Chapter 44

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Currently, I have published 44 extra chapters in P@treon. The extra chapters are going to increase in the next few days. Please support me.

For the next week, I have an offer for all the patrons joining until June 15th. They will have access to two more chapters than promised in each tier.

Academy Student - 5 (+2) - 7 chapters.

Genin - 10 (+2) - 12 chapters.

Chunin - 20 (+2) - 22 chapters.

Special Jonin - 30 (+2) - 32 chapters.

Jonin - 40 (+2) - 42 chapters.

Kage - Full access to all the chapters.


In the center of the training ground, Satoshi observed his three disciples, reflecting on their performances during the recent exercise.

For a moment, he fell into deep thought.

Considering their actions during the pursuit and their usual behaviors, he devised a specialized training plan for each of them.

Kirishima's chakra, strength, speed, and innate talent in fire-style jutsu were impressive, reaching Genin-level. However, his lack of combat experience and reckless nature made him prone to falling into traps and being manipulated by simple tricks. Fortunately, he was still young, leaving room for improvement.

To correct his character, he planned to set various traps and challenges, hoping the repeated lessons would instill caution and strategic thinking.

Asuka also demonstrated strong chakra control and proficiency in fire-style ninjutsu and genjutsu, to the level of a mid-genin level ninja. Her exceptional skill in genjutsu, aided by her precise chakra control, stood out among her peers. However, her physical strength and taijutsu skills needed more improvement but were limited by her young age.

Satoshi decided to focus on enhancing her genjutsu skills, which suited her well, especially as a female ninja. Strengthening her physical fitness and gradually increasing her chakra reserves would be a long-term goal.

Finally, he turned his attention to Toshiro, recalling his performance in the forest.

During the exercise, Toshiro's speed surprised Satoshi. Not only was he quick, but he also adeptly navigated sudden obstacles like branches and vines and skillfully evaded kunai and shuriken attacks. His reflexes were excellent. Apart from needing improvement in strength, endurance, and combat experience, his speed and reflexes, ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu were approaching the level of a mid-chunin.

Even the amount of chakra he possesses has reached the level of an elite Chunin. (That morning, he had already created a single shadow clone for practice and household chores.)

With some targeted training to address his current shortcomings, he is well on his way to becoming a Chunin.

'It seems I still don't have a thorough understanding of my students.'

Toshiro's performance had genuinely amazed Satoshi.

With these observations in mind, he had already planned the special training for the next two weeks. Without hesitation, he addressed his panting students:

"In the coming weeks, I'll be arranging targeted training for each of you."

"Kirishima, I'll set up various contraptions, such as traps and surprise attacks, combined with real combat scenarios, to help you adjust and refine your overly impulsive personality."

"Asuka, due to your age, your chakra and physical strength are slightly lacking, but your chakra control is excellent. I'll focus on enhancing your physical training and further developing your genjutsu skills."

"Toshiro, you're proficient in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. I'll be conducting numerous combat drills to bolster your combat experience against opponents. Additionally, I'll include physical training to improve your strength and chakra reserves."

"These are my training plans for the next two weeks, and I will make appropriate adjustments based on your progress."

After delivering these instructions in one breath, Satoshi quietly observed his three subordinates.

For the next two weeks, Satoshi put them through rigorous combat drills. He occasionally unleashed his full killing-intent and the strength of a Jonin, allowing them to comprehend the gap between themselves and an Elite- Jonin.

Sometimes, he engaged them one-on-one, pushing them to their limits and revealing their potential and shortcomings. Throughout these sessions, he pointed out their weaknesses, gradually enhancing their combat experience.

He also instructed them on advanced fire nature transformation, helping them understand and practice the changes in the nature of fire chakra to enhance their abilities. The importance of genjutsu was not neglected either; he taught them how to better control their spritual energy, perform genjutsu, and resist genjutsu.

At the end of these intense training sessions, within the Uchiha compound, Toshiro was seen in his courtyard. Exhausted, he leaned against a wall, his legs trembling, and slowly made his way towards the entrance of his house.

In the past two weeks, Toshiro has endured mind-breaking training cum torture.

He had never been the type to push himself to the brink of exhaustion through rigorous practice. Despite the looming threats of future wars and potential extermination, he believed there was still time to prepare and didn't feel the need to rush.

His previous training regimen, although demanding compared to his peers, had always balanced hard work with adequate rest, never pushing him to his limits. He couldn't emulate the relentlessness of characters like Might Guy, Lee from the manga, who pushed themselves to the brink of collapse daily.

During these two weeks, however, Satoshi-sensei showed no mercy. Each day, Toshiro returned home completely drained, feeling as though every ounce of his strength had been squeezed out. Leaning against the wall for support, he felt as if his body was being drained out of life.

It wasn't just Toshiro who suffered; Kirishima and Asuka were also subjected to rigorous training.

Sensei was particularly diligent in Kirishima's training, aiming to curb his reckless nature. Every session included a variety of traps and routines specifically designed to challenge him.

Kirishima didn't disappoint; he consistently fell into the traps, experiencing new and challenging situations daily. These experiences, while bitter for Kirishima, were funny for Toshiro.

Despite the intense training, there were moments of levity. Toshiro often found himself amazed by sensei's ingenuity and strength as he watched Kirishima struggle against the various traps.

