Chapter 24

For more than a year, since the Uchiha clan's ninja shop debuted the 'Uchiha secret medicine', there has been a consistent growth in exchanges between the clan and the village.

The enigmatic and somewhat negative aura surrounding the clan started to fade away.

Currently, the Uchiha compound attracts many visitors who come to explore its various services and purchase distinctive things. This allows them to acquire insights into the everyday activities of Konoha's most influential clan. From time to time, people visit the family shrine to seek blessings, guidance on topics such as marriage, or simply to pray for peace.

Even Shido, the young boy, has started to engage with Toshiro more frequently since then. Most ordinary citizens, while curious about the Uchiha, harbor no fear or resentment towards them.

However, due to the Uchiha's esteemed status in the village, coupled with deliberate guidance from certain individuals, interactions between the family and villagers remain limited, subtly guided along predetermined paths.

Although the 'special medicine' did not fully meet the family's expectations, it served its purpose to some extent, fostering a tentative reconciliation between the family and the village.

In the end, both sides took a step back, fostering a delicate balance between them.

The village decided to include the medicine in the 'Ninja Regular Medical Supplies Catalog', exclusively selling it at Uchiha's Ninja Supply Shop, with the village providing most of the ingredients. The family handles the rest of the production, reaping clear benefits. Special products like the exquisitely crafted shuriken and kunai from the "Land of Cats," as well as ninja-specific medicinal oils and ointments from other families, have all seen a spike in sales.

Consequently, the number of idle family members has significantly decreased. With everyone occupied, there's less time for idle chatter and complaints about the Hokage.

Regardless of location, engaging in foreign trade and increasing employment opportunities are essential!

Taking this into account, the newlywed Mei, supported by the patriarch and inspired by Toshiro's ideas, has spearheaded Uchiha's medical ninja team's research into new medicines.

One objective is to enhance the effectiveness of existing hemostatic drugs, thereby improving blood clotting, which is particularly beneficial for wounds that are deep and exceed a certain threshold.

Another goal involves developing a variant of the current hemostatic agent, with a focus on reducing its hemostatic function while accentuating its healing and anti-infection properties, thereby enhancing its utility, and many other initiatives.

"Ha! Are you also aware of this? I remember that you tended to devote yourself to practicing and avoid becoming involved in such unsightly situations."

Shido faced disdain from his peers due to his slight plumpness, leading to a limited social circle and few friends in class. Despite this, he remained attentive during lessons, often practicing diligently at home to enhance his strengths and maintain the image of a model student.

"Though I typically don't pay attention to such matters, I'm not oblivious either. How could I not be aware of the commotion?."

"Well, it doesn't bother me much. I intend to confront them after school anyway..." he remarked, indicating with a glance towards the children of prominent families seated in the front row, each adorned with distinct clan symbols on their backs.

'Is this audacity a sign of genius?' Shido thought about Toshiro.

The Uchiha clan truly lives up to its reputation as the most fiery clan in Konoha. Even in the face of concerted efforts from the kids of other influential families to stomp on them, they remain resolute.

After more than a year of interaction with his deskmate, Shido had developed his own perspective. Despite appearing aloof while quietly engrossed in reading each day, he surprisingly proved easy to converse with.

Each time I posed questions about his training, he responded earnestly. Following his answers, he would also explain the underlying use, ensuring I comprehended not just what but also why.

Such knowledge had always been hidden among ninjas, passed down not only through lineage or formal apprenticeships but also through secretive channels.

Toshiro, unlike many of his clan peers, did not harbor disdain for ordinary civilians. His demeanor was gentle, and importantly, he harbored no aversion to me due to my plumpness.

A young man in the front row with brown hair glared back at Toshiro as if he sensed his stare. This move set off a series of events; the imp Sarutobi Hiro and his companions at adjacent tables turned to see what he was staring at and started glaring at Toshiro.

Aoyama-sensei, who had been absorbed in drawing the trajectory of a sword on the whiteboard, turned abruptly. His face twisted with rage, and even the sun-exposed green veins bulged on his bald skull.

"All of you! Is my lecture really that bad? I feel extremely disappointed; this is the most chaotic class I have ever taught . Prepare to be punished by filing into the corridor in line."

Aoyama-sensei, who had been engrossed in sketching a sword's trajectory on the chalkboard, suddenly pivoted. His face contorted with anger, and even his bald pate, exposed to the sun, displayed bulging green veins.

An experienced ninja like Aoyama was not blind to the subtle antics of those cocky students in the front row. Trying to keep his status as a teacher intact, he quickly threw these "troublesome" imps out of the classroom.

Outside the classroom, the clan kids in the front row weren't about to let Toshiro off the hook. They glared at him with such intensity that it felt like their gaze could pierce through steel.

Toshiro paid them little mind, merely casting a sidelong glance. Yet, being slightly taller than his peers, his nonchalant demeanor was perceived as disdainful by the other students.

How could Sarutobi Hiro, who is usually so haughty, tolerate such provocation? His usual disdainful gaze towards those from lesser families and commoners was met with similar treatment this time.

He had to roll up his sleeves and have a good 'chat' with the guy across from him then and there. Even though the other was the best student in the class, Hiro wasn't about to back down when he had the advantage of six to one.

"Hiro, calm down! The teacher's still in the room; picking a fight now will just make sensei even more angry, and Toshiro will just laugh at us. We'll settle this after school."

The imp with the pineapple head couldn't help but exhale a sigh of relief as he saw his companion regain his composure. This guy was the Hokage's nephew and usually had quite the temper. Just one look was enough to set him off.

It's because Toshiro excels in everything in class and is the best student, which Hiro thinks should belong to him..

AN : This is one of the 'Not so good chapters'. Please bear with me guys the Academy ARC is coming to an end.. Lots of excitement ahead.

You can support me and read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account -

Special thanks to Cutler1812 and ninja0756 for their support.