Chapter 56

AN: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 51 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Third Shinobi World War has nearly ended.


As Minato Namikaze's words echoed, a white haired figure dropped into the arena.

'So impatient!'

Watching the young figure standing in the open field, Toshiro couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation on behalf of Sakumo. I saw a six-year old kid who only reached his shoulder, standing there ready to fight to death, if required.

But now wasn't the time for such thoughts. From the stands, Toshiro leapt into the arena, landing just two meters from Kakashi.

"Seal of confrontation... Let the battle begin..."

With Minato's words, both combatants immediately widened the distance between them, each keenly observing the other's every move.

Kakashi, facing his opponent, didn't act rashly. He lowered his center of gravity and gripped the sword on his back, ready to strike at any moment. His cautious stance reflected his awareness of Toshiro's prowess, not only from the notorious events in the Forest of Death but also from the formidable genjutsu the previous day. He knew he had to bring his best to this fight.

In contrast, Toshiro wasn't as tense. Though he respected the future prowess of this "prodigy," he saw Kakashi as a six-year-old child and remained confident in his ability to win.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

Without hesitation, Toshiro initiated the attack with one of Uchiha's signature moves. Despite its reputation as a non-lethal jutsu in the anime, in reality, the Great Fireball jutsu was a favorite among the Uchiha for its formidable power, low chakra consumption, and versatility in both offense and defense. It was also effective in forcing opponents to move.

The jutsu had another advantage: the enormous fireball and its blinding light could obscure the enemy's vision, allowing for strategic maneuvers.

As the massive fireball surged toward Kakashi with unstoppable momentum, two shadowy figures trailed behind it, ready to strike at his position.

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!"

Kakashi employed a basic Earth Release jutsu to successfully block the incoming fireball attack.

He remained vigilant, fully aware that his opponent's assault wouldn't stop at just one fireball. Instead of dodging, which could lead him into his opponent's rhythm and put him on the defensive, Kakashi opted for blocking the jutsu with an earth wall.

Having successfully blocked the fireball with his Earth Release jutsu, Kakashi swiftly drew the short sword from his back. He climbed over the now crumbling earth wall and charged at the two figures attempting to flank him.

From behind the damaged earthen wall, Kakashi's voice rang out as he executed another jutsu: "Earth Release: Earth Wave!"

With this jutsu, the ground around him began to move like a wave within a ten-meter radius. The shifting terrain disrupted the movements of the two approaching figures, causing them to stumble. Instantly, both figures dissipated into clouds of smoke.

"They were clones!"

Though he had anticipated this outcome, Kakashi's expression grew more serious.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The sound of shuriken slicing through the air signaled Toshiro's next attack. Having relocated from his initial position, he launched a second offensive. The shuriken, propelled with precision, targeted Kakashi in front of the wreckage of the Earth-Style Wall and any figure that might still be hiding behind it.

This calculated attack was part of Toshiro's strategy. First, he used the slower but powerful fireball to draw the opponent's attention. Then, by changing his position, he followed up with a swift shuriken assault, which allowed him to control the trajectory and catch his opponent off guard.

If Kakashi did not defend himself adequately and merely dodged, Toshiro would seize the opportunity to close in rapidly for a third round of ninjutsu attacks. The barrage of shuriken would likely disrupt Kakashi's balance and movement, creating the perfect opening for Toshiro to strike decisively.

With his excellent skill, the four shurikens in each of his hands traced graceful arcs as they shot toward their target.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The continuous sound of the shurikens slicing through the air indicated the significant power behind them. A careless response could result in a serious disadvantage. The Uchiha clan, known for their Bloodline Limit, Fire Style Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, was also famed for their shuriken handling skills. Many who underestimated this art paid the price in blood.

However, as two clouds of smoke appeared, it became clear that Toshiro's attack was in vain. Both the figure rushing out and the one behind the earth wall were merely clones. Toshiro remained unfazed, showing no sign of surprise.