Asuka, being a girl, received slightly more lenient treatment, but she wasn't spared from rigorous training. She was constantly burdened with a large number of scrolls to study, which made her head spin. Additionally, she underwent intensive genjutsu training, which greatly enhanced her resistance to genjutsu.

To become skilled in genjutsu, resistance to it is crucial. Although she was an Uchiha, she hadn't yet awakened the Sharingan, so developing a certain level of genjutsu resistance was essential.

Sweating profusely, he leaned against the wall with one hand. Slowly, step by step, he moved his feet into the hallway.

"I'm back!"

Toshiro, utterly exhausted, didn't rush to change his sandals after entering the house. Instead, he weakly called out this greeting, a ritual he maintained despite his fatigue.

He sat down on the steps of the entrance to change his shoes, then collapsed onto the floor, lying on his back with his arms outstretched. He gave his exhausted body a brief rest.

After a long time, he let out a sigh of relief, allowing his nerves, numbed from the intense physical training, to relax a little. Slowly, he began to reflect.

It's not that Toshiro wasn't motivated; it's just that the past two weeks of special training have pushed his physical and mental limits to the edge.

After every training session, he felt both physically and mentally on the verge of collapse.

As an elite shinobi, Satoshi meticulously controlled the training intensity every day, keeping Toshiro's spirit and body perpetually on the brink and pushing him to his limits repeatedly.

The training was designed to strengthen Toshiro's will, practical skills, and physical fitness.

Initially, the intensity of the special training was manageable. It was tough, but not as excruciating as it became later.

As Satoshi gained a better understanding of Toshiro's strengths and weaknesses, he began to raise the bar, increasing the training intensity bit by bit. His goal was to train an excellent ninja for the Uchiha clan.

Seeing the potential in Toshiro, who could be an invaluable asset to the clan, Satoshi's 'Sensei' instincts kicked in, motivating him to push Toshiro even harder. This drive to nurture a genius ninja brought him a satisfaction he had never experienced before.

However, this meant more hardship for Toshiro. Sensei's relentless pushing, combined with increasingly challenging special training, left him utterly spent each day. Returning home in his current state had become the norm—too exhausted to even lift a finger.

Yet, this relentless training was not without its benefits. After two weeks of this hellish regimen, the daily special training arranged by Satoshi-sensei, combined with three actual combat sessions each day, had brought significant improvements.

Despite the exhaustion, Toshiro knew he was becoming stronger, inching closer to his goal with each grueling day.

Toshiro has now significantly improved in both combat skills and strength. He is far beyond his previous self, who trained in isolation. He could easily handle an ordinary chunin ninja one-on-one without much pressure.

Despite feeling inferior compared to other prodigies who could defeat Jonin Ninjas at the age of twelve, he had made impressive progress. Originally a 9–5 job worker, his self-made training plans had built a solid foundation, even if he lacked a mentor for traditional ninja training.

The Uchiha clan excelled in specialized training, covering scouting, combat, search techniques, chakra control, and the practical application of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. Their methods, tailored for their clan, were far superior to general Konoha ninja training.

Toshiro, unaware that his special training had only just begun, faced a long road ahead. Under Satoshi-sensei's guidance, his considerable strength, speed, reflexes, and chakra would soon be honed into real combat effectiveness.

This training would deepen his understanding of ninja combat, improve his ability to launch and resist surprise attacks, and better prepare him for the challenges ahead. Despite his lack of actual combat experience, his achievements were remarkable for his age.

Finally, kicking off his ninja sandals and feeling a sense of relief, he struggled to rise from the floor. Barefoot, he slowly made his way indoors. Due to the intense special training of recent days, he had reduced the number of clones he maintained at home from three to just one.

The aspects of his personal training had shifted from rigorous training in yin, yang release, and genjutsu to more mundane tasks like housework and reading. This change reduced his energy consumption and mental exhaustion.

He wasn't made of iron. Balancing the training of three shadow clones while coping with sensei's special training was a monumental task. To manage, he delegated household chores like cooking and cleaning to a shadow clone, freeing himself from additional strain after intense training sessions.

Entering the bathroom, he spent over an hour soaking in a hot bath prepared by the clone. The bath alleviated most of the fatigue from the day's grueling special training, making him feel rejuvenated.

He marveled at the resilience of people in this world, capable of enduring such brutal training and recovering so quickly. He wasn't sure if it was due to chakra or his body's natural recovery rate, but it was impressive nonetheless.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Toshiro, now dressed loosely, headed to his household armory. He began methodically preparing for the next day's mission.

He carefully checked and rechecked his supplies: shuriken, kunai, trap wire, explosive tags, dry food, ration pills, a change of clothes, and medical supplies.

After two weeks of special training, Satoshi-sensei fulfilled the promise he had made and took a C-rank mission from the Hokage Building to exterminate bandits. This would be the first C-rank mission for the three of them. It was also their first time venturing out of the village to face the real world and the killing and darkness that came with it.

Toshiro took this mission very seriously. He meticulously checked his weapons, equipment, and logistical supplies, ensuring everything was in order. He even packed 10,000 ryos as an emergency measure.

Leaving the safety of Konoha for the first time to face the harsh realities of the ninja world, including his first kill, made him anxious. There was no room for carelessness.

AN : You can read chapters published ahead by supporting me (3$) on my p@treon account -

Currently, I have published 44 extra chapters in P@treon. The extra chapters are going to increase in the next few days. Please support me.

For the next week, I have an offer for all the patrons joining until June 15th. They will have access to two more chapters than promised in each tier.