Chapter 14

'It's been almost a year since Toshiro stopped asking questions related to training!. He's been pouring over our family collection of books and my old Ninja school textbooks. His understanding of Chakra and its aspects has surpassed that of your average ninja.'

"So, what questions do you have for me?" Mei asked as she settled onto the sofa, pulling him into an affectionate embrace.

Despite enjoying the moment, Toshiro couldn't help but feel a pang of helplessness. What happened to his dignity as a man? But he pushed aside those thoughts. Mei had become like a true sibling to him after his parents' passing, and her presence brought comfort and support.

There was a sense of mutual dependence between them, having both lost their parents and finding solace in each other's company. Gradually, Toshiro came to regard her as his closest kin and true sister.

He's not like other travelers. They live alone, fearing their secrets might be discovered. With two lifetimes of experience, he knows all too well the solitude and isolation of living alone. Humans are social animals, and both men and women crave the companionship of loved ones, friends, and partners.

"It's about using chakra to strengthen my body while sparring, being a medical ninja, I believe you can offer me some valuable advice in this area!"

"Chakra Reinforcement? But isn't it a bit early for you to think about that at your age, Toshiro?"

"I'm just laying the groundwork in advance for when I'm ready to truly use it."

Mei wasn't surprised to hear this. Toshiro had always been methodical and forward-thinking in his approach to things.

"Before you think of using chakra reinforcement, you first need to complete physical activation. Else your body won't be able to handle the stress of overloading a body part with chakra."

"In fact, gradually dispersing some amount of chakra throughout the whole body every day is the simplest form of physical activation!. This way, your body becomes strong enough to handle the stress."

"Physical activation involves using chakra, a supernatural energy, to nourish and stimulate the body or body tissues, thereby enhancing their capabilities. The Inuzuka clan, from the original book, serves as a prime example."

"Their clan utilizes chakra to enhance their hearing and olfactory systems, granting them an incredibly acute sense of smell and hearing. They can also amplify this ability by further stimulating them with chakra when necessary."

"However, chakra energy isn't infinite. It's akin to trying to lift oneself by grabbing their own hair—ninjas can't extensively use chakra composed of their own physical energy and spiritual energy to train themselves on a large scale. They must accumulate chakra gradually through the two most primitive methods: 'eating' and 'resting', in order to strengthen specific parts of the body or systems over time."

"Premature engagement with physical activation, due to a lack of experience and control, can easily lead to irreversible problems. Straining one's body too early in life can result in lasting consequences for future growth and development, significantly impacting adulthood. This is why the major ninja clans refrain from teaching it to children at too young an age. Usually, it's after the age of ten that they begin to slowly experiment with it..."

"This is how the average ninja becomes stronger. After reaching the age of ten, they accumulate chakra gradually, cultivating and stimulating their bodies step by step, allowing their strength to develop in tandem."

"But if one's control over chakra is sufficient and their chakra capacity is up to par, one can start chakra reinforcement. This used to happen during wartime. By meticuously raising the students control of chakra using specific exercises."

"Toshiro, you don't need to rush. In a few years, as the body matures, you can gradually begin this practice, as is customary in ninja training..."

With Mei's explanation, Toshiro delves into the process of bodily activation. Through this, he gained a deeper understanding of the advanced applications of Chakra. This also helped him understand some of the things he took for granted while watching the Naruto anime. Like how Naruto, who was not at all studious and listened to classes while in the academy without any preferential training, was able to do chakra reinforcement easily. He just did the tree-climbing exercise and was able to stop a giant snake summoned by Orochimaru in the Forest of Death.

There's a special group known as the 'Jinchuriki'. They utilize the chakra leaked by the tailed beast sealed within them as nourishment, naturally activating their own flesh and enhancing their overall physical abilities.

One method involves refining chakra as energy and meticulously controlling it step by step. The other involves chakra leaked from the 'tailed beast' within the body, allowing it to naturally disperse throughout the body.

These are the two primary methods of physical activation: one is slow, delicate, but highly targeted, while the other is crude, laissez-faire, yet effective. Case in point - Naruto.

Reflecting on the original source material, it seems to make sense.

The chakra that the tailed beast leaked gives the Jinchuriki in each village their distinctive abilities, which allow them to perform a variety of transformative moves similar to kekkei kenkai. Like the Boil release by Han. Insect powers by Fuu and lava powers by Roshi.

***The Next Day***

The next day started with a spectacular sunrise in the east, wisps of smoke curling from the village rooftops, and a delicate veil of mist hanging in the air.