He had sensed something was amiss as soon as Kakashi used the Earth Wave jutsu. The deliberate flaw in Kakashi's clone strategy was transparent to Toshiro. Even without his Sharingan activated, his keen eyesight was unmatched by ordinary ninjas. He could detect subtle changes with just a bit of concentration.

The clone behind the broken earth wall was likely a decoy to distract from the real attack. As expected, a hand suddenly emerged from the ground at Toshiro's feet.

"Earth Release: Head Hunter Jutsu!"

The hand grabbed Toshiro's ankle, revealing Kakashi's intent to pull him underground. However, as Kakashi prepared to drag Toshiro into the dirt, he realized something was off. Quickly letting go, he attempted to dive back into the ground.

To Kakashi's dismay, all that remained was a wooden log. Toshiro had anticipated the attack and had substituted himself with a log using the Substitution jutsu. He was waiting for Kakashi's move, ready to counter.

Kakashi's calculated attempt to use the cover of the earth wall and his Head Hunter Jutsu to capture Toshiro had failed. Toshiro's foresight and quick thinking had turned the tables, leaving Kakashi to reassess his strategy.

When battling someone as astute as Kakashi, finding flaws in their strategy requires a carefully laid trap. Realizing this, Toshiro decided to use himself as bait.

The substitute log he used was emitting a trail of green smoke, accompanied by the distinct sound of an igniting explosive tag:

"Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!"

Toshiro had not only prepared the substitution log but had also attached an explosive tag to it, anticipating Kakashi's move. He knew better than to underestimate this future Sixth Hokage, famed for his ability to evenly match any opponent.

Kakashi's reputation for being an even match for everyone, from high-level ninja like Zabuza Momochi to powerful foes like Pain, Madara, and Kaguya, was well-known. Although Kakashi was still young, he should not be taken lightly. A misstep here would not bode well for Toshiro.


A massive explosion erupted, shrouding the arena in smoke and obscuring visibility for most observers. However, Toshiro, who was keenly watching the situation, had already moved to a safe distance and kept his eyes on the battlefield.

Having executed the substitution jutsu, Toshiro spread his legs slightly and braced himself, watching intently for any sign of Kakashi. Detecting movement, he channeled chakra to his legs, launching into the battlefield with blinding speed using the Body Flicker jutsu.

"This is the moment...Instant beheading!"

Confident that Minato, the proctor, would intervene if necessary, Toshiro focused entirely on his swift and decisive strike. Even if something went wrong, he trusted Minato's presence to handle any unforeseen complications.


The clash of metal against metal echoed through the smoke-filled air.


Silence followed, stretching on as the smoke began to clear, revealing the combatants locked in place. Toshiro stood with both hands gripping his sword, his eyes fixed intently on his opponent. Opposite him, Kakashi, slightly struggling, held his sword in a matching stance.


The spectators in the stands finally exhaled, releasing the breath they had been unconsciously holding. The tension of the rapid, relentless exchanges had kept everyone on edge, making them forget to breathe.

"These two guys... they're really cunning," remarked Asuka. From the beginning, both had been maneuvering and deceiving each other, only revealing their true intentions at the last critical moment.

This sentiment was shared by almost all the Shinobi observing the match. It was hard to believe that these two had graduated from the same ninja academy as them; the difference in their skill levels seemed immense.

Even Jiraiya, standing among the spectators, couldn't help but marvel at the prowess of these young genins. Reflecting on his Genin days, he remembered being more concerned with... other pursuits. Compared to these two, his power was far behind these two at that time.

Before being promoted to Jonin, Jiraiya's skills had been quite lacking. It wasn't until he signed a summoning contract with Mount Myoboku and learned the Sage Jutsus that he began to excel, surpassing many of his peers.

But now, these two young Shinobi were already far ahead of their contemporaries.

Jiraiya mused. "One is from Konoha's renowned Uchiha clan, and the other is the son of the late 'Konoha's White Fang.' If I had possessed such skill at their age, Tsunade would have been mine without a doubt."

AN: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 51 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Third Shinobi World War has nearly ended.