Chapter 33

AN : You can read chapters published ahead by supporting me (3$) on my p@treon account -

Currently published 24 extra chapters with 42K words in P@treon.

AN2 : The poll is still running and it seems daily update's gonna win.


Kirishima, displaying remarkable resilience, engaged in a fierce physical battle with Satoshi-sensei. Watching intently, Toshiro couldn't help but wonder aloud.

"Why is he only using taijutsu, shuriken, and kunai? Can't he use ninjutsu?"

Hearing this, Asuka glanced at the battlefield. She closed her eyes slightly, then replied with an expressionless face, "This idiot probably forgot to use ninjutsu!"

"Uh~" Toshiro was left speechless.

'Not only is he hot-blooded, but he also seems a bit scatterbrained!' he thought. Asuka's look of exasperation confirmed his suspicion.

"Damn! Again!" Kirishima cursed.

Despite his relentless efforts, his attacks had no significant results. However, his strength and speed were evident from the powerful gusts generated with each move, far exceeding those of ordinary ninja students. His resilience was also commendable. Knocked down multiple times by Satoshi-sensei, he continued to rise, regain his footing, and launch new attacks. Although he hadn't used ninjutsu or genjutsu, it was clear he possessed formidable skills.

Satoshi-sensei kicked the two kunai on the ground, sending them flying towards Toshiro and Asuka.

"As teammates, you can't just watch your comrade fight alone! You're nearly as skilled; it's time to join in!" Satoshi called out.

Toshiro tilted his head slightly, dodging the incoming kunai. After ensuring Asuka was unharmed, he turned his attention back to Satoshi.

Sensei had easily blocked Kirishima's kick and, with a swift maneuver, grabbed the attacking foot. With two quick spins, he hurled Kirishima across the training ground. Turning to face Toshiro and Asuka, Satoshi-sensei smiled.

Without hesitation, Toshiro seized the opportunity created by Kirishima's absence. Reaching into his ninja bag, he pulled out several shuriken and launched them in a rapid offensive against Satoshi-sensei. While the technique appeared similar to Kirishima's, Toshiro's shuriken flew with an even greater speed.

For Satoshi, such a straightforward attack was hardly a challenge. He kicked a kunai off the ground towards the incoming shuriken, intending to neutralize them as before.


Suddenly, a cloud of white smoke burst from the collision of shuriken and kunai, surprising Satoshi. The smoke enveloped the area near him, obscuring his vision.

Satoshi's surprise stemmed from the fact that the projectiles were clearly shuriken, not smoke bombs. What had happened?

Toshiro had cleverly reached into his waist with one hand for the shuriken while using his other hand to discreetly perform a few hand seals, executing the Transformation Technique. This was a product of his extensive ninjutsu research over the years. Unlike the standard use of the technique, which transforms the user into another shape, Toshiro used the technique to transform smoke bombs into shuriken, catching Satoshi off guard.

This innovative approach was inspired by Jiraiya's toad transformation technique from the original series, where Jiraiya transformed a Rain-ninja into a toad. However, using objects as a medium for transformation proved to be less difficult for Toshiro than transforming others.

Additionally, Toshiro had mastered the art of one-handed hand seals, a skill he developed through years of diligent practice and meditation. By understanding the flow of chakra in his body, he had successfully learned to perform simple ninjutsu with one hand.

Without any hesitation, Toshiro seized the opportunity created by the obscuring smoke. He quickly formed the hand seals and performed the Uchiha clan's signature fire ninjutsu.

"Katon: Fireball Jutsu!"

Suddenly, a massive orange-red fireball erupted from Toshiro and barreled towards the smoke-obscured area.

Simultaneously, Toshiro propelled himself with a burst of chakra, leaping into the bushes behind him. He knew that a simple Fireball Jutsu wouldn't be enough to take down Satoshi-sensei, and he adhered to the strategic principle of changing positions after an attack—a lesson ingrained in his meager experience.


A tremendous explosion followed, originating from where Toshiro had aimed. An enormous fireball, nearly seven or eight meters in diameter, seared a deep scar into the ground as it rolled forward, clearing away the smoke screen. It traveled twenty or thirty meters before colliding with a distant stone wall, causing another loud explosion and leaving a massive crater and a blackened scorch mark in its wake.

"Toshiro! You bastard! This is just a test, and you used a fire jutsu of that magnitude! You could kill sensei!" Kirishima, stunned by the aftermath of the fireball, shouted in disbelief as he surveyed the scorched area.

"Where's Satoshi-sensei? He's gone!"

"Idiot! Don't stand there! You'll be killed by sensei!" Asuka called out, exasperated. Although she was also shocked by the impressive fire jutsu Toshiro had unleashed, she quickly realized the need to move and followed Toshiro's lead into the bushes. Seeing Kirishima still dawdling, she felt a surge of frustration.


Suddenly, a hand emerged from the ground at Kirishima's feet.

