opted for the novelty of venturing into the forest rather than sticking by the riverside with their friends.

"Hiroshi is a no-go. His strength is too low; he can't even climb a tree to escape danger!"

"Ryo is decent. I've seen him practice climbing trees seriously before."

Led by Toshiro, four youngsters headed towards the forest along the River's banks.

The woodlands surrounding Konoha were dense and extensive, teeming with abundant resources like rare medicinal herbs and valuable timber, along with various venomous snakes and beasts. However, they had no intention of delving too deep. With their limited strength, they weren't equipped to handle the forest's dangers.

This area, near the outskirts of Konoha, boasted minimal large predators and poisonous insects. Nonetheless, sightings of hares, and occasionally wild boars were not uncommon.

Toshiro led the group into the forest for over ten minutes, eventually finding a clearing where they halted and began setting traps at his command.

Another figure soon came running towards them, panting.

"So, did anyone else try to tag along?" inquired Toshiro.

"Nah, a couple of them wanted to, but Hiroshi stopped them," replied Mamoru Uchiha, a year older than Toshiro, who had joined them for the outing during the spring break of the academy.

These outings and hunting expeditions had become somewhat routine, and there were always a few youngsters eager to join, despite being forbidden. Toshiro, with his mature mindset, had always prepared for such eventualities, knowing the risks of allowing unsupervised children into the forest. Though Konoha's outskirts lacked dangerous beasts, it was still perilous for young children to wander aimlessly.

As a precaution, Toshiro set a simple criterion: anyone wanting to join must demonstrate proficiency in the basic chakra control skill of "tree climbing." Only then would he allow his friends to accompany them.

Because this ensured that if they encountered danger from huge animals, they could swiftly climb trees to evade it. Toshiro also enlisted Asuka's help to keep an eye out, preventing any disobedient youngsters from secretly tagging along.

Asuka underwent ninja training alongside Toshiro. On her first attempt, the "prodigy girl" exhibited exceptional talent by successfully refining her chakra, placing her among the top of her peers.

In the dim forest, the dense canopy obscures much of the sunlight streaming from above. However, scattered patches of light filter through the leaves, casting a less ominous ambiance over the woods.

About 800 meters away from their trap, Toshiro and his friends crouched behind a large tree, their eyes fixed warily on a beast lurking in the woodland.

After setting the trap, Toshiro and his six friends split into three groups and began scouring the forest. Earlier, Uchiha Yan and Mamoru Uchiha had stumbled upon the wild boar together. Recognizing their inability to handle the creature alone, they quickly regrouped with their companions, leading to the current scene.

Peering through the gaps in the foliage, Uchiha Fuyushiro silently gauged the size of the wild boar. It appeared substantial, likely weighing over 300 pounds. Its body was adorned with dense hair and coated in a thick layer of mud.

The faint amber glow highlighted the resin that clung to the boar's hide, forming a protective layer akin to armor and shielding its entire body.

The two massive tusks protruded menacingly, a testament to the power of the creature before them. It seemed that Shuriken would be ineffective against its thick hide. If there were any weak spots, they likely resided in the abdomen, eyes, and other vulnerable areas.

Quietly contemplating their strategy, Toshiro signaled to his partners beside him. Upon receiving their acknowledgement, he prepared to take action with a decisive wave of his hand.

The use of gestures as coded communication was a skill typically learned at the ninja academy, but for enhanced gameplay—particularly in "werewolf killing"—his clan friends had acquired textbooks from the school and studied covertly. This allowed them to communicate like wolves during their games, preventing their chakra-sensitive companions from detecting their intentions.

The tranquility of the forest was shattered by the sharp sound of kunai slicing through the air.

Meanwhile, the wild boar, their intended prey, remained oblivious, engrossed in rooting around a bulge beneath the tree's roots. Its tail flicked rhythmically, giving the impression of anticipation for the imminent discovery of a delectable treat. Unaware of the impending danger, it continued its oblivious search.

AN : You can read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account -