Stepping through the morning mist, Toshiro entered the courtyard. In one corner, atop the large stone sphere erected two years ago for meditation, sat a graceful figure in a cross-legged position—it was Mei Uchiha.

Though two years of meditation hadn't yet enabled him to sense natural energy, the benefits were clear: a newfound mental tranquility, stability, and heightened energy. This progress was most evident in his improved mastery over spiritual energy, physical stamina, and chakra manipulation.

Six months ago, Toshiro strongly encouraged Mei to pursue this practice as well. Despite initial reluctance, To heed Toshiro's persistent persuasion, Mei started doing the same exercise. After three months of effort, she noticed significant advancements in her chakra control and proficiency in medical ninjutsu.

Engaging in this seemingly "unconventional" routine became a daily occurrence for Mika, offering a welcome alternative to sweat-inducing physical exertion. After all, who doesn't appreciate a practice that doesn't leave them smelling unpleasant? Truly, the allure of the "gentle approach" knows no bounds.

Toshiro harbored no worries about potential mishaps. Unlike Mt. Myoboku, where it is saturated with natural energy, there is also toad oil, and even then, it was difficult to get nature's chakra. Here at their home, the likelihood of inadvertently tapping into natural energy and petrifying oneself into a stone statue was nearly nonexistent.

As for the notion of Mei being a prodigy in senjutsu, where she could effortlessly sense natural energy, it still seemed implausible upon reflection.

Stepping outside, Toshiro unloaded his weights and leaped onto the roof of the training house. There, a sizable new reverse conical shaped wooden apparatus had been installed, extending from the indoor dojo to the roof. It served as the spot where he could do his morning meditation.

While getting ready to start meditating, he pondered: Was it impossible to master Senjutsu without the help of the three holy lands? If progress eluded him for one year, then he'd persist for three, five, ten, or even twenty years if needed. He remained steadfast in his determination to thoroughly explore the path of the sage arts.

With his meditation complete and breakfast finished, Toshirou made his way to the gate of the Uchiha compound.

"Do you truly not wish for me to join you at the Ninja Academy for your first day?" inquired Mei.

"It's truly unnecessary, Neechan. You're better off attending to your new medicine. The entrance exams will be a breeze." replied Toshiro with a dismissive gesture as he joined his friends gathering at the clan gate for their trip to the academy.

The Ninja Academy stood at the heart of Konoha, nestled amidst various official institutions. To its north, five hundred meters away, lay residential areas and markets, while a few hundred meters to the east stood the Hokage's office and the renowned Hokage Mountain.

Passing through the gate, Toshirou entered a bustling scene. It was the commencement of the school season, with numerous parents guiding their children through the square, eagerly preparing them for their new journey.

A prominent banner adorned the teaching building, announcing the entrance test.

Having spent many years immersed in books in his previous life, Toshirou was well-acquainted with this scenario. He navigated through the throngs of people, leading a group of orphaned clan members with him. Their smaller stature granted them an advantage as they swiftly weaved through the crowd. Eventually, they reached the school's administrative office to complete the enrollment process for the new students.

After waiting in line, they faced two individuals donning green vests who oversaw the admission procedures. They provided their names, prompting one of them to hand over a physical examination form. After that, they were led towards the school's infirmary.

Becoming a ninja isn't a simple feat. It requires proficiency in various aspects, including physical strength, mental acuity, reflexes, and willpower. Moreover, in times of peace, the academy is not focused on churning out a mass amount of ninjas.

Leading the young clan members, Toshirou paid no heed to the curious stares directed their way. He located the medical department staff assigned to assist and facilitate the testing process for the group. They underwent examinations assessing eyesight, hearing, smell, chakra sensitivity, and more before returning to the school square to await further instructions.

After about an hour, a young ninja holding a list approached the square.

"The next individual whose name I call will proceed to the school training ground for a physical fitness evaluation!"

A stern-faced ninja wearing a green vest and bearing several scars awaited them at the training area.

"I'm the examiner for this fitness test. Your task is to run sixty laps around the ground, starting from this point!"

"Sixty laps? That's quite a distance!"

"The ground is too large for that many laps. Running sixty laps means covering a distance of at least dozens of kilometers!"

"What are you waiting for? As ninjas, our primary duty is to follow orders and complete missions. Start running immediately!"

AN: Just a few more stones left to cross 50 power stones. I'll upload the next chapter as soon as the count crosses 50.

AN 2 : You can read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account -