"Earth Release: Double Suicide—"

Before Satoshi-sensei could complete his jutsu, a kunai shot out from the bushes, aimed precisely at the spot where his arm had broken through the ground.

Realizing the imminent danger, Kirishima finally snapped out of his confusion and instinctively leapt away. However, instead of retreating to safety, he stared at the spot where Satoshi-sensei's arm had emerged, bewildered.

With his ninjutsu disrupted, Satoshi-sensei had no choice but to reveal himself.

It was only then that Kirishima, whose mind was still reeling, understood that the fireball hadn't hit sensei at all.

Standing in the center of the field, Satoshi ignored the panting Kirishima beside him. Just as he was about to execute the Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu, he was interrupted. Surveying the traces of the recent battle, his face showed a hint of surprise. The timing of the attack was impeccable—right when he threw Kirishima aside. This avoided injuring his teammate and allowed for a more effective offensive.

The transformation of the smoke bomb into shuriken, though surprising, wasn't unprecedented. The technique was similar to the Third Hokage's Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu. It demonstrated a profound mastery of the basic transformation technique.

Yet he couldn't recall seeing Toshiro form any hand seals. Was it prepared in advance, or had he concealed the seals in his sleeve or behind his back? If it was pre-prepared, it wasn't too unusual—many ninja do this.

But if it was the latter, it indicated proficiency in one-handed seals. Only a few in the clan had mastered this, and they were all seasoned ninja, even elite ones. For an eight-year-old to have such talent was remarkable.

Moreover, the Fireball Jutsu just executed showed an impressive nature transformation. Its timing was perfect, striking while his vision was obscured by smoke.

The attack that interrupted Satoshi's jutsu required predicting his intentions in advance. Was it a lucky coincidence or deliberate?

If everything was as Satoshi suspected, Toshiro possessed extraordinary talent in seals, ninjutsu, timing, and prediction. His offensive coordination was seamless. Such a level of skill suggests a prodigious genius in the making.

Standing in the middle of the field, Satoshi glanced towards the woods, musing on these thoughts.

Had Toshiro known what Satoshi was contemplating, he would have been quick to shake his head. The seals and ninjutsu were indeed the result of his diligent practice over the past four years, not innate talent. With an adult's mindset, he had studied and trained relentlessly.

His mastery of timing and predictive attack connections was honed through years of gaming in his previous life. Those experiences translated surprisingly well into real combat. He had spent countless hours perfecting his skills to avoid being chastised by teammates and to excel in the game.

Applying these gaming tactics to battles provided an edge. Yet, compared to the flashy routines of professional gamers from his previous life, he still had a long way to go.

Glancing once more at the woods, Satoshi realized the two youngsters wouldn't emerge. He turned to Kirishima, who seemed ready to speak but was too late to do so.

Satoshi used a simple C-class Genjutsu to induce sleep. Before Kirishima could utter a word, he found himself surrounded by fluttering white feathers. His whole body felt warm, and his eyelids grew heavier.

'Damn, I must be caught in a genjutsu...'

Before he could finish his thought, he collapsed in the middle of the field, snoring softly. Satoshi, with his keen hearing, sighed inwardly.

"This kid's too high-strung. We need to train him better in the future. Time to deal with the other two."

He stepped into the woods, scanning the dense canopies, thick tree trunks, and grassy undergrowth.

The faint sound of footsteps reached his ears through the foliage. He thoughtfully stroked his mustache, then curled his lips into a knowing smile and pursued the noise.

In a sparser part of the woods, two figures—one male and one female—were darting away. They were Toshiro and Asuka. Trailing behind them was Satoshi, clad in a green ninja vest, who followed at a leisurely pace.

To him, these two kids, who had revealed their positions, were like fish on a chopping block. Within two minutes, he had caught up to them. However, instead of attacking, he observed from a distance.

Sensing someone was following, Toshiro casually flung Shuriken in that direction. Yes, he simply tossed them.

Given Satoshi-sensei's skill level and condition, Toshiro knew the shuriken wouldn't be effective. His main goal was to slow Satoshi down. Accuracy was a secondary concern.

"This shuriken attack is too casual! Does he realize it won't have any effect?"

Even Satoshi was taken aback. The Uchiha clan's shuriken technique was renowned, yet Toshiro's casual throws seemed to disrespect that legacy.

"Alright, time to teach this kid a lesson."

Satoshi effortlessly reached for his waist, producing several shuriken. Holding three between his fingers and another between his thumb and index finger, he flicked his wrist. The shuriken flew towards Toshiro with a series of 'whoosh' sounds, each one's trajectory elegant and precise.

Yes, elegant. The Sharingan's enhanced perception often made Uchiha clan members strive for perfection in their techniques, sometimes to the point of showmanship.

To Toshiro, some Uchiha moves seemed overly flamboyant, almost as if they were showing off.

AN : You can read chapters published ahead by supporting me (3$) on my p@treon account -

Currently published 24 extra chapters with 42K words in P@treon.