Chapter 26

AN : I have read the comments on the differences between nii-san and nee-san, will incorporate them on the next update. Thank you for pointing it out Mercurio and Ramot.


***The next morning***

After finishing his morning class, Toshiro went to the grocery shop within the family compound. Yesterday, he had enjoyed a hearty meal at Mei's house. Today, however, he was preparing for lunch and dinner. Yesterday's dinner reminded him of the good times in the past when he was eating so many types of food that Mei used to make.

"Aunt Yuriko! This pork isn't very fresh! Replace it with beef. Well! That's it, 10 pounds."

"Toshiro, I'm not just boasting! Today's beef was freshly slaughtered and delivered less than two hours ago. If you miss today, you might not find such fresh meat the next time!"

"Oh! Then let's make it 20 pounds!"

"You've got a good eye. This spinach is on the house! That'll be 3,000 Ryo, with the odd amount rounded off for you."

The prices in the ninja world aren't exactly cheap. Twenty pounds of beef cost nearly 3,000 ryos. For context, a kunai at the ninja supply store costs only 800 ryos, and a shuriken is just 200 ryos.

"Aunt Yuriko, you're a savvy businesswoman. Your business is sure going to prosper at this rate!"

"Hahaha! You sure know how to flatter! I'll throw in this bunch of scallions for free too!"

"Thank you!"

As he chatted with Aunt Yuriko, the owner of the store, he also kept his ears open, listening to the sounds of adults talking on the street outside.

"Did you hear? A ninja has violated the rules, causing a mission to fail and significant damage to the Land of Fire!" a woman said mysteriously to her companion while shopping for groceries.

"Really? If something like that happened, Hokage-sama would definitely punish him!"

"I heard about it too! They say the ninja was Hatake Sakumo, the White Fang!" Another housewife, buying fish nearby, interjected urgently.

"White Fang? Impossible! He's a village hero who has saved many ninjas in the war!"

"It's true! Many people have been talking about it today," the vegetable shop owner chimed in. He had also heard the discussions that morning, all describing how Konoha's hero, known as the 'Konoha's White Fang,' had failed a mission, causing extensive damage to the Land of Fire.

'Is it really happening now? But the person behind the scenes..'

Toshiro secretly grumbled. In the world of ninjas, the villagers, untouched by the constant bombardment of information, are easily swayed by such shallow methods of manipulating public opinion, something he'd found laughable after his experiences in the online world of his previous life.

It is simply absurd for the details of the mission undertaken by a ninja of Hatake Sakumo's caliber to be leaked so casually to civilians. Toshiro, who had spent two years at the ninja academy and learned about the ninja secrecy system, knew this all too well.

At that moment, in Konoha's Hokage building, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, had just started his fight with paperwork when he received a report from an ANBU.

After quickly scanning the document, the Third Hokage frowned deeply, pondered for a moment, and summoned another ANBU operative.

"Go to the Root headquarters and summon Danzo Shimura," he ordered, barely acknowledging the subordinate who immediately left to carry out the task. Instead, he took a deep puff of his pipe and began to think quietly.

The report, which had come from the department overseeing public opinion in the village, highlighted an unusual trend noticed early that morning. Although the source of this covert manipulation was unclear, the vigilant subordinates didn't take any chances and promptly reported it to him.

Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't have to wait long. Within twenty minutes, the door to the Hokage's office was pushed open from the outside.

A middle-aged man in his fifties walked in. His hair was messy, and his forehead was wrapped in white bandages that extended down diagonally, covering his injured right eye. Only his left eye, as sharp as a vulture's, was visible, staring impassively at the Third Hokage.

"Danzo! What exactly are you trying to do? Influencing public opinion without authorization to attack a meritorious ninja of the village?" The Third Hokage preemptively questioned Danzo before he could speak. "Do you realize the harmful impact this will have on one of the heroes of the village. Unauthorized actions like this—do you even acknowledge my authority as Hokage?"

Before Danzo could take a seat, the Third Hokage's voice boomed with anger, as if he wanted to express the full extent of his frustration.

"Hero of the village? Does the damage he caused to the village and the Land of Fire this time make him worthy of that title?" Danzo retorted without hesitation. "The true heroes of the village are those who sacrifice everything in the shadows to protect peace and the village, not someone like Hatake Sakumo!"

As the leader of the Root division and the self-proclaimed guardian of Konoha, Danzo's stiff tone left the Third Hokage momentarily speechless.

"Don't you understand, Hiruzen?" Danzo continued, calmly and somewhat condescendingly. "Konoha can't maintain peace with mere words. The peace of Konoha has always been upheld by the silent sacrifices of people like us."

Looking at Hiruzen, who was sitting behind the Hokage's desk, wearing the Hokage's hat, Danzo's resolve was unwavering.

Hiruzen's thoughts fluctuated.

"That's no excuse for secretly slandering him. You know very well that he failed the mission to save his comrades!"

"It's absurd to save your comrades at the expense of the mission! A ninja's duty is to complete their assignments. By prioritizing his comrades, he neglected his duty. Sacrifice is an inevitable part of a ninja's life during missions!"

"If everyone follows his example, do you realize the repercussions? The village's mission completion rate will plummet! Over time, we will receive fewer missions. Can you bear those consequences?"

The Third Hokage, caught off guard by his former comrade's harsh truth, found himself in a dilemma. Which holds more importance: the mission or the comrades? For a moment, even he was uncertain.

"Danzo, Hatake Sakumo believes in saving his comrades as the true way of the ninja. Over the years, his reputation has grown immensely. Even the legendary Sannin respects his strength!"

"Well, let the 'hero' suffer for some time and reflect on his decisions for now."

With these words, Shimura Danzo turned away from Hiruzen Sarutobi without another glance, brushing past him with an air of finality.


The door to the Hokage's office slammed shut, and Danzo's footsteps echoed down the hallway, growing fainter with each step.

Inside the office, the Third Hokage remained seated, motionless, for a long time. The pipe in his hand glowed intermittently, the hokage's hat casting a shadow over his face, which was obscured by smoke, making his expression unreadable.

Meanwhile, Toshiro carried a large plastic bag filled with his latest grocery haul: beef ribs, spinach, potatoes, and more. Since Mei got married, these tasks have fallen to him. With control over the household finances, Toshiro didn't skimp on himself. Over the past two years, he has developed a rapport with the owner of the grocery store, who helped him procure a variety of ingredients. Occasionally indulging in meals of oysters and other seafood.

While pondering the fate of the White Fang and greeting acquaintances along the way, Toshiro made his way home. Since meeting Sakumo's family four years ago, he had occasionally seen them on the streets of Konoha. It saddened him to think that such a gentle, humble, and polite man could end up like this. Unfortunately, with his current small stature and limited abilities, he felt powerless to intervene.

The founding principle of the village was to protect its children and comrades. Yet now, a ninja was reprimanded for saving his companions and ultimately felt compelled to take his own life. It was a clear case of priorities being reversed.

"It seems the Third Hokage has tacitly accepted the situation," he thought.

The next afternoon, Toshiro decided to give himself a break and ventured to Konoha's commercial street. Holding a tricolor dango in one hand, he eavesdropped on the conversations of the adults around him.

Public opinion had shifted significantly. Unlike the previous day, when the news was only circulating among a few people, it has now become common knowledge. Groups of people gathered in public spaces, discussing the matter and sharing their diverse opinions.

In Toshiro's view, several factors contributed to the situation's development:

First, the timing. This was the window between the Second and Third Ninja Wars. Despite being famously known as 'Konoha's White Fang,' Hatake Sakumo's importance to the village had diminished. It's a common occurrence in any world or country for celebrated heroes to be cast aside once they've served their purpose.

Second, the village's power base. At this time, the Third Hokage was still at his peak, and his three disciples had earned the title of the 'Legendary Sannin.' Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade had all made names for themselves both in the village and across the ninja world.

Considering Shimura Danzo, the heads of major clans under the Hokage, and some of them who were prodigies trained by the Second Hokage, Konoha's talent pool was indeed vast. This included the steadily maturing Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Kushina Uzumaki, among others. The combat strength of Konoha Village was incredibly formidable, overflowing with skilled individuals.

A core question arises regarding the duties of a ninja: Is it more important to abandon your companions for the sake of a mission, or to abandon the mission to save your companions? This dilemma lacks a clear-cut answer. Neglecting a mission harms the village, but sacrificing a companion for mission success is equally problematic. Toshiro, after studying the ninja code taught in Konoha's academy, could discern the stance of the Third Hokage.

The First Hokage initially proposed the ninja code, which the Second and Third later refined and put together, emphasizes two key ideas: the mission is supreme and the village is supreme.

Another crucial factor is the political play at hand. Hatake Sakumo's downfall likely obstructed the ambitions of more than just Shimura Danzo; it probably included those close to the Third Hokage's potential successors to the Hokage's seat. If Shimura Danzo had acted alone, the repercussions wouldn't have escalated to such extremes. It's plausible that the Third Hokage's camp mediated this situation. After all, a mere mission failure wouldn't typically lead to Hatake Sakumo's disgrace and subsequent suicide.

In summary, Konoha's rich talent pool and the political intricacies within the village played significant roles in Sakumo's tragic end, driven by an unforgiving interpretation of the ninja code and the strategic machinations of influential figures.

Reflecting on the aftermath of the Nine-Tails' attack, with the Fourth Hokage and Kushina dead, Orochimaru's defection, and Jiraiya's departure, one can't help but wonder how Tsunade dealt with multiple traumas, including her hemophobia.

In speaking of Tsunade, I wonder if she is currently experiencing hemophobia. What about her short-lived lover, Dan Kato? Is he still alive, or did he perish during the Third Great Ninja War?

Tsunade's striking appearance—ample chest, curvaceous figure, slim waist, long legs, and blonde hair—left a lasting impression on me whenever I glimpsed her on the streets. It's no wonder that the pervert was obsessed with her. If it weren't for the age gap, I might have been tempted to pursue her myself. With my skills, why worry about other girls? After all, who needs anything more?

As I walked, I arrived at a courtyard in the middle of the village. Surrounded by a thick log fence, the courtyard featured evergreen trees and some flowers and plants, though they appeared slightly withered from neglect. In the center stood an L-shaped wooden house, its doors and windows closed, giving off a lifeless vibe.

Is this Kakashi's house? It looks a bit desolate.

Without pausing, I maintained my pace, passing by the courtyard. It wasn't wise to associate with Kakashi and Hatake Sakumo at this moment. Who knows if there's an ambush nearby? While it's unlikely they're in immediate danger, you can never be too cautious with someone like Danzo around. In a few days, the villagers will probably destroy the courtyard, and Sakumo's former teammates, whom he once saved, will insult and accuse him to serve their own dirty purposes.

I still have a long way to go. If only I had the strength of Madara or Hashirama! Then I could take on anyone I disliked without hesitation. But for now, I must focus on my training. The revolution is far from over, and we still need to work hard!

With that thought, I tossed aside the bamboo skewer I'd been eating from and patted my cheeks with both hands, ready to continue on my journey.

AN : You can support me and read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account -

Currently published 15 extra chapters with 25K words in P@treon. Will be publishing more this weekend.

And the publishing cycle might change in the future, as there as some things happening on the personal front. Hope you guys understand.